Martin Haumann
Mother Of All
I'm good! Pleasure to be with you! A bit overwhelmed by all the response to the album "Age Of The Solipsist" and all the work surrounding the release.
Yeah that is completely right. This can be a pretty bleak business in some regards. I had to learn the hard way that you have to keep the cards close to your chest and not trust people to much when it comes to building a band and brand together. I try to not be that guy in life and business. But with Mother Of All I don't have to worry about any of that or people's weird intentions. Its all on me.
It was definitely a steep learning curve! On the first I did everything myself. This time around I got the help of Steve Di Giorgio, Hannes Grossmann and other great artists. That has helped the process a lot.
To be honest though it's all just fun and interesting. I have not tried out a fraction of the visions I have for Mother Of All yet.
It's always been coming from my ideas and songs. I have had the gracious help of great colleagues and friends all throughout. Without them none of this could have been possible. I love collaboration and having other people bring in new magic to this one-man band.
I have a little SWAT-team of killers that will help me. Great musicians. This is sometimes super technical stuff, so there is a lot of practicing that has to be overcome to have a live set. Mother Of All has already performed live in Denmark and Norway at some festivals. Currently I'm talking to some different promoters and bands about getting some shows up and running.
Yes. The Black Lion team has been great. One thing that really impressed me was that they got so many of the influences and ideas right away! It's as you say a release with a lot of little twists and it's just cool and fun when people go like "ohm that's Necrophagist right? … And is that Death mixed with Judas Priest - What the hell?!"
That is a cool formulation of the concept - thanks for that! I think you are right. There are couple of ways to view it. One is that the mind creates a model of the world which may be more or less precise. We can't always introspect into our own mental blind spots. A lot of our opinions and ideas are self-serving, they make us feel good about ourselves or make us feel that we understand the world.
What seems to be happening these days, and has been happening for some time is that technology feeds in to this tendency. Kind of hijacks our emotions and just makes us blow certain things out of proportion in how we view the world. That's what "Curators Of Our World Scope" is about.
The other songs tackle it from different perspectives.
One thing is the way our ability to discuss issues is completely dysfunctional. We tend ascribe so many bad intensions and ideas to other people without investigating our own motives.
Another is how we've opened up the landscape for total narcissists to take over the airways. I know that its popular to say that the personal is political, but man is that approach abused for political brownie points on all sides. All the while things like the actual power centers in the world operate in not so transparent ways. But all incentives today bring us to talk about some peripheral drama.
These are just a few. Read the lyrics. Disagree with them. Or Agree. Think. It's a broad concept to me.
No. Its hardwired into us. Personal ego is not something you can ever do away with. It seems be part of the psychological makeup.
A funny example is the world of martial arts. Fake black belt martial artists getting their asses kicked by real fighters are an overt example. But you have a subtler example if you ever train with the more serious MMA and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu practitioners, which I have tried for some years. Let me tell everyone, EVERYONE has an ego. It will flare up, or it will make defense mechanisms, that make people say stupid shit or get angry at honest questions for example. I'm no exception to this by the way. And even a lot of the ones who pride themselves on not having a big Ego, end building something up around THAT fact.
The best we can hope for individually is probably to be aware and catch ourselves. Collectively I think it's about incentive-structures. But the road there… who knows
We talked a lot about the themes and had tons of ideas back and forth. There is an element of the myth of narcissus in there.
Yeah, we started with that because of the first single "Autumn", which has a melodeath vibe for a lot of the song. We all knew that this label would not be enough, but writing some long-ass 'new' genre name just doesn't feel right. Truly making something new is rare. But you can walk around the edges a bit and see if there is a crack in the walls to explore.
It's been a journey and learning experience. Especially how production, instrumentation and songwriting all fits together. I'm happy with some of the bolder production choices we took. I have so much to think about and work on. I've already started working on the next album.
You should!
But yeah, this was like a departure from all that. Although you can still hear the core DNA of the band in those EP's.
It's been approaching the songs with a fresh perspective every time. I have some creative ways of doing that, which keeps it fun.
Hmmm. I haven't thought of it in exactly those terms. But you might be on to something. I sometimes imagine that I'm a different person with a different approach and feel and taste palette. Or that I'm a guitarist playing drums or a drummer playing guitar etc.
I think they were intrigued and also digging a lot of the elements. Some of the songs are a challenge so it takes a special type of musician to sit down and learn the material. I couldn't have done it without them.
Frederik is a really talented and hardworking musician. He was actually a stand-in guitarist in another band once. So we just kept in contact and I knew he would be the type of guitarist, that is open and very collaborative. So he is perfect for this eclectic album.
We've talked about it, but right now there is too much physical distance between us to make that viable. Unfortunately, but who knows what the future will hold?
Ohhh that's hard to say. The album is all about variety and throwing some curveballs at the audience, but also having some steady, melodic elements at times. I really hope people will dig into the song "At The Edge of a Dream". Lyrically I think it's good and it's just got to a banging main riffs and actually percussion and me smashing trash-cans in the background.
I think the most out there sound and feel-wise is the song "Feel the Pain". I wanted to morph Mother Of All's sound with more clean vocals, old school approach to riffs and some dynamic drumming. That one is out there for sure. Not in the individual elements or technicality, but how they come together in the context of the album.
I think it's looking alright. The vaccination process has been a bit slow. But we are getting there.
Just getting a beer at a concert and going out without having a test every 72hours.
That was the goal so this great to hear - Glad you enjoyed it! I will continue to create, refine and explore, so hope to speak to you again when there is more music Lior!
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