October 25, 2015
Hey there. All good here. Always a good feeling to have a new album out.
Definitely excited. Nervous, not at all. Our work with the album is done. I am extremely proud of it, and it's a great feeling to release something that has given me such satisfaction to work with. How people view it is nothing that we can spend time worrying about. If people like our music I really appreciate it, if not, so what?
It absolutely is. It is a symbol and a metaphor for the lyrics on this album.
Both. Life inspires me and it is what I write about. The lyrics are a part of me, and my view on different stuff. My music and lyrics are always personal, and not a distanced product. Life, death, nature, history, music, movies and all kinds of stuff inspire me.
I guess they only want to hear the old stuff, ha ha. Yes we will definitively play new stuff. We have had some rehearsals, and it is such a kick to play new songs. They feel fresh, vital and keeps us on edge. We will mix it up old material, and always try and represent as many albums as possible.
We always try and make it's a special thing, and each show is special to us. I don't take it for granted that we will keep touring. I treat every tour as it will be the last one. I would never have thought in my wildest dreams 20 years ago that we would have done more than 500 shows in more than 20 countries. To me that is still quite absurd that we can travel the world to perform our music. That's something that I cherish, and don't take for granted.
It was mostly just saying fuck off to the genre hysteria out there. It does not really mean anything, and I laugh at all the labelling off music. We just do our stuff, and never put any thought into if it fits this or that label. For me music creating music is all about connecting the primal with the intellectual, to challenge myself and fulfil my passions.
It was a brutal life experience. I lost my best friend and my dad within a year, and my world collapsed. Vreid was pretty much a reaction to what happened in my life at that point. Vreid has continued to be exactly that; a little devil that always follows my life, and offers an escape from reality.
I guess the term Black Metal still has and always has a stigma connected to it. These days I do believe most people connects it to music, but its history will of course always be there.
Right now it's the satisfactory feeling of completing a new album that fills me with joy and pride. To create music is the reason why I do this, and to look back at the journey of creating this album and viewing the final result is what it's all about.
No plans at all. Our new album is soon out, and then we set sails and start doing the scheduled shows. Then we see what the future brings, hopefully more music and more shows.
Thank you very much for your interest in Vreid.
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