Howard Smith
Acid Reign
Hi good to be here. All sorts as usual, playing comedy shows, doing tons of interviews for the album release, spoken word shows it all keeps me busy.
Well thrash may be in a healthy state now but back in 1991 thrash went stale and all but vanished. We spilt up, the week after us Sabbat and a week after that Onslaught called it a day. When you are part of a scene and that scene starts to sink you go down with the ship it is that simple. The UK scene was not strong enough to sustain any of us.
It takes time. Firstly, we had to come back and play all the old stuff and announce that we were back with a new line up. We released two new singles to ease people into what the new line up sounds like and then eventually put an album out. It takes about two years from start to finish and we've only been back four years so it's all happened on a pretty sensible timeline. No point in coming back with a new album, people wanted to hear all the old stuff they hadn't heard for years first.
It was time. There is no future in the past and we can only rearrange the old songs in setlist order for so long. Now we bring everyone the new Acid Reign.
It has nothing to do with movies, TV or alternate realities. It is Ego The Clown trapped in his "ego chambers", which refers to a lyric in the song #NewAgeNarcissist
The title refers to one song on the album that being as mentioned #NewAgeNarcissist, however the rest of the songs have nothing to do with the title. There are many topics covered on the album, I won't disclose what those are as it is up to each individual to decide what the lyrics mean to them.
Yeah, we have had the "UK Anthrax" tag for a very long time. I never really saw it, seems like if you have a sense of humor, it means your band is like Anthrax. It's a totally different line up and 29 years later so there was always going to be a development. It is who we are now, where we are now.
Very much so, we are very proud of what we have done and hopefully everyone else will think that! Ha ha!
Well I love those songs but I love them all! I have to be honest and say that the lyrics to those two songs are pretty simple, one is a breakdown in friendship and one is about the Evil Dead movie. I'm sure fans of the film will realize that and there are some clues in there if you don't know the movie.
I have been writing with Paul for five years. We wrote our first single "Plan Of The Damned" at his place in 2014 so it is not a new feeling really. We work on songs as a group and stress test them and pull them about and everyone has their input.
Thank you glad to hear you like those songs. You kind of answered the question yourself, It's a new album so we didn't put four year old and two year old songs on it. They will be coming out on a CD boxset along with all our back catalogue.
No we haven't, and won't play any new stuff until the album is out. We will play "The New Low" as it is out but no unreleased songs. I think it is a bit self-indulgent playing new stuff that no one has heard, everyone just stands there not knowing what to do as they don't know the song!
No, there won't be any kind of celebration. We are looking forwards not backwards and we have a NEW album to support not a 30-year-old one. It just doesn't make sense and we don't want any focus to be taken away from the new album.
It is what it is, there has never been so much music available and it has never been easier to release music so that has to be a positive right? I honestly don't know! Ha ha
It has changed beyond all recognition. For me there was never any intension to self-release the album as I don't want to run a record label which is effectively what you end up doing if your self-release. Promotion is the key you are right about that and it has NEVER been harder to get your message out as there is so much information out there. We have some people finding out that we are back because we have an album coming out despite the fact we have been back since 2015! The internet is a never ending source of information on bands which it makes it all the more difficult to get heard.
Live dates towards the end of the year and more to come next year and hopefully some festival dates too. We want to play everywhere we can.
My pleasure, thanks you so much for your support and that applies to anyone reading this, thanks and I hope to see you all down the front.
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