
Timor Et Tremor

To rise up again, and to become stronger, not every person can do it, needless to say, survive what lies ahead. It is a matter of will, the motivation to become better even if there is chance to falter. Taking on the pagan approach towards the extremity of the blackened arts of Metal music, there is Timor Et Tremor. There is a variety of things that can be experienced through their music, and their new album "Realm Of Ashes" is a pure reflection of what is going on in a lot of people's lives, the fall, and the rise from the ashes. Steinmetal had a nice chat with Martin of the band, stay tuned.
December 11, 2022
Timor Et Tremor's Martin: "Be mindful. Think. And after you've done that
Hello Martin, it is a pleasure to have you for this conversation with Metal Temple online Magazine, it has been six years since the last time Timor Et Tremor were heard with new material. I can assume that the created gap was due to personal aspects, yet also thanks to the hell of a ride that humanity had in the past 2.5 years with the pandemic. And now, there is also the war in the East that has been troubling. How do you sum up these last couple of years? What was their impact on you?

As a band we had to suffer from the last years like everyone else. No concerts! Neither on stage nor as visitors... and we can say that our new album could have been released way earlier because of material shortage and other impacts on our label, the pressing plant, our producer and ourselves as we couldn't work as we wanted to.

Talking about impacts, the recent pandemic had a number on many people, not just the illness itself, but the mental state that it carried with it, in particular with being isolated and stuck at home. Since Germany had restrictions as well, what can you tell about those days and the mental effects that carried with them?

We weren't that much at home because of our jobs but after a while everyone noticed that the change in our lives became more difficult somehow and from time to time... one more, the other less. Especially the lack of concerts and festivals kicked in.

Thankfully, Timor Et Tremor survived the pandemic, continuing its activities, and the end result turned out to be the new album, "Realm Of Ashes". Was there any doubt about the band's state throughout the pandemic? Were there initial thoughts of calling it a day?

Short answer: Yes, these thoughts were present.

Let's talk about "Realm Of Ashes" as a concept, with you stating that it is a rather personal record in contrast to your previous albums. Can you say that the realm of ashes is actually our very own world, or a possible future that can happen in a much worse case than a virus?

The "Realm of Ashes" is part of our world like death itself, it's always there, waiting, watching... and sometimes we fall into it... but we rise from the ashes, like always...

Being it a personal record in nature, when it comes to the lyrical end, how did that come to pass on the record? What are these stories being told?

They are our thoughts, our hopes, our suffering and somehow the stories of our lives. But not always, sometimes they're just ideas, things we noticed and we're wondering about. We write those stories not just for ourselves but for the listeners and we try to do that in a way they can apprehend from their own perspective.

Out of these emotional stories told to the listeners, as they sink in deep into the atmospheric nature of the songs, what forms of messages, or rather the channeling of morals, do you wish to convey?

Be mindful. Think. And after you've done that, think again.

The album's artwork shows remains, maybe an animal or something that looks like an animal, certainly not human. How does it express the title in your view? What can you tell about the vision that stands behind this art?

I found that skull while I was working near a forest where I grew up. What is it? What was it? How and when did it end here? How long would those remains last? - In the end the blackness will overcome even the bones and grind them to ashes...

I found it to be quite interesting, there is a reference in the dossier of another sub-genre, which you promote that is called "Chattic Black Metal". This is news to me, and good news judging by the music. What can you tell about it and its origins as you see it?

That term was formed a short while after the beginning of the band. It is a reference to the ancient tribe that lived where we live today. We have a hill here and it's told that this tribe fortified the top of that hill and lasted against christianization longer than everybody else... it's just a legend.

Inside looking in, the vibe of the music is Black Metal by its core, with a melodic edge that enchants it, contributing to its clarity, creating a form of atmosphere that in time is intensified as each of the songs progresses. I might add that the music speaks of a journey, yet, it has to be rediscovered time and time again. What is your take on that? How do you find the musical edge on "Realm Of Ashes"?

Black Metal had its impact on every one of us in our younger years. It comprises the beauty and the ferocity of nature and life itself but the way we look at that changes from our insides as we grow. So does the music we create over the years. "Realm Of Ashes" captures a moment of that evolvement.

Another aspect that made its impact, and it was also mentioned, is the variety featured on the songwriting, and a creative process that crossed these past few years. I have to ask; how did this last period of time affect the songwriting? How did it contribute to the creativity within the band?

Our creativity nourishes on the events happening in our lives. Sometimes we look back at past days and sometimes the present or the things to come may inspire us. Actually the last two years couldn't affect our songwriting because we finished the recordings in October 2020.

The musical elements that carried with them the sense of melody, along with the diverse vocal line, that shaded light but also darkness and pain, were those that made me shiver while listening to some of the songs. How did these elements make their impact on the dramatic flavor that has been spread through the record?

I think those elements form our music from the first beginning not only at the new album. They just emerged the way they are and characterize the atmosphere Timor et Tremor creates.

Certainly I can agree that "Realm Of Ashes" needed a fine treatment, actually, an exemplary treatment in order to convey itself properly. The engineering, and production, of the album turned out to be a clear vision, crystal and mesmerizing. Being able to listen to everything that is going on within the songs, now that is an attribute that should not be ignored. What is your opinion about the sound of the band on the record and the work done?

I think Victor made the right decision with this natural and brilliant sound. The elements that aren't clearly Black Metal may be the peculiarity adorning our music. The sound emphasizes those elements and the single instruments when they need it.

I can understand why "Of Wolf And Sun" was chosen to become a single, and also with a video no less. This song is one of the hooking tracks on the record, even with its complexity, and that can be said on all the songs. However, this one has the brighter atmospheric nature in contrast to the rest. What is your opinion of this song?

After we recorded the album this song evolved with every time I was listening to it. And even after I had to listen to it way more often as I wanted to because I made the video for it, it is still one of the very best creations for me personally. I feel a lot of joy playing through these passages.

"A Hundred Days Of Rain", if you would ask me, that is a different level of emotional intensity, and joining it, is the next in line, "King Of the Lost", which I could feel someone is crying from the inside, with such torment or self-loathing. These two songs represent some of the powerful dramatic moments of the album, like ongoing tragedies. What can you tell about these songs? What can you tell about their structures and their impact?

"Hundred Days of Rain" is a song in which Hendrik has come to terms with the death of his father and obviously you can perceive this as some kind of a different level the song is rising to. An equally unfolding journey is the "King of the Lost", which also reveals that there is always something afterwards, good or bad. This is the concept of those songs and of the album "Realm of Ashes" itself.

Trusting that Timor Et Tremor is a live band as well, what are your plans going forward in order to support the record?

Unfortunately, we are not able to get on stage at the moment because of a handful of reasons. So we make every kind of promotion like videos, this so called social media stuff and lots of interviews! Besides that, we hope that our child may become strong enough to carry itself along its future way.

Martin, many thanks for your time and patience for this interview. I wish you all the best

Thank you

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