Jarkko Aaltonen


Yes, the audio interviews are finally here and what a better way to start this than a great interview from Korpiklaani's bassist Jarkko Aaltonen by own very own Karila "FemmeMetale" Shannis!
By Karila "FemmeMetale" Shannis
August 5, 2012
Jarkko Aaltonen (Korpiklaani) interview

Check a small preview/teaser from the interview here:

Where did the idea for the concept of Finnish underworld come from?

It was an accident; initial songwriting process dealt with themes from this mythology and they just went along with it; 'Kunnia' was the first of this kind.

Why did Korpiklaani make the decision to release an English language edition of the CD in addition to the Finnish version?

The idea was brought up a few years ago by non-Finnish fans, and they decided to give it a try by essentially making two albums instead of one. Initially the English version of the CD was going to be limited to bonus tracks.

Click below to listen to the whole interview

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