Matteo Infante

Dynamic Lights

As less and less releases of Progressive Metal albums sound interesting enough to my ears, it's awlays good to hear bands like Dynamic Lights. Having the chance to listen to their EP release some time ago, I was impressed by their progress in such a short period of time. I contacted Matteo Inante (the band's singer) and asked him a few things...
By Michael Dalakos
June 16, 2005
Matteo Infante (Dynamic Lights) interview
First of all, guys congratulations on your debut effort. Please give us a short biography of the band...

Hi, thank you! Well, the band started to play in 1997. Before Shape we released our EP

Can you give us some general info about the recordings of Shape?

The album Shape has been recorded at the FearStudio in Ravenna, at the beginning of 2004. The sound engineer was Riccardo Pasini, who has helped us to reach the perfect sound and mixing we had in mind. The studio was a great experience for us, we worked hard and we are completely satisfied with the final result.

DVS Records is a known label for Progressive Metal bands. Can you tell us how the deal with the label occurred and did you have other propositions as well?

Yes, you are right DVS Records is really a great label and their name has started to be known in the Progressive Metal scene. We had different offerings before DVS, but after few conversations with Rene Janssen, we decided to work together for the release of Shape, so we joined DVS records. Rene knew about us, when we decided to send a CD for the ProgPower selections; being one of the people who listened and selected the bands, he had a good impression of us, so he decided to contact us and discuss about DVS.

Can you tell us the major influences in Dynamic Lights music?

You know, it's really difficult to answer to this question, I think they are so many and so different at the same time. One day you can feel influenced by a certain music or band, the other day from another, I think it depends on the moment you are writing music and what you are listening those days, that's concerning influences. In general we prefer to follow our feelings and emotions, without thinking of any particular band. We all have our particular background and that help us to have so many shades during our composition.

A lot of people complain that nothing new is being told in Progressive Netal the last few years. Do you agree on this and how difficult is it to sound original today?

Yes, it probably is difficult to sound original nowadays, so many bands, too much to hear, a lot of clone bands too, but I think there is still space for good bands. Without giving you names, there are a lot of bands, not the famous ones, who are writing a lot of good music in the background of the big Progressive Metal scene. So, if you have a good product, well done, with good ideas, free of any barriers, I think you will have no problem to find out your way and sound original.

Please tell us the way Dynamic Lights work upon their compositions...

In general as I told you before, we really have no limits during the composition process. What I mean is that we just follow our emotions, for example all can start from an idea of the drummer as well as the other band members. Everyone gives his own touch and together we think how to develop the song, giving ideas or suggestions for the best result of the song.

Do you have any touring plans?

Yes, we have just finished the European tour with Nightingale and Tomorrow's Eve and it was simply great. Right now we are planning some gigs and possibly a tour here in Italy. For sure, we will take part at this year's ProgPower Festival in Baarlo (Holland), and so far it has an amazing list of bands, from Pain Of Salvation to Wolverine and from Green Carnation to Epica etc... For the future we hope to organize as many gigs as possible to promote our music, in and outside our country.

If you had the ability to change one thing in the music industry what would that be?

Well, I really don't know what to say because the music industry is too big and too various to give a single impression of it; but if I have to say something it would be a dream if every kind of music from Metal to Pop, from Classic music to Jazz, would have the same attention by the media and the people. A lot of music is not considered at all, and it will be good if they can get the same opportunity of big bands or commercial music. But who knows, maybe in the future Progressive Metal will be considered like Rock'n'Roll or Pop?!?

A set of less serious questions. If the band gets abducted by aliens what song will you play for them?

This is a great question! [Laughs] It depends on what they would like to hear. If they wish we could play them our entire album and see their reaction, maybe they could give us some alien advice or suggestions! If they like something for their travels I can suggest our friends Voyager from Australia!

If they like us we can sell them some CDs. I am kidding! If I want to try to escape from them I can always take with me Backstreet Boys or Meshuggah, the second one is amazing for us, but maybe for them they are too complicated!

While renting an adult film you discover that your music has been used as the soundtrack on one of these movie. How would you react to that?

[Laughs]Well, it would be great. I would be curious to know which song has been used and for what scene, then maybe we could ask them for copyrights! [Laughs]

Going to a live show you discover that you have been billed between two boy bands. How would you react?

I would prefer we were between two girl bands, that's for sure! Anyway, I would play with the same passion and impact we usually have, so some fans of the boy bands could discover another great kind of music and maybe become our fans too!

Thanks for the serious answers. What are the immediate plans for Dynamic Lights?

As I told you before, we have some touring plans for this year. Anyway, we will try to promote in the best way is possible our album Shape. We hope to spread our music through the world also using the Internet and so far all is going great. We are also writing new songs and they are coming out really amazing, but we will have time later on, now it's Shape time!

Thanks for your time. Please close this interview with a message to all the readers of Metal Temple...

Thank you a lot for your attention and for reading this interview! Thanks to the Metal Temple website and to all those who support our music! Enjoy your life and visit our website at for any news regarding the band!

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