Lauren Harris

Lauren Harris

It's always nice when you have the chance to talk to beautiful women about music and football. That is why I was so happy talking to Lauren Harris a few hours before she opens for IRON MAIDEN in Athens, in front of 25 thousand maniacs playing songs from her debut album Calm Before The Storm.
By Yiannis Zervos
August 20, 2008
Lauren Harris interview
So, Calm Before The Storm is your debut release; what are your feelings about the album? It's your first time you are in a recording studio, recording your own voice.

It's so strange. The first time I ever listened back to my voice I though: Oh my God. It's like hearing yourself on the phone, Do I actually speak like that?, I mean it was crazy and really strange for me at first, but I was an amazing process. I kind did a part of it in Miami and part of it back home in England; it was done in two sections.

How much time did it take you to record all your vocals.

Not that long to be honest, all and all it took us about 6 months, with a break in between, so it didn't take for ages. I actually recorded some bits and then went back and recorded bits again and kind we chose the best bits.

This is the way it works usually. Any funny stories you can tell me from those recordings?

That is actually how I decided to go barefoot on stage. I was a recording. Because I was in my studio at home and I didn't feel comfortable when I was trying to chill out and relax and stuff... I took my shoes in the studio and from that time on I never wore shoes again. I just felt comfortable

Do you sing barefoot on stage?


I think it's sexy!

(laughs) Thank you.

Your father played bass in some of the songs of the album, but did he involve in any other way on the songwriting process or told how to sing?

No, he wasn't involved in any of that, really. He came in later and he was involved with the mix-in, he is obviously very good at that and he is got a really great ear.

Experience matters!

Exactly! He was around for that kind of stuff. He had no involvement in song writing or telling me what to do and stuff like that. He kind of was in the studio for bits and pieces and he suggested things like oh you should say it a bit more like this, or you should sing a bit more like that, but nothing like you need to do this, or you're doing that wrong.

Last year you opened for the IRON MAIDEN concerts on the 'A Matter Of Life and Death' tour, before the album came out. I must say that the songs sounded a little bit heavier live than they turned out on the album. What did change between the live performance and the actual final result of the album?

Most bands when they play live their sound is heavier anyway.

Do you prefer the light album version of your music?

I like it both actually. It's been an experience for me, because I did the recording first and then I did the live stuff afterward. Actually I would like to tour with some mainstream bands, 'cause I think the idea is to cross over to as many people as possible, which I would love to do. I think on the second album it would probably have more of that live feel and that kind of rawness cause you've doing it for so long. I love playing Harry Up and From The Bottom To The Top by the ballads, but I can't play these songs with a MAIDEN audience obviously. The album was made to have that kind of slickness, but obviously live is heavier.

What kind of music did you listen to as a child? What do you like to listen now? Which bands or artists influenced your singing?

When I was a young kid I loved Belinda Carlisle


I mean, IRON MAIDEN have always been around, it's like embedded me or something. (laughs) I mean I love MAIDEN...

So Belinda Carlisle and...?

Yeah Belinda Carlisle, SHAKESPEARE SISTERS, Alanisse Morissette.

Early 80s stuff?

That was kind were I grew up, that was my era I guess, but then my dad started to getting in to the old school classic Rock stuff that he would play around the house like GUN, GOLDEN EARRING, FREE...


No, I never got in to THIN LIZZY actually.

I'm saying this, because THIN LIZZY are a major IRON MAIDEN influence.

I don't know, are they?

Yes they are.

I don't know, my dad played stuff like U.F.O. to me, he loves U.F.O..

Do you like KISS?

I love KISS, yes! They are your favorite band, right? (pointing to my KISS t-shirt)

Along with IRON MAIDEN, yes! I don't know how you can combine these two bands, but KISS have their amazing music and an awesome stage-show, rocking the world for 35 years...

Yes they are really good.

Do you have any favorite songs from KISS?

Let me think...Rock N' Roll All Nite, it's classic I suppose.

This song is a statement, a way of life for some people.

It really is...what's your favorite?

Calling Dr. Love... (laughs)

Of course, I should have guessed that.

Vocally what are your influences?

My favorite band is HEART.

Do you prefer their early 70's or their late 80's stuff?

Actually, I like a mixture of both. I wasn't young enough to be around at the time they were taking off, I got into them because my dad gave me their Greatest Hits and then I started listening to their albums and stuff like that. I like their earlier stuff maybe more. Ann Wilson, I just think she is incredible, she has such a strong voice, she is great.

Did you listen to Lita Ford or Joan Jett? 'Cause they are the iconic female performers in Rock N' Roll in my opinion.

I didn't really know a lot about Lita Ford, but I obviously know about Joan Jett. I think she is great.

Your brother George is playing in a band as well, but he seems to like football even more. Is he playing football in a Norwegian team?

He has trials at the moment with a Norwegian team, yes.

Do you know how he is doing?

I don't know at the moment.

Are you a West Ham fan, too?


Do you like football?

Yeah I do, my dad used to take me when I was younger. When I was probably six, or maybe younger, my dad took me to my first football match.

Somebody once told me: If you ever find a woman that knows and understands what the off-side rule is...marry her!.

(laughs) That's funny.

Yeah, because in Greece women are far from football.

Football is such a big thing in England and over here as well, I guess

Any future plans for Lauren Harris?

After this tour with IRON MAIDEN, hopefully we are gonna go out with more mainstream bands 'cause I would like to cross over...

Bands like...?

There is nothing finalized yet, but I would like to go with DEF LEPPARD, I think we maybe suit a little bit more to their music, or NICKELBACK maybe...BON JOVI.

Jon Bon Jovi is so cool. If you do this with BON JOVI it would be awesome.

Yeah, it would be great. I am praying...If he listens to this...PLEASE!

We will make sure he will. Any hobbies you have back home? You surf the internet at all? Are you handling your Myspace page yourself for example?

Yeah I do, it's getting pretty crazy, but I do try. When I'm home I like reading actually, I like reading history and stuff like that. I am getting in to Egyptians that interest me a lot. Also I really want to pick up the guitar and learn.

It's very useful for a singer to learn an instrument.

I've been learning very slowly I really want to learn for song writing and stuff like that and I also want to learn another language as well, 'cause when you are out n the road it's the kind of stuff that you can do.

It seams like our time is up. Lauren, thank you very much for your time and have a great show tonight.

Thank you. It was nice meeting you!

Special thanks to Vanessa Vixx Christodoulou, sweet Kerry Harris and Hellena.

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