Lars Ramcke
March 2, 2014
I would just call it "Barbaric Heavy Metal" as it already was called during the period of our first demo tapes and the intention still is the same as it was back then. Maybe in a way you can as well call it something like the essence of Hamburg Heavy Metal if you want as we tried to pick the best from the typical Heavy Metal style from Hamburg in the beginning and just continued the line.
What have "pagan or heathen ideals" to do with being "Satanic"? Isn't Satanism just another form of Christianity? So, no, we're neither Christian nor Satanic. I just hate the fucking church and what has happened throughout the centuries to pagan people and pagan cultures. And I just can't understand how people, especially young people still can believe the shit these bastards are preaching.
I am sorry but I didn't watch any of it. Maybe Yenz would have been the better address right here as he is a total movie junkie. He even has statistics and his personal ranking list about movies sorted by year of release etc... Always interesting reports from him about what has changed since the last time being on the road, so we are already looking forward to the next tour... haha!
As I said, I never saw or read it. Maybe I should find the time someday for it...
The thing is I had the same opinion in the beginning. I hated everything with keys and faked choir patterns etc... But it was mainly because most of the bands that were using keys were just sounding too soft and polished. But you can use some keys here and there in a good way as well... to create some ancient epic atmospheres... be it just in the background where no one notices it as key-sounds at all or obviously in the front if you don't overdose it and you have some really good sounds. Normally it is not the small little atmospheric keyboard parts that make the overall sound polished, it is the overall package that fails.
To be honest I really don't know... haha! I don't know if Massacre wants to keep it as a special vinyl one or if they plan to sell it digitally as well. I never cared a lot about this digital selling system.
you were a member of Minotaur? Have you ever considered covering any older Minotaur tracks?
I was just part of Minotaur for a very small period like 1 or 2 years or so. I am no original member of Minotaur and while I was joining them we actually only did 1 single show with Sodom if I remember correctly. I am as well way too young to have been with them in their early period though... haha! But those guys were cool and they are still around.
There are always some songs on the list that you want to cover one day. I still have a lot more and this time it was time for "The Enforcer". I always loved this song as the German Warrant have been part of our influences as well somehow. So actually it seems not to be only "Hamburg exclusively"... haha!
I don't know so many younger Americans... But I don't think it is necessary to cover "Breaking the law" for the 800000 time... So of course it makes way more fun to discover an old classic song from an extremely underrated band and pay tribute to them instead. Nothing against Judas Priest of course... haha! Still one of my faves...
Yeah, maybe. But I am not even sure if the OZ guys ever listened to our version. But I still love this song and it was a great thing to cover that one. I remember it was a hell of finding the lyrics anywhere... Even through German Rock Hard Magazine's Götz Kühnemund it wasn't possible to get anything... but finally we got them in the end.
Of course that would be awesome and we are well aware of all the comments in Facebook wanting us in the states. But you know, this is not really depending on us since a tour on our own would be way too expensive. I guess this is up to the promoters. If there are a lot of people coming up to the promoters demanding STORMWARRIOR then maybe there is a chance someday. We enjoyed the time we had at ProgPower to the fullest and of course we would love to come back again, but as I said, it's all about the costs... But on the other hand there are a lot of European festivals with a lot of U.S. bands showing up every year, so why not thinking in the other direction...? Should be possible... right? So, promoters wanting to book STORMWARRIOR can always contact us via our Facebook page or our normal website....
I guess that could be kind of problematic as three labels would need to arrange something together then and honestly... it is always hard enough to deal something out with only ONE company... haha! I remember we did "Warchild" from Running Wild as well, but right now I don't really have in mind if there were more than that... maybe I should look it up someday... But I like the idea... maybe in a few years with some more songs... why not...
Then I should have a listen to this song as well...
This was basically used to underline the medieval epic side of the lyrics and should present everything in a older frame. I don't see what is so weird about it, just read some Shakespeare or other older English language... there are other bands using that way of spelling as well for years... maybe not that intense.. ok.... haha!
For this album it was just that most of the songs on the album don't deal with ancient and epic times so we just kept it a little bit simpler this time. But who knows about the next one... I still like these historical spellings...
Don't remember when it was but it had something to do with all these whole line- up changes back then. I just didn't have fun any longer to think about a new fitting pseudonym for a new band member every half a year or so... haha! It was cool when we started with the band in the original line-up and it actually belongs to the earlier period of our career. We continued that for quite some time but some day it just didn't have the original spirit anymore as a band always changes a little bit with new members involved.
Yeah, actually the three of us have been building the main musical part for quite a long time right now. It is for sure the best working core the band ever had so far and with Jörg on the new album it works great as well. It was the best and easiest drum recording session we ever had. Uncomplicated, without any discussions, injuries or ego problems and so on... haha! So, yeah, somehow it works and I hope this will last as the older you become the more tired you get of searching for a replacement for anyone...
You don't really want to hear those tapes... haha!!
THX to you Michael for this interview and for your support through the years...!!! m/
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