John 5
John 5 and The Creatures
February 3, 2018
I'm so happy because it's a record that wasn't planned. We were setting up at the venue like we always do and the sound man said "Hey do you want to record tonight?" and we've just said "Sure!". An opportunity like that is rare because it's hard to travel with all the equipment you'll need to record a live performance. So we were exicted, we knew we've only got one shot to do this. We have to really concentrate and really be on our game, becasue if we mess up there isn't another show to grab another song from, if you will. If i mess up, or the drummer, or the bass player, we can't say let's "Ok let's use Chicago's night recording." We only had one shot. and it worked out really well. I explained to the crowed why we werent jumping around, because we were recording, and I'd left that part on the record aswell, to show what a completely live record this really is. No overdubs, no nothing. It was just completely live and I think it sounds really good. I really am super happy how it came out.
I'm a horrible perfectionist and I wish I wasn't. I think there was only one crowd mic, usually when your'e doing A live record.. I've done many, with zombie or manson or K.D -Lang, anyone like that, there's usually multiple crowd MICs, but there was only one. So yeah I wish the crow was louder but there's nothing you can really do about it and that's what makes it a completely live record and what makes it so fun.
We start on the 1st in Orlando Florida, and we go everywhere. Everry single day we're playing A show because of the there's no singer so no one's going to get tired. Well the road crew will probably get tired they have a lot to do. But when it comes to us no one's going to really get tired. So it's going to be a really great experience. We start on the 1.2 in Orlando and then we go all over the east coast. Then a little time out in March and then we pick it back up in late March and April. I think we'll have a really special show at the Whiskey Go Go in California. We'll have some really special guests at the Go Go in L.A but I can't say who's it's going to be, I can't give it away yet.
I have a lot of riffs and ideas, and parts that I've laid down my part to, probably about five songs in. So what I'm going to do, just like last time, I'm going to make a video and put out a song each month. I think that works really well. Because people get to enjoy every single song, and each month there's a brand new song and a new video. So it's a great way for me to keep the record alive and enjoy each song.
Well instrumental albums are very different, because, I'd say you're trying to keep the attention of the listener but there are no vocals.But you have to really kind of try to keep the attention. It can't be too much shredding or too melodic because people will get bored. It has to be the right mixture for myself and it can't be just the same kind of music because people will get tired of it, and anybody would get tired of it because there's no vocals. So I try to put a an amalgam of all these sounds, songs and styles together in a record so they could please the listener and myself.
I don't know, that's a good question. I like modern horror! I like Annabell and The Conjuring, and all that stuff. But some of the stuff I don't really enjoy because I think it's a little silly. But for what I do enjoy it could be, so yeah, sure.
It'll probably be for a new song, so not just yet for a few months at least.
Yeah! I play all the time. But I don't know, it's tough. It's daily. I'm driving right now to go do another interview and I wish I was playing guitar! But that's what you've got to do. So I try to find anytime possible to play guitar. That's what we do, so I find the time to play. I play anywhere for like 4-5 hours a day.
No, I'm always learning something new and creating something, so thank god that hasn't happened to me yet.
I would say probably a Beatle. I would love to work with Paul McCartney or Ringo... But I'm so content and happy with where I am right now, really really happy. That's working for me, being in such a great place in my life right now and I wouldn't change it for the world. But I would love to write with one of The Beatles, sure.
I'm not sure when it's coming out but the record is phenomenal. I cannot stress this enough. I can't wait for it to come out. It's his best work by far. All we have to do is drums, And I really do think it's incredible. Hopefully it'll come out soon.
Nowadays I don't really know, I guess the one I'm looking forward to the most is the Rob Zombie record, As a fan and a member . You know back in the day we knew what was coming out, with all the advertisement. but there's not much news anymore on new releases. We have Instagram and Facebook, but some of our artist friends that we love so much and respect, maybe they won't talk about their record so much. They're just talking about breakfast or something.. So that's fine. But, like " when IS your record coming out?" So I don't know. I don't know who's albums are coming out in the future.. But I am a fan of new music and I love new stuff. I'm not one of those who just listen to old stuff and I'm always looking for inspiration.
I love being outside my comfort zone, that's what makes everything challenging. Hopefully I'll be doing the exact same thing that I'm doing now.
I think it's too soon because they're so great and i love them so much. It's scary to not be able to go to a Slayer show. I think they could go for another 10 years easy. That's just my opinion, but it's not my decision it is Slayers'. So.. It's a sad thing for me.
Well with Zombie we've pretty much gone everywhere. with The Creatures we did go to China But I would like to go to Australia, South America. all over, really, and explore the world with this music.
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