Lille Gruber

Defeated Sanity

Since their first demo back in 1995 the German Metallers DEFEATED SANITY have been a dedicated force of brutal and technical Death Metal. Their latest effort and fourth full length album "Passages Into Deformity" is probably their most brutal assault, an album of relentless brutality and technical excellence. Sal talked with Lille Gruber, drummer, of the band about their new album, the band, Gruber's biggest inspiration and other cool things.
By Salvador Aguinaga II
March 5, 2013
Lille Gruber (Defeated Sanity) interview
Hello there Lille, how are you? Thanks for taking this interview for Metal Temple. Here is the first one for you, how did you approach "Passages Into Deformity" differently as opposed to all prior material?

Hey man, hope your doing fine! Our approach wasn't all that different than the times before. We have always tried to get the compositions we loved on tape as close to our vision as we could. So we have always taken that very seriously and stressed ourselves a lot in terms of composition, execution and recording of the music as well as lyrical and visual content.

What kind of music are you into these days? Anything in particular that's influential towards your drumming?

I am listening to pretty much everything that's good. Weirdly enough I have been on a big journey into "black music" recently, even crossing the pop music sector, which I didn't wanna admit to liking in the past haha. The more deep, spiritual forms of Death Metal, Hardcore, Classical and Jazz are what has always appealed to me the most. Music has to have a lot of soul, intensity and energy.

Did you and the rest of the guys in Defeated Sanity have a goal in mind for "Passages Into Deformity". Is there something in particular you are working towards and trying to achieve?

Well, the goals appear while you're writing the material. First it all just happens, but then the more songs u have, the more u know things like "we already have a song like that, let's make this one different". Also affected the lyrics. First lyric for this album was "Frenzy", the second lyric was "Verblendung". When we saw how different those two songs were, first we thought "it's impossible to unite both approaches" but then ideas came and we made something we can be proud of I think. It shaped out to become some sort of "Cause and Effect" concept which is very complex and I can't say if people will even realize without us doing some explaining.

It seems that every full-length release had a different vocalist. How did you come across Konstantin Luhring and do you think you'll be needing to look for another vocalist if that same trend continues for a future record?

Haha I hope not. Right now everything between us is good, everybody stays poor for the band to be able to tour if we get the offers. Lots of sacrifices are made and I thank my brothers for it. I think we have a great line up right now!

Have you ever wanted to work on something completely different instrumentally? You know besides the brutal death metal scene?

I have different kind of musical cravings yes. For example doing more improvised music with potent musicians would be a dream (as a drummer). Something in the vein of: theme - improvisation - theme like in Jazz music for example. I have also been working on about 6 songs that are like Metal/HC with female vocals. I wonder when I will be able to pick up on that project, I already recorded drums and guitars for it in 2010. Searching for members (especially a talented singer which is hard). Its maybe sort of a mix of Alas/Aghora/Crowbar/Silverchair/Deftones...if someone knows somebody, get in touch....:-)

I read from another interview that your dad is what inspired you most in music and to play drums. Well I was going to ask how he would react knowing his son played for a band like Defeated Sanity but as it turns out I just found out that Wolfgang Teske (who started Defeated Sanity and has been a member for roughly 16 years since its inception) was your father. Is that true? If so, why are the surnames different?

Yes, its true. I am fortunate enough to have played with my dad, soulmate and biggest musical mentor in one band. The surname is different for the same reason why I am not baptized, etc....parents were part of a freak community which was involved in music and living together and drugs and stuff hahaha so definitely no need for marriage.

If you never picked up the drumsticks, where would you see yourself right now? Do you think you would be horrified of that world?

I think humans need art, sports, friendship, love, sex, food, humor, embracing nature.... Those are the good things that humans have to do with on earth. I am sure if it wouldn't be music I would be involved in some other kind of art instead. The horror in this world would be war, addictions, enslavement, etc... all the stuff I try to keep away from.

Do you think you'll ever return to having two guitarists for the band or are you satisfied with the current line-up?

As I said, the lineup right now is really solid. I did have a minor beef with some kind of ideas that are only possible to realize with 2 guitars while working on this album though. I would say, if there would be a sick ass guitarist that can match our standard, we would surely all think about becoming a 5 piece again. But find someone that can be up to par with Chris.....hard!

All your lyrics I assume are about dark subjects. Is there a subject in particular where you could rant on and on about and/or very knowledgeable about?

Well, our subject has always been death! That is why its death metal right? So every album deals with different aspects of death, deformity, misery, dark thoughts, alienation and everything like that.

All your work throughout the years including the recent "Passages Into Deformity". Using everything you've done before. Are you satisfied? Do you believe you still have a lot of hidden potential left for many years to come as a musician?

I am doubting that after and before every album we are doing. But so far we are working on 2 new songs again, and we have a sick idea for a musical concept for album nr. 5 so I know I can make at least 1 more album....that's all I know. I think there is still hidden aspects we haven't explored yet and I think the next album for example will show a lot of experimentation with unusual things.

If you were to describe one thing to the world why someone would have to visit Germany, what would you say? Also just for the heck of it, what's your favorite food?

Ummm I love my home area, the south of Germany, awesome nature! I like about Germany that "we" are kind of "correct" even if that makes us a bit stuck up a lot of times. But looking at how chaotic other countries can be, I think that's a pro about Germany, next to a lot of cons! Germany has the best food ever imo haha I like a simple German Schnitzel in mushroom sauce with some fresh peas and carrots, potatoes and salad.

Lille I wish to thank for this interview. I wish you good luck with the new album. Any last words for the readers?

Buy the album in physical or digital form! Join the club of champions and pay respect to hard working musicians. We give up normal job offers to live an uncertain life just so we can MAYBE go on tour and play for those who crave real art and be able to keep practicing, composing and doing business every day. That doesn't go just for us, but for other hard working bands in the scene! And, in the contrary of what some people on the internet think, this deserves some respect! I am NOT saying that u being a truck driver, insurance company dude, McDonalds worker, etc...DO NOT deserve respect. BUT yes, we do too. Think about it and come talk to us on tour.

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