Gilbert Dornhofer

Hi Lior, it's a pleasure! It's been a busy year so far for us, but we are all very well, healthy and motivated for the upcoming adventures.
Luckily 2021 was not that bad as it was in 2020 due to the vaccinations. That made it possible that even some open airs and also indoor shows could take place in Austria. Unfortunately, the infections are increasing again. All in all, we still have no major restrictions as they were earlier this year at this point. Let´s hope the best for the upcoming months…
In my opinion, all big open air festivals will take place in 2022 again. At least in Austria. I recently talked to some German bands as well and they were not that positive about the festival situation in 2022. We´ll see…
It will be interesting to see if all indoor concerts will take place in 2021/2022 which are already planned. As every country has their own restrictions which are changing nearly every two weeks, it will not be economic for many touring bands to play five out of 20 shows in the end.
Indeed, all of our shows in 2020 has been cancelled or shifted to 2021/2022. On the other hand, we had more time to work on the new album which has paid off.
All of the members putted a lot of effort in Fearancy and the chemistry within the band is outstanding. Those are facts that didn't even made me think of not going ahead in the Band.
After we finished the production on Daemonium we thought it would be great to have a label to get more attention and promo on the album and the band itself. Sure, nowadays you have many ways to promote yourself as an unsigned band, but you'll never have the possibilities that an established label has.
So we sent our promo package to many labels keeping in mind that it could happen that no label is interested in our stuff or no label is signing new bands due to the pandemic situation. Luckily there were some labels which offered us a signing. In the end our decision was to sign with Black Sunset/MDD as the communication was honest and professional from the very beginning and we are very happy now to be part of this family.
In a way that's correct. As you know, Phil and I are the remaining founding members of Fearancy, our musical style changed over the years to a more heavier direction and also having Max and Benji as new forces in the band it was kind of necessary to do a little „rebranding" which fits the current Fearancy in a better way.
Yes and no. „Dæmonium" reflects not just the pandemic situations. Its concept is more to deal with things where you can struggle and suffer from directly or indirect as well as physical or psychological. The pandemic shows now all of those faces to the whole world.
As musician you are kind of influenced by some bands or genres you are listening to or have listened in the past and which shapes also your own style of playing in a way. In the end all musicians in a band takes a serious part of what the band sounds like and we are really happy with the style that has developed throughout the composing of Daemonium.
Nobody has re-invented the wheel - why not, actually? Joking aside, we've got some reviews of the new album where it comes on the table that we are not that classical Melo Death Band. Some wrote we are Thrash Metal or Death Metal and in one Review I even read that we're a Power Metal Band. On our point of view, we would us rather see as an Melo Death Band mixing also elements of Thrash/Death and a little pinch of Black in our songs. That's what Daemonium delivers to it's listeners.
We are very happy to have Max and Benji on board. Their influences and visions made the new songs „heavier" then we've expected when Phil was creating the first awesome Riffs for the new album.
On Daemonium, Phil was the first source of creativity when it comes to creating new songs. He came up with awesome and grooving melodic lines and even fully songs on guitar. The rest was put together in our rehearsal catacombs. As the musical chemistry within the band is better that ever it felt quiet easy to know how the things should sound like. Some songs were really challenging at the beginning, but nothing what can't be rehearsed 😉
When the question was raised about the production, J-F immediately came to our minds. The productions he did were all outstanding with a powerful punch in the mix. We're massively happy with the sound on the album.
The title track is the introduction to the whole album, that's why we also released our Story-Video for this song. It's gives you a good glance on what is happening during the whole ten songs.
I prefer to listen to the album consciously with a glass of whiskey being thankful of what we created and the production sounds like. For me, Sacrifice, Daemonium and Voices are the most powerful songs on the record.
For 2022 we're already confirmed at InnRock Reloaded Festival in Tirol/Austria. There are some more shows/festivals we are currently in touch with the promoters - fingers crossed!
Thanks for the interview and your support, Lior! All the best from camp Fearancy!

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