Joakim Nilsson


One of the greatest aspects about Metal music is that it can work easily with other genres and still sound impressive and true to itself. The Swedish GRAVEYARD playing darkened Hard Rock with various of influences fit the category like a glove. Lately, through Nuclear Blast Records, the band released their new album called "Lights Out". Angela "The Hunter" talked with Joakim Nilsson, vocals and second guitar, about the new album, future plans and more...
By Angela "The Hunter"
December 23, 2012
Joakim Nilsson (Graveyard) interview
Greetings from Metal Temple! I just want to say thank you for taking the time to answer our questions.

Thank you, no worries

First, Joakim, could you please introduce the other members of Graveyard to our readers?

Well, we´re a four piece band, bass, drums, two guitars and vocals. Axel Sjöberg plays drums, Jonatan LaRocca Ramm plays guitar and Rikard Edlund on bass and Im handling vocals and second guitar.

Tell us a bit about the band's history: When did you form the band? How many albums have you done? Any Ep's or singles?

We started in the fall of 2006 and pretty soon recorded our first album. Toured a couple of years on that album and recorded our second album in 2011. We released a single from that album called hisingen blues(same as the album). And right now we have released our new album called Lights out.

Do you have a band, or a musician, that has been a major influence on Graveyard's sound?

I dont know, I have been playing music for over 20 years so think I have been building my personal music influence base my whole life. As a band we have always been very influenced by the old blues heroes like howling wolf and muddy waters and also by a lot of pretty much everything that we think is good from punk, heavy rock, jazz and folk

You had an album coming out in November of 2012, yes? Can you please tell our readers about it?

Yes, its called Lights Out and it was just released. I would say that its our hardest and darkest and also our most mellow record at the same time. We are really happy with it  and I think its the perfect follow up album to hisingen blues. I think that you can hear that we have evolved as a band and matured as musicians.

Is there an upcoming tour to support the new album?

Yes we have alot of tours coming up but alot of them are still in planning stage. But first we are doing a northern Europe tour and starting the next year by doing and US tour but after that its still pretty uncertain.

Where would you say has been your favorite venue to play at?

Its pretty hard to choose one place, we have been playing a lot of good venues. I'm really looking forward playing two days in a row in our hometown in a place called Pustervik. Its a new place that we(us concert goers in Gothenburg) have been waiting a long time for having and Its going to be great playing there.

Do you have any bands that you have especially liked touring with? Or are there any bands, or artists, that you would like to tour with?

I really liked the tours we did with witch, clutch and witchcraft. (all different tours). It feels pretty weird choosing bands that we would wanna tour with but it would be great touring with Queens Of The Stone Age, Soundgarden or high on fire for example.

Where do you see the band in 5 years?

Hopefully still on the road or making new albums.

Does anyone in the band have any side projects they would like to mention?

There's no time for side projects at the moment but it would be great to do something in the future. Axel used to play with the Spiders but he had to quit because of lack of time.

Finally, where can your fans find out everything they would like to know about Graveyard?

I would like to say that we are a live band so the best way would be to go see a show I guess. But we are posting updates on Facebook and our webpage even though we can be pretty lazy doing that, no one of us are really internet nerds.

Thank you again for your time, and we wish you all safe travels along the road ahead.


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