Jed Simon
Zimmers Hole
July 9, 2008
Glad to hear it man! We are very proud of the new album, and the new direction of the band.
We are a metal band, pure and simple. A strong belief in true metal is what drives us. We started out as a fill in band for some band that didn't show up for a local gig back in 1991. We had fun so we kept on jamming and writing and here we are 17 years later, haha! Obviously we all are great friends and we have fun together. The name ZIMMERS HOLE comes from an old friend who's name was Dean Zimmer. He is no longer with us, so we keep his name in spirit.
Absolutely. With STRAPPING YOUNG LAD over, we have decided to put our full energies into this band. We really believe in it and we have realized just how much this band means to us over the last year or so.
Usually it starts with a title and a riff...then we take it and make it our own. I'll come to practice with a bunch of ideas and we just build songs from that. There are many songs written during practice too...we are very good at spontaneous song writing, the riffs never stop!
If people take offense to us, that's too bad for them. We are not a parody band and we are not making fun of metal. We celebrate metal and pay homage to as many styles of metal as we can. We only make fun of people and their stupid egos. I have zero tolerance for ego, and I actually find it quite amusing, and very unnecessary. Yeah we get silly sometimes, but our underlying message is this...LONG LIVE METAL, and check your fucking ego at the door.
It felt great man. We all realize just how special STRAPPING YOUNG LAD was, and we have a unique friendship that many other bands probably don't have. It's a joy to see, and hang out with my brothers, and a good fucking time is always had when we work together.
Of course there is truth! It is my truth, our truth, it's how we lived our lives back then. There are so many bands that act tough and pretend to be metal because it's cool. Pretty flowery tattoos and swoopy hairdo's and droopy drawers ain't gonna cut it with us. I'm so sad cuz my allowance got cut off and my girlfriend talked to this other dude attitude is everything that true metal is not. That shit isn't dangerous, it's not scary...Metal is life and these folks are just posing for the moment. I remember back when EXODUS had just released Bonded By Blood, that's some serious shit right there. And if I had been a hair metaller at that time and EXODUS walked into the room, I would have been very fucking scared indeed. To be a poseur and meet EXODUS in a dark back alley probably would have ended badly for the poseur...
That's the sort of thing that inspired the title track. We take a few shots at the hair metal community of old as well. Having said that, Hair Metal is still metal, and it has it's place, we just wanted to make fun of dudes dressed up like chicks...who didn't back then? Again, that also inspired the title track.
One word my friend...METAL.
The songs are just the merging of our influences. I wear my influences on my sleeve proudly and I am not afraid to use them. With this new album we wanted to get away from past writing styles, so we wrote our songs to be in honor of Metal, and to celebrate metal while still adding those old school flavors, but we have realized that we are a good fuckin band and we don't need to use other people's music to benefit our own. Of course there are a couple riffs that had to get onto the album, namely EXODUS and PESTILENCE. But they belong, they helped to describe the song and they were just the perfect fit, so we used 'em. With permission of course! The song writing process usually starts with a title and a riff, or I'll bring a bunch of ideas to practice and we go from there. We're also pretty good at spontaneous song writing, you never know what's going to happen at rehearsal!!
There were some difficult moments...when Steve told us he wasn't going to be in the band anymore. That was tough for us cuz he was an original member and a true friend. He has a successful business now though so we understood, it was cool, and we are still bros. That was when we called Gene. That was the hardest thing, and really the only difficult thing that happened during this recording. As for funny stuff there are so many funny things that happen with us every day it's hard to pick any!!! We had a great time in the studio, we always do...ZIMMERS HOLE is a family.
Well it's only been out for 4 months, so that isn't a terribly long time, but it is doing well and people are getting into it, and that rules!! We are gaining new fans every day, and that makes us feel very good. We are very proud of the new album so when someone tells us how much they like it, that really means a lot to us.
There are many plans...and I can guarantee you'll see us soon. Just stay up to date with us at our websites etc and you'll be head-banging with ZIMMERS HOLE in no time at all!! I'll put the web addresses at the end of the interview.
No, that would take all night, haha! Here are a few though ok? We wanted to be just flat out evil, there are lots of bands who try...and be evil. We figured we could show em how it's done properly, and that's where What's my name...Evil! came from. We all contribute lyrically, but in essence the lyrics are a channel clicker glimpse into the brain of The Heathen, our vocalist...he's had some woman problems we think, haha! Devil's Mouth is prime Heathen material... We're all motorcycle freaks and recently lost a good friend to a tragic accident, so we wrote a song for him in the spirit of riding...Alright is our take on what it's like to be an avid rider, and a tribute to our fallen bro. So, we can be very serious and heartfelt too. What it comes down to is that we love Metal, and we are metal to the very core of our being. And we have fun doing it, not making fun of it. Only certain people who take themselves way to seriously are worthy of that honor. We wanted to pay homage to as many different kinds of metal as we could, the stuff that makes our souls light up with pride. We feel that we've achieved that, and hope that the fans will feel the same rush when listening to the new album as we do.
I have to admit it was me who wrote them. They started out as a gag on the first album, and we just kept updating them as the years went by. So the ones you read now are a bit different than the old ones, but they are more in line with the kind of silliness we are feeling lately! Haha!
Well, having Gene play drums for DETHKLOK is how we got to know them. Nathan loved the album and wanted to do something on it, we are very happy he did, it came out great! There have been talks, we'll have to wait and see about tours with them.
We realized when we were getting ready for this new album that ZIMMERS HOLE was now a full time band. We realized that we are a very good band so we decided to give it our full attention, and from that
point on ZIMMERS HOLE was, and is, the real deal. Not a side project anymore, and we are extremely happy about that. You won't be waiting 5 years for the next album, I assure you!
Only time will tell that story.
Yes, the two other albums will be re-released later this year, yay!! That will be cool to get our old stuff out there to the fans, we think people will like to hear them and to see how we have evolved over they years.
You can expect to hear new material more often! You can expect to see us more often! You can expect us to not go away! We are excited about the future for the band. We are all hard workers so we will be
giving ZIMMERS HOLE our full attention from here on in.
Thanks! I hope to see Greece one day soon, it is a wonderful country I hear. Stay up to date with us at our websites: and Come out and headbang with us, get soaked in beer and sweat, and celebrate Heavy Fuckin Metal. HORNS HELD HIGH!
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