Luther Beltz
June 23, 2001

In October 1980, I replaced Steve Bridges as frontman for the old Witchfynde. They wanted a more flamboyant aggressive meaner looking singer. Being an ugly mean mother fucker, I got the job. After recording Cloak and Dagger (1983) and Lords of Sin (1984), the band split due to apathy from the record companies. No backing at all (financially), they just wanted to make a quick killing. It left me with a sour taste in my mouth. I vowed I would never do it again.
We changed the I to a Y, to throw off the curse of the old band. We think, also, it looks better. We tried, I hope we succeeded, to keep the New Wave of British Heavy Metal feel, but with a modern slant.
How can you describe the sound of Wytchfynde? Can you put a label on your music?
I think, as in the previous answer, its still got the old feel, but edging a little modern, just a sprinkling, you understand. The old Witchfynde just had one guitarist, we have two, so it doesn't lose any power in the lead breaks. Tez, our drummer who is only 19 years old, drives with so much energy. I guess this helps us quite a lot. I love the Judas Priest - Rob Halford sound. Full and Hard and Heavy. True Heavy Metal.
I am not the original Witchfynde singer. This honour belongs to Steve Bridges. It seems I am the one people remember (no ego here). Maybe after five years with them, it seems like I was. My band: Dave Hewwitt (bass), was singer in a band called Warrior and then on bass in Stormwatch, Ronnie R (guitar) was also Stormwatch, Rick Gilliat (guitar) was in Frontier and Tez (drums) was with Storm Godz. I didn't find it all that hard to put these guys together, I had known Dave for a long time, Ronnie came with Dave (cant get rid of him), Andy Dawson (Savage) recommended Rick and we found Tez playing in a pub. The band was complete.
I wrote the lyrics of the album. The Wife thinks I am a weird mother fucker. The music is all down to the Band. It was a hard slog, really, but the end result was well worth it. I am so pleased with the album, the reviews from all over the world have gone beyond our wildest dreams. The cover was done by a guy in Germany (many thanks for that) so many to pick from.
I would have liked to have spent a lot more time and money on the whole album. The production is, as good as, we could get it for the time we had. Having said that, maybe it should have been better. It took us about three weeks to do the album, that includes mixing. The next album, we should have more time to tweak up the production. At this moment in time, we can't compete with the major bands, so we had to have shit hot songs to offer you all out there.
Yes we are happy with Demolition, WE GET ON WELL WITH EVERYONE THERE. They have done a great job getting the album out there, no complaints so far. We are planning to come out to Europe, just wanna see how the album sells. In fact we wanna play anywhere and everywhere. Take it to the people who matter, the FANS. Yeah, we got two more albums to do with Demolition. We hope to have another one ready, early next year.
As I said we wanna tour anywhere any country and fans who wanna see us. If the people want it, we will deliver, make no mistake about that.
Never really did a tour with old Witchfynde, cheated the fans with the live bonus tracks on Lords of Sin they were recorded in the studio. But I can assure, any thing we do, we will not lie to you all. I did do the odd gig with them, shared the stage with Phil Lynott (Thin Lizzy), Dedringer, Mamas Boys and Heavy Pettin. Best touring experience: Right now, with my own band, not always to packed houses over here, but the fans know just who the fuck they have been to see. We seem to storm everywhere we appear.
I love any form of Metal , IT'S GOTTA be better, than the shit the POP industry is churning out. There is nothing more that pleases my Black Heart, than the gut churning sound of Heavy Metal no matter what form or path it takes. Its orgasmic ya know. Lets see if the resurgence of some of us, eighties bands, leads to anything. If we have anything to offer, the kids will pick up on it, lets just see. But so many fans have written or e-mailed me to welcome me back, I cannot and will not let them down.
Well, the man himself OZZY love the guy to bits, Ian Gillan another master, the Godlike Rob Halford when fires on all cylinders makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Then we got Dave Lee Roth what a frontman and last but not least DIO little guy big voice. Nuff said.
You may read this and think I am back to make money on past glories. I can assure you all, I aint. I am back doing something I love more than life itself, HEAVY METAL, nothing kicks ass like it. The raw energy, the excitement, sometimes it reflects peoples fantasies or maybe a social statement, Maybe if our so called great leaders, would partake in an Metal concert, got rid of their aggressions at such a gig then maybe................. Fuck it, BLESSED BE, From the band (Wytchfynde) and myself, we hope to see you all soon.
Your servant,
Luther Beltz.
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