Liv Kristine

Liv Kristine

Liv Kristine is a singer / songwriter who has performed various subgenres of our glorious Metal. Metal Temple frontman from the UK writer Michael Coyle had the pleasure of speaking with her.
By Michael Coyle
November 6, 2014
Interview - Liv Kristine interview
First off thank you very much for taking the time to do this interview.

My pleasure

How're you doing today?

I'm doing perfectly well thank you, I'm extremely busy because I'm in the middle of composing a new Leaves Eyes and album and promoting Vervain, and practicing with Leaves Eyes for the anniversary show.

So from what I've seen you've been very busy this year with the release of your latest album Vervain being released October 24th, as well as your work with the Sirens.


Speaking of The Sirens, I wanted to ask how did this idea come about to begin with?

That was at the Masters of rock in the Czech Republic just a little more than a year ago, it was inbetween Anneke Van Giersbergen and Leaves Eyes concert and I went to Anneke's backstage just to have a chat with her but I actually wanted to ask her to join me on stage someday because we are the originals, the original angelic voices in doom metal, so that was my intention, I wanted to get Kari (Kari Rueslatten) on board as well, as being one of the original Sirens as well, and I asked Anneke as well for Kari's contact, but the couple of weeks later Kari got in touch with me and this is how it all started, just a pure idea and a pure coincidence.

What inspires you at this moment when it comes to writing music?

Actually it's, I have an excellent song writing team, it's not only me it's my main composer Thorsten Bauer the guitarist in Leaves Eyes and Alexander Krull my husband, and the three of us are actually the song writing team and we're a great team and before we start recording the album Thorsten or Alex recorded a couple of ideas just to see where this thing might be going and then I sit down and start adding my concept, and I dig out my old books and that's where I start from, so we never really plan anything really accurately we just start with a couple of ideas and then we see what happens.

Is there any plans to tour with your new solo album at all?

Well actually next week I'm driving down to Holland to practice with The Sirens, and on our set list there will be Theatre of Tragedy songs With the 3rd and the Mortal songs The Gathering songs and there will be songs from our solo stuff to and I will be bringing Vervain and we will be playing two songs from that album,.

What would you say has been the best show you have ever done in your carrier as a professional musician?

Hmm that's a damn good question, but I think hmm, well the biggest show I did was the Leaves Eyes Viking ship show in Waken two thousand twelve, that was amazing and everything went well, there are so many things we had to do to prepare so that was amazing, but actually a couple of months ago we played in a Czech Republic Made of Metal and it was just one of those moments where I thought hell I know why I'm doing this (laughs) it was just amazing it was magical, and in two weeks we will have the anniversary show coming up in Belgium for the Female Metal festival, and that will be special because we had the fans voting for the set list, so they chose the set list and there's a lot of rehearsing going on right now but it's going to be very exciting, that's going to be huge.

Are there any new bands that you would recommend to your fans?

Yea, actually my sister's got a new band called SAVN and she just released an album with them and that's great and it's also kind of back to the roots, yea I love it.

What has been the most random thing you have ever seen on tour?

(Laughs) Well some fan he must have been very much into feet because he was lying on the ground, he was dragging himself along the ground on the stage, he came on stage and he was actually kissing my feet and I was trying to perform a ballad and I couldn't get him off.

Finally do you have anything to say to the fans listening?

I just wanted to say thank you so much for being with me throughout all these years and without you I wouldn't be here and because the business the music business in itself it sucks (laughs) it really sucks, the music business sucks but I'm here for you.

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