Liv Jagrell

Liv Sin

LIV SIN is led by the charismatic singer Liv Jagrell (ex-Sister Sin), the band now aims to conquer the world. After 13 years of touring, supporting bands like Slayer, King Diamond, Motörhead, Doro and U.D.O. - gathering a major fan following - Livs previous band, Sister Sin, called it quits in 2015.
In 2016 singer Liv Jagrell let the world know that she had formed a new band - Liv Sin. With a heavier sound, driven by furious guitar riffs, the band released their debut album "Follow Me" in 2017. The quintet followed up the release with immense touring during the festival summer and the fall in Europe, and later releasing the acoustic EP "Inverted". Metal Temple writer Jo Jo Hamilton recently caught up with Liv to see what she has been up to.
By Jo Jo Hamilton
November 10, 2019
Hi Liv may I say thank you for performing this interview for Metal Temple Magazine. What inspired you during the writing process?

I would say it took about 6 month to write the album, even though we had ideas before and we also had a summer in between, but yeah around 6 month.

What inspired you during the writing process?

As for the music, this time I didn't listen a lot to other music for inspiration I wanted to let the song develop on its own. From the riffs and harmonies that my guitarists brought and for the lyrics I tend to write about things, events and thoughts that are important to me or gets to me, or that I wish could change. It can be personal, or things happening in our world.

What are the differences between Liv Sin and your previous project Sister Sin?

For me its first of all that I do write music and lyrics in Liv Sin, which I didn't do in Sister Sin. And second i would say Liv Sin is more heavy metal and Sister Sin had that rock´n roll feeling to it.

Does Liv Sin have plans to write any new material in the near future?

Puhhh, it just feels like we just finished the one we just released, so I do think we need some more time to get back into inspiration mood.

What is Burning Sermons about as an album, did you have a theme when composing the album?

No, there´s no theme, so mostly its just about things that concerns me or things I like to high light, or feelings and emotions that I have

What do you want to bring to life with Burning Sermons as an album, what's your message?

I want to give catchy, heavy music to people, that they can hopefully get inspired by or somehow give a feeling, something that they can relate or grab on to, for example in hard times.

How do you feel about the album and its climbing success now its out there?

I'm happy about, and I hope that more people will find it and give a good listen. And the of course I hope that people will come out to shows and headbang along with us.

How long did you spend producing & filming the videos for Burning Sermons?

We did one day for " Blood Moon Fever" and one day for " Hope begins to fade"

What has been your favourite song to perform from Burning Sermons and why?

"Death gives life meaning"!! I LOVE the guitar riff, its just such a heavy groovy kind of song to play.

You have previously toured with bands such as Slayer with Sister Sin, will we such tours in the future with Liv Sin?

I hope so, I hope so, but its hard, its such a competition to get good support slots, and you need the finances for that too. Today you have have soooo many bands, and we all want the same. To play live, to get good slots, and to record good music.

What does the future hold for Liv Sin?

Next week we are heading for Japan, then we´ll see. I am really looking forward to japan and Tokyo!

I'd like to thank you for your time and your interview on behalf of the readers of Metal Temple Magazine and I'd like to wish you the best for the future.

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