Marco Di Bartolo

Ave! Thank you, the pleasure is mine. Well, in the meantime, I had time to complete some projects. As you know, I'm still playing in some other Bands and making music is an elemental part of my life.
Well, I had already written some songs at the time of "Beneath Ancient Portals". The other songs were then composed a little later. Since I did not write all the songs in one cycle, the material was a bit different. So I got the idea to divide the material into different chapters. There was no specific reason for Abythic to release a new album after such a short time. The material was ready and could be published. But in general, I'm pretty quick in songwriting. Of course, with "Beneath Ancient Portals", Abythic has made good progress. The album was well promoted and was well received by the fans. I am very satisfied with it, for an underground band.
The line-up changes within the band simply belong to the concept of Abythic. After each release, Abythic redefines itself. I don't want the band to repeat itself with releases. Abythic changes musically, visually and lyrically. As you may have noticed, the band logo on each album changes, along with the members. It has always been that way and will continue to do so.
There was no specific reason for the change of the record company. Blood Harvest Records has done a great job in publishing and promoting "Beneath Ancient Portals". Xtreem Music had already shown interest in Abythic in the past. Concerning the cooperation with Dave Rotten and Xtreem Music, I can`t say anything negative. I'm very happy and grateful for everything he has done for Abythic so far.
No, I would not say that. "Conjuring the Obscure" consists of 4 different chapters. Each chapter stands alone and has a different lyrical and musical guide. The art was to combine everything into an album and make it sound uniform. To explain it briefly:
Each chapter was sung by another singer, who of course also lyrically differs from the others. Lyrically, all topics are covered that define a title like "Conjuring The Obscure".
Of course, the classic old school Death metal elements dominate the music. However, there is still room to include other elements. Abythic has always had a "doomy touch". These can be found in all previous releases. It is important to me that the releases are clearly different and provide the necessary variety. But I can definitely confirm that in the near future, especially at the next release, significantly more "Doom" parts will be found in the music. The band is somehow always referred to as a "Death / Doom Metal" Band.
I have always written all the music for Abythic . All demos were recorded by me alone. I could have done everything by myself but I didn´t liked the idea of a "one man" band. For the releases, I brought in other musicians who completed the lineup. The material was then recorded on the basic ideas of my demos. The other members, of course, had the opportunity, to a certain extent, to bring themselves into the music, which is very important too, because that's exactly how the songs and the releases have become what they've become. The influences of the other members have contributed a clear part to this, lyrically as well as musically. At this point, I would also like to thank all the previous members for their devotion.
"Conjuring the Obscure" is divided into 4 chapters. In the respective chapters, the music is completely different from each other. So it´s not only the vocalists that change, different sounds were used for each chapter. Parts of the drum kit like Snares or Cymbals were exchanged, Other guitar sounds were used. The whole thing was then uniformly provided with various intros, as before on all other releases. It's almost like a soundtrack. The album is basically a 4 way split with ourselves.
There is no favorite song. For me, the entire work always counts. Everything has to be perfect for each other. I always listen to my albums completely. The songs are connected by intros and it makes no sense for me to hear the songs separately from each other.
Actually, I've always been the guitarist in the band so it's not that hard for me 😉 I have been writing my own songs for a few years now and have been playing for a while now. Still, I would not call myself a good guitarist. Technically, the former guitarists were clearly better than me, of course. I only know how to write good songs because I have a clear vision. My main job is the drumming. Meanwhile, I do everything in a variety of bands. Vocals, bass, guitar and drums
Yes, definitely! Abythic is my main band, of course. But, I also like to play for other bands on their albums. When I'm excited about the music, nothing really stops me. In the meantime, I have recorded a lot of releases for other bands like: Adversvm, Haimad, Rex Verminorum, Ornament of Thorns, Sacrilegious Rite, Malist………just to list a few.
The entire album was recorded and mixed by T.S. at the Flashback Recording Studio in Germany. It was mastered by Patrick W. Engel in the Tempel of Disharmony. Abythic had worked with both previously for the "Beneath Ancient Portals" album. Well, I hate this modern, clinical sound. That's why it's even more important to get in touch with the right people, who are also old-school, and know how to give a band the right sound.
Concerning live activities, there is really nothing to report. Our performances in the past can actually be counted on one hand. And to be honest, I don`t think that's going to change. I do not necessarily have to play live either. For me it is much more important to compose new material and to release it.
This is difficult hahahaha ……. There are so many. But I really liked bands like: Carcinoid, Infernal Invocation, Demonomancy, Innumerable Forms, Perverted Ceremony…..stuff like that.
It was a pleasure and I also thank you for your interest in Abythic
Horns Up!
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