Joe Parkinson
Tortured Demon
February 2, 2022

We've all been great, thanks! The last 12 months in particular have been sick, and we are looking forward to the year ahead.
It's actually only me and Jacob who are brothers, but a lot of people always think Freddie is too haha. Our dad introduced us to heavier music at a young age, as he was always listening to Motorhead, Ozzy, Monster Magnet etc whilst we were growing up, and as soon as we were able to walk, he was showing us how to play drums and guitar. We'd jam stuff like Saxon, Cream, Ted Nugent, and Monster Magnet together all the time after school. Me and Jacob have always written original music too, and I still have cassette tapes from DIY recordings we did when we were 6 and 7 (even though they're pretty bad!) Skipping forward to when we got into secondary school, we started playing covers with some of our mates, most notably doing the cliché 'playing Master Of Puppets at the school concert', and it was after this in mid-2018 when we realised that Freddie (who'd been friends with both of us for a couple of years prior) played bass, and we began writing our first EP as a 5 piece with the three of us, as well as another vocalist, and an extra guitarist. That formation remained for around a year, following which we parted ways with the two extra guys, solidifying our current lineup in January 2020. We then began work on In Desperation's Grip shortly after.
We thought it sounded cool, so we went with it!
I write 99% of the music, and around 80% of the lyrics, and that works well for us. The door is always open for ideas from Jacob and Freddie though. I usually dedicate 4-5 hours of each day to writing music, and recently I've been doing even more as I have begun work on demoing for our next release.
As you might have guessed from my previous answer, I dedicate everything that I have to music, as it's my passion, whereas Jacob and Freddie are more typical teenagers, although they still enjoy being in the band and contributing wherever they can.
It definitely helps having Jacob in the same house as me, since I can show him new songs etc really easily, and he often comes in just as I'm stuck for a riff, and he'll bring something sick to the table that I'd have never thought of! As for 'sibling smackdowns' haha, when we're at shows or in the studio, we all recognise that we have a job to do, and we always make sure that it gets done properly.
Funnily enough, it was actually when we first went into lockdown that I started writing those songs, and at first, we were aiming to do another EP. However, eventually we had a chat and decided the challenge of doing an album would be exactly the sort of thing that would keep us ticking over through the pandemic, but also set us up nicely for when gigs could happen again, so we just kept writing songs until we had 9 that we were all happy with. It also meant that we wouldn't need to keep playing older songs (from the time when we were a 4/5 piece) in our live set. We went into the studio for 4 days in the last week of August 2020, then an extra day in November to record an additional track, before releasing the album in February 2021.
For a newbie, I'd say "Cold Blood" for our melodic side, but if you're after something heavy, "The Invasion" or "A Knee to the Face of Corruption" would be good choices! However though, if you've got the time, the album is best enjoyed from the start.
Technically, our first 'gig' as Tortured Demon was at school in 2018, where we played some songs from our first EP, but our first 'proper gig' was July 2019 at Rebellion in Manchester at one of their (now sadly discontinued) Untamed Nights. For the first gig that we felt 'noticed' although there'd have to be only one contender, and that's Bloodstock 2021. With the work that we put in during the pandemic, it was amazing to be invited to play Bloodstock, and seeing a record-breaking amount people crammed from the barricade of the Jägermeister Stage (which gave in under the pressure) all the way back to the stalls on all three sides at 12PM meant so much to all three of us. We weren't expecting anywhere near that many people to come out for us, and selling out of merch a matter of minutes after our set came as a great shock too, so if anyone reading this was there, we love you all! Ever since then our inbox has been filled with messages from followers asking if we'll ever be back, and we really hope that we will get the chance again one day, as it was definitely the highlight of our time as a band so far!
He is, and I'm actually filling in for him currently as he's had to deal with some health problems, but I really look forward to seeing him onstage again soon! And yes, he's been a massive inspiration to both me and Jacob over the years.
Thanks for the compliment! But yeah, there've definitely been some people and organisations who've taken advantage of us in the past, and we've also had our fair share of older band dudes giving us underhanded comments along the vein of 'You're only getting opportunities because of how young you are', but for the most part everyone has been amazing with us. James and Jayne Bennett as well as Drew Scott from the 0161 MUMC have been incredible with us right from day one, getting us gigs on the local scene back when we didn't even have any recorded material, and they're still supporting us to this day, which means the absolute world. We've made so many friends so far and the scene as a whole is such an inclusive and welcoming community!
Bloodstock definitely, but also our headline show in Manchester, getting to open for Gama Bomb, and our sold-out Album Launch Gig. It's also been super rewarding to see our fanbase growing and seeing more and more people buying our merch and coming down to our gigs. We really appreciate absolutely everyone who's supported us over the last 2 years, and we hope to meet as many of you as possible as we play further afield this year.
I'm sure I'll touch on it more later on, but it's also been absolutely mind-blowing to be booked to open for Evile and Xentrix this year, and we can't wait to get to play those shows!
Thank you! I'd just got home from college when I saw that Simon Hall had messaged on FB letting me know that he'd sent the band an email, and I didn't want to get excited at first in case it wasn't what I thought it could be, but it was, and we were all so excited! We're so thankful to Simon for booking us in the first place, and it was truly the best experience of our lives so far.
A bit of everything! It's an indescribable feeling that I hadn't felt before, and I haven't felt since… seeing more and more people arrive and us saying to each other "there must be 500 people here now…" and then "…1000 now…" and very soon "…I can't see the end" but then the adrenaline of playing the show kicked in and we were back in the practice room playing the songs together.
We enjoyed all of the thrash bands that we saw at Bloodstock, however Evile, Shrapnel, Divine Chaos, Onslaught, and Beyond Salvation were the highlights for me as they all put in flawless sets. Getting to meet members of Evile and Xentrix was sick, and we're really looking forward to opening for them both this year. It was also really cool to meet Matt Alston, as he's a sick drummer and Machine Head have been my favourite band since I was 13.
Honestly, it's all been such a blur, and we can't thank Evile, Xentrix, and K2 enough for giving us such sick opportunities. If you'd have told me two years ago that we'd be playing Bloodstock, and being booked to support two of the top thrash bands in the UK, there's no way I'd have believed you!
I have no idea! We have plans in place for 2022, and we are hoping to take the band up to the next level on our next album (I know it's a massive cliché but it's true). We're going to be aiming to make the whole record sound more cohesive, and less like two albums mixed together. All in all, we're going to continue to craft our sound, and we believe that we will be releasing an album that will place us away from the pack, but still appeal to metalheads of almost all tastes. I know every band always says that their new album is their 'best' because they're 'more mature now', and most of them are lying haha, but 2 years for us is a seriously huge chunk of our lives so far, and we will be looking to make a big step up in terms of songwriting and overall quality on this next release, reflective of all of the lessons we've learnt since In Desperation's Grip.
BLOODSTOCK! And being booked to open for Evile and Xentrix, which will be killer, in February and April respectively.
Seeing our friend Jonio AKA Papa Thrash dressed as a whoopie cushion at Summerslammer and then getting kicked offstage by security, even though we'd told them we were cool with him being up there was pretty funny… He definitely got the crowd going!
I listen to a wide range of metal, and everything from Thrash and Death to Metalcore inspires me. If I like something, then I like it, and I don't see the point in only looking at one subgenre with blinkers on, refusing to take influences from other areas, because it's only when bands open their minds with their influences that they start to create new styles. There's no denying that our main sound is based around Thrash Metal, but we also have melodic sections, breakdowns, and everything that we enjoy about metal as a whole.
Practice is key! I've been drumming since I was around 3, but I only really started to feel fully confident behind the kit when I upped my practice game around 3 or 4 years ago. My biggest tip would be to play your own simplified versions of songs you like, and then work up to getting more and more accurate to the original over months or even years, and during this process you should teach yourself the necessary techniques to pull off the more complex parts. At least that was my experience!
I'd probably say my dream show would be at Brixton Academy with Machine Head, Trivium and Cavalera Conspiracy. That'd be killer!
I don't know… Honestly, I think I'd just chill with Jacob and Freddie and play GTA 5 haha.
Thanks a lot for the chat!
Thanks so much, Joe, it's been an absolute pleasure!
You can catch TORTURED DEMON on the EVILE tour with DIVINE CHAOS, starting from Tuesday 15th February in Glasgow, tickets are available at
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