Lars Chriss
Lion's Share
April 5, 2009

Interview with: Lars Chriss from LION'S SHARE
Thanks! The reactions have been awesome so far. Album of the month in Sweden Rock Magazine and high on the radio charts in USA, so we hope this is a sign for things to come.
Obviously, we are even more together as a team now after making one album and several live shows together. We had a chat about what songs were the most popular on Emotional Coma and kind of took it from there really. The up tempo songs are always popular and so was a song like Trafficking, with layers and layers of guitars on the chorus so we did expand on that thing. We wanted to have a couple of more up tempo songs and to be a bit more direct with the vocal melodies for this album basically. We also worked with a new sound engineer, Jens Bogren (AMON AMARTH, OPETH), since we were so blown away by his production on the last SYMPHONY X album. The album turned out even better than we hoped for. It's our masterpiece.
What we did was after the album was mixed we played it to a couple of groups of people, to see what songs they liked best. Based on this we made the song sequence, the choice of video track etc. It's quite hard to see things objective when you are so close to the material.
Yes, LION'S SHARE is a trio. Me, Patrik Johansson and Sampo Axelsson. We use different drummers for albums, tours etc depending on the direction we want to take with a certain song. This time we used Conny Pettersson from the Death Metal band ANATA. He was recommended by our engineer Jens Bogren. Michael Romeo from SYMPHONY X did a guest solo on Behind The Curtain.
All songs are about main events that happened during the late 60s. We played around with a couple of other titles with the word decade in it, but we finally settled for Dark Hours.
We just write from the heart. Our main influences are the ones we grew up with, like BLACK SABBATH, MEGADETH, JUDAS PRIEST etc. Like them we are a riff based band. We have played this style for so long so it's very natural and pretty much in our genes by now. The LION'S SHARE discography basically shows where the band was at during a specific period of time. We've never been forced to go in a certain direction by someone outside of the band. We have kept the essence of the LION'S SHARE sound and just expanded on this.
I think every fan of well performed, well produced, riff driven, melodic Heavy Metal should definitely check out Dark Hours. If you like bands like BLACK SABBATH and JUDAS PRIEST you can't go wrong with this album.
To 98% all our songs start with a great guitar riff. We usually finish an instrumental demo before we start writing the vocal melody and then finally the lyrics. All three members were involved in the song writing.
Patrik wrote all lyrics. He got inspired to write about big and true events that happened during the 60s. We cover the Vietnam War, Charles Manson, Martin Luther King and several other topics from that decade. We have posted a couple of track-by-track videos at that you can check out.
I got approached by two persons that wanted to start a new Rock and Metal label. They knew I have been in this business for a long time and that I have a lot of contacts and experience. It was their idea to bring LION'S SHARE over to the label. Obviously, it gives me a better control over the marketing and stuff plus the deal we have I'm sure no other label can compete with, so of course I didn't say no to this offer. We started out by releasing 16 albums in USA last year and now we will release two albums per month in Europe too starting end of March. I think we have a great roster after only being around since October 2008. Check BR out at
We will do club dates in Sweden during March, April and May. We hope to do some festivals and hopefully find a good tour for the Fall. Unfortunately we had to pass on a tour with SAXON and ICED EARTH since we didn't have enough time to get fully prepared. It was a real pity since not only have we toured with both bands in the past, but it would have been a perfect fit musically for the Dark Hours album.
I think support slots are a great way of winning new audience. However it's important to go out with the right package musically. You must figure out what bigger band's fans you think could be interested in your music. Otherwise it doesn't make sense and it's a waste of time and money.
We hope so, too. It's a great album so hopefully people can spend a minute or two to listen to the samples we have on our MySpace page and at If we sell well the chances are of course bigger we can come and play in Greece. Which we would love to.
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