Marko Pukklia

Hello, thanks for asking. It´s been a busy summer for us. Everything is looking great here.
After UNHOLY we kind of took a break And in 2016 we decided to quit. We had our farewell show at Nummirock Festival in the summer of 2016. After we quit our fans kept on asking us if there were a chance that we would reform and do more music and a lot of fans also wanted new music etc. So we talked about it with the guys and in 2020 we reformed and we had plans to do a 20 years' anniversary tour that year but then the Covid came and everything got postponed.
Well the music scene has changed here in a decade. A decade ago we had most power metal bands coming from Finland, now we have a lot of AOR and softer bands like Brother Firetibe and One Desire and so on. I think we still fit in the music scene over here.
We worked on the new album during the pandemic. We got more time to concentrate on album when we didn´t have any shows or tours booked. Of course it would have been great to have the new album out already in 2020 when we had our 20th anniversary year. But as mentioned earlier the pandemic came and changed the music business totally for a couple of years.
I think it was Reaper Entertainment´s idea to release Divinity first. We had plans to re-release Invitation and The Fallen Empire also a bit later. All remastered, but then the pandemic came and it got postponed. And now with the new album coming out the record label got the idea about doing a limited boxset that included all the first three album remastered as well as the new album.
I have been good friends with all of the guys even though I left the band prior to Unholy. There was no drama included. And it was actually my idea to reform Altaria in 2019. I made contact with the other guys and said that people still asks us if there will be new music or are we going to play live again, that they would be interested to reform the band and put out our three first albums, which all were sold out, and also work on a new album. Everyone were really excited about it and I had some song written and I sent them out to the guys and they loved them. So we started to work on the new songs and it was like we´ve never split.
I had an artwork that a graphic artist had made for me some years ago. I had never used it anywhere and when we started to work on "Wisdom" and I remembered the artwork and I thought it would be a good follower to the earlier Altaria artworks. So I showed the artwork to the guys and we decided to use it. I think it was our drummer Tony who came up with the idea that the album would be called Wisdom. We had a song called Wisdom, so we thought we would use that title.
We started Altaria over 20 years ago. Our first albums were heavier than Wisdom. I think that the new album sounds like Altaria nowadays. We have always played melodic 80s metal/hard rock and we still do. Maybe the production is different also nowadays. It's not that metal any more than it used to be. So the new album is kind of a mix between continuance of the past and evolutionary stage.
We have gotten really good response from the fans. They love the new album. And a lot of fans say it was better than they ever thought it would be. Some fans maybe expected a bit heavier album if they had listened more to our first album. But the fans that have stayed with us all the way through all albums loved it.
Luckily we had the songs written already before the pandemic. It was when we were about to enter the studio when the pandemic hit the music scene. Luckily we have our home studios where we could record our own parts etc. which made it a lot easier to record the album during the pandemic.
We wanted the album to sound like an Altaria album. We have always written songs with catchy song melodies and sing-a-long choruses as well as great guitar hooks etc. So when we started to work on the new songs these where the elements we wanted to include to this album also, the elements Altaria´s songs are known for. And from the feedback we have gotten from fans they have said that the album totally sounds like an Altaria album.
Taage did an excellent job on the album, once again. His voice gets better year after year. I was not in the studio when he recorded the vocals. But when I got the songs with Taage´s vocals on them, I was totally blown away.
Crimson Rain was originally a normal 4-minute song. When we started to work together on the song we wanted to add something more to it and make it a little more special. Not just a "normal" Altaria song. We remembered some songparts that we had worked on that might fit to the original version of the song. So we tried them out and it turned out great. So it's kind of a mix of two songs, two different songs that matched perfectly so they became one longer song.
We have played some festivals here in Finland this summer. And we some shows booked for October. Hopefully we will get the chance to tour outside of Finland too.
Thank you Lior. It was great to talked with you. Take care!

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