Let's see what heRck (Guitars, Vocals), had to testify...
February 1, 2009

Interview with: heRck from ARKENSTONE.
Hi there! This is heRck from ARKENSTONE. The band exists from early 1997. A long time had passed until the band's line up came into our current formation. We have played in several live shows, sharing the same stage with bands like JAG PANZER, BROCAS HELM, ROTTING CHRIST, SEPTIC FLESH, KINETIC and many more. Through the years the band developed from a Power Metal outfit to a more modern Thrash metal sound, retaining much of our classic influences.
Our goal was to come out with a strong debut album, that's why it took us so many years and a big financial commitment. As you know, we flew to Germany to work with Dimitris Liapakis in order to get some guidance and a strong sound for the album. After careful consideration, we found Casket, which is a UK-based label, to release it and we are very happy to see it on the shelves of many record stores...finally!
For a long time I was in the mood for something harder but back then the rest of the band had a different opinion about the band's music style. We've tried to come to an agreement sharing at the same time pure Power Metal with Thrash parts and that was on our second demo. The harder edge came rapidly after Beast joined the band in 2004 as a full time member. So then my desire became true. Saying this, as you know from listening to the album, we have kept our more traditional Metal roots, although I feel that we are modernizing our sound day by day. Actually the newer songs are even heavier!
I believe that Power Metal had lost its previous glory, the way it was back in the 㥘s or 㥢s. In these days if you want to play Power Metal and be good you have to deal with bands like KAMELOT or NIGHTWISH which they have discovered the secret recipe. You know...classic music with the best of the best voices and a couple of female vocals, very good solos and an epic atmosphere! We still follow the genre, but not as much as in the past.
Things are hard when you live outside Athens but when you believe in something and you try very hard for it year after year, finally your goals will be achieved. I thing we've proven that! It is much more difficult for a promoter to be interested in ARKENSTONE, although we are eager to play live in Athens or any other part of Greece. To anyone reading this, I would like to say that we are open to play anywhere, with the right circumstances. We want to go out and spread our music.
Except us there is one more band named SOUNDGEIST that had signed up with MP Records (Italy). As far as I know, WINTER CRESCENT is in the studio for their debut album, too! Although there are many Metal fans on the island, they are split between Chania, Rethymno and Heraklion mainly. Actually this is a great opportunity to thank all our local friends because it has been the Cretans who have mainly supported ARKENSTONE up to now. It is the same people who attend all the Metal events that happen on the island.
I believe that D.H.R. is an album made for all metalheads 'cause it's mixed up with different kinds of Metal! It's an album that will never let you get bored! It has the right dose of Thrash and classic Metal, with a great sound. So go on guys! Buy our album, haha!!!
Thank you! Werner Gunter is the creator of the cover and some additional paintings as the CD label. Werner has worked with bands like MANOWAR, IN FLAMES and HELLOWEEN. I worked on the booklet and some details, as I have studied graphic design. As for the production, as said above it was handled by R.D. Liapakis (MYSTIC PROPHECY) with some recording being done locally. Then we traveled to Germany at Lia's studio and finished the recordings there. Lia and Christian Schmidt also mastered the album.
We wanted to release the album in the most professional way possible and this was the biggest reason back then that made us decide to go to Germany. There's no regrets about this decision cause we had the best time ever there, and the result sounds great! The only problem was that we were on our own as you said and paid for everything! When we started to realize how big the budget we needed for this was we almost aborted this idea but after all we've made it! It was difficult but worth it in many ways.
Yes, we are satisfied with our label! Our album is everywhere and we gained a lot of feedback around the world. Even from Bruce Dickinson's BBC Radio Show twice! Most of people liked our album but we are not perfect! After all nobody's perfect, haha!
Yes, you can say that! When I was listening to this it was the same time that I was holding my CD in my hands for the very first time. You can imagine that this was a double pleasure for us!
Yes, I accept it and I like it! After all it has that feeling I think! Modern Death and Thrash Metal are closer than ever. There are melodies on the album that bring IRON MAIDEN in mind. It is the variety that makes Dead Human Resource easy to listen to repeatedly.
Every song in D.H.R. is individual but all together have the same subject. They are talking about how some people can manipulate and take advantage of other people by force just because they have the power to do it. This was the reason we've decided to name the album after the self-titled song Dead Human Resource because they try to take advantage of us even when we die!
Sure! These bands have all influenced us. Just put some IN FLAMES and MACHINE HEAD's magic powder, mix that with all your favourite classic metal and you're done!
I'm pretty satisfied with the result, bearing in mind what circumstances this album was recorded under. The more you live with the songs the more you change them. This album is a good mean to release these specific songs and with our second one, you will see our progress. I believe this is how it works with everyone.
At the time we are in touch with some people about arranging some live shows in Greece and Europe. Hopefully soon we will announce some live dates!
For me the best sharing ever will be with IN FLAMES!
Not so quite...maybe a bit! I listened to great debut albums from DESCENDING and MENCEA. Also SEPTIC FLESH returned with a very strong release. And there's more to come...I have a good feeling about AGNOSIA's debut album that will be released in 2009.
Hmm...difficult decision, I think! Let's see...The top-5 for 2008 is: - IN FLAMES - A Sense Of Purpose- GOJIRA - The Way Of All Flesh- TESTAMENT - The Formation Of Damnation- SLIPKNOT - All hope is gone- OPETH - Watershed
Thank you too George for your time! I just want to close this interview saying that Greece has a great spirit in this side of music! ARKENSTONE have a good album out and are looking forward to meeting everyone at our gigs.
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