Lita Ford
December 9, 2013

It is. And tell me: what is "Amps and Green Screens"?
I've really got my hands full and I thank God every minute of the day. It's been good. Right now we're working on a Harper-Collins book, and that's coming along really well. It's magic so far, and I'm really excited about it. The live album was something we just stumbled on. It wasn't something that was planned and we did it really for the fans like, "Hey guys! Here's a show!" We really wanted them to be a part of it. They sent in photographs that we picked from, I think it's like 60 fans' worth of pictures in this really cool collage. And then when you lift off the CD it says, "Dedicated to the fans." It's just this really, really cool gift we wanted to share with the fans.
Really? Why would you be such a fan of live albums? I'm just interested to know that. What is it about them that you love?
That's cool. That's good to hear because that's exactly what this record does. It's not musically perfect, but the vibe is there and you feel like you're there watchin' the show. Everything's pumped up and it totally comes across on The Bitch Is Back.
(Laughs) Awesome! That's what I wanna hear!
I don't know about duets. We haven't gotten that far into the next record, but I did start writing a couple of songs and they're really good. I keep trying to get over to Gary's studio in New Hampshire. I've had him on the phone three or four different times saying, "I'm comin', I'm comin!" and then something would come up and I couldn't get there, or he would be on the road and it's been really difficult trying to connect. But I know that once we do, amazing things will come out. We just really need the time to be able to drop everything else and focus on music. I know it'll come together.
We got a great band. I wouldn't change a thing. For an album I would absolutely use the rhythm section. I think we'd have special places for Mitch (Perry, guitar) to play. He may not play on the whole record because of me being a guitar player, and Gary, too. But with Mitch being in the band, being family, he's gotta get in there somewhere. We'll work him in. Bobby Rock (drums) and Marty O'Brien (bass) would play on the entire record. Gary's a great bass player, too. Jesus, he's got such a feel.
Yeah, I mean how can it not? Holy shit! Fuckin' hell, when he kicks into it, there's this thing he does right before "Can't Catch Me"- in the middle of it he kicks into a drum solo, and right before the solo he goes right into this double floor tom rhythmic thing that sounds like a freight train right on my ass! I mean, the whole stage just rattles. If you do get out to see us, when you hear him kick in, you know he's ready to go into his solo and you can't miss it!
(Laughing) When, when!
Ohhh, you're forgiven.
Well, I've been shuffling around different guitars. I'm in one of those phases where I feel like breaking out something totally off-the-wall like my old Strat. I've been playing B.C. Rich, of course. I always resort back to my BC Rich's. It goes with the territory, ya know? They're making me some duplicate models, so when they're finished I'll be playing them instead of the vintage ones I have been playing. I think I'm gonna save those and use them in the studio. The black one is named Maurice, and I named him after Samantha's father on Bewitched. He was a Warlock and his name was Maurice. So the duplicate they're making me is Maurice Jr.! And they're making a duplicate of the red one, that one's called Fuck the World, or FTW for short, so we'll have FTW Jr. soon. So when he's ready I'll be jammin' on him!
Ohhh…it's staying sane when you're NOT on the road that's the hard part. Honestly for me I come home and I pace the floors. I'm a workaholic, I gotta stay on the move and I know that all of us in the band and my team are like that. We've gotta go! When we're together and we're moving and doin' stuff and touring we feel right, we feel complete and whole. Then when we get home there's so many other fuckin' issues you gotta deal with. Sometimes, like doing these interviews, for me they're real fun, I like doing them, but it's the everyday shit, like parking. I was working with Marissa, co-author of the book, and we did an interview that lasted four hours inside the Rainbow Bar & Grill. We were looking at all the photographs on the walls; you know they have all the original décor from the early 80's. I sat at Tony Iommi's booth, so that brought back a lot of really cool memories. Meanwhile, I get a parking ticket while I'm in there! It's like, "Welcome home!"
Yeah, that feels great! I'm very happy for them and it's good to be me. I feel comfortable in my shoes. Even though these women are out there, they're successful because they're doing their own thing. They're not trying to be somebody they're not. And that's great to see.
Not really. And here's why. This is interesting. I just went through a course at UCLA on screenplay writing for television, and I realized when I took this class that I have never really watched television since the time I was a teenager. I never really paid attention to television because we went on tour, we left, we were on the road from the time I was 17 until I recently took a 15 year hiatus. And we lived on a deserted island where there was no television. So we just watched movies. So I thought it would be interesting to look at the television world and see how people think on that level instead of musically. Because the music scene today really doesn't do anything for me.
Yeah. That's good to hear you say that. So I'm not just a piece of shit for thinking that everything is fucked up a little bit today (laughs)! I always find myself going back too.
Of course! I would be honored, you're awesome. You're a good guy with a good personality, I have no trouble talking to you, so it would be my honor.
Fuck, I miss you guys! I miss everybody, come and see me please, come and say hi at our shows. By the way Damian, we have a new Christmas single coming out that I cut with Cherie Currie. We wrote it especially for Christmas. Nobody really knows that but you.
Ahhhh, you could let it slip out.
Ohhh, that's so great. I'm so glad I could be here for you. Great talking to you, Damian.
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