Florian Reimann

Goblin's Blade

It landed from out of nowhere, yet it was surprising to see a great return to action. Years after the end of the German Destillery, nothing was heard nor nothing was posted or advertised or talked about. Just recently a recognizable voice returned to the scene, slow and easy, little by little. The rise of Goblin's Blade, which apparently was a sort of by chance, raised up an interest with the fronting of ex-Destillery's Florian Reimann, and that nearly Dickinsonian voice pattern. Steinmetal had a chance to talk to Mr. Reimann about the end of his past endeavor, new beginnings, new album of Goblin's Blade, perspectives towards songwriting and more…  
May 8, 2020
Goblin's Blade's Florian Reimann: "There was a long pause after Destillery. Musically I have not found a connection. There was no slap in the face" interview
Hello Florian, it is awesome to have you for this interview. How have you been doing kind sir? I hope that you are keeping yourself in good spirit with the pandemic still out there

Hi, to be honest the pandemic strains our nerves. We are at a point where decisions made are somehow incomprehensible. We are like dolls who have to live with a muzzle. Incredible!

Well, first thing that I have to ask is where have you been all these years? After Destillery, I kind of lost track of your working projects, and it felt as if you took a step out of the scene only to return recently, with Goblin's Blade and Command the Machyne. Did you have enough back then and needed a break from it all or life just hit you in the face?

There was a long pause after Destillery. Musically I have not found a connection. There was no slap in the face. I moved to the north of Germany. The scene is not so big there, even if Wacken is not that far away.

The media, back in the day, probably asked you about it, but I feel the need myself, especially after all those years, what was the fate of Destillery?

The natural way of five young men who have learned their profession. We played the last concert for a very good friend. After that we decided to quit Destillery at this point. It was a joint decision at the right time

So what is the story with Goblin's Blade? You have been there since the beginning, which wasn't too long ago, clocking two years if I am not mistaken. With the Command the Machyne already around a year earlier, did you feel that you just needed more and therefore front another band?

With command the Machyne my return and love for singing started. The creation of Goblins Blade was more of a coincidence. About a year later after the creation of CTM we made 3 songs for Goblins Blade for fun. This is how the GB EP publication came about.

Recently, the band signed with Massacre Records, a proper home for the kind of music that the band is representing and of course promotion wise, it should do the work to spread your name out there. Soon your debut album, "Of Angels and Snakes", is to be released. Assumingly that you listened to the final product more than a fair share, even from yours truly that listened to it for six times I believe, what do you make of it in overall? Are you satisfied with what ran through your ears? Would you have done things differently given the chance?

Overall, we have put together a very strong album with a great cast. The songs correspond to our level of development. I think everything is just right the way it is. The contract with Massacre suits us very well and we look forward to the feedback from the listeners.

Listening to "Of Angels and Snakes" had me thinking of the approach of Destillery, as if it serves as some kind of continuance to the journey made a little more than a decade ago. While writing and recording the album, did you have any recollections of those old days with the early band?

When I started Command the Machyne, I increasingly removed the memories of Destillery to create something independent. It's the same with Goblins Blade. It shouldn't be a copy, but something independent. Of course my voice is recognizable, but I don't see it as a distillery sequel

Let's talk a little about philosophy and lyricism. "Of Angels and Snakes" is certainly won't be the first, nor the last, album that attends to the constant battle between good and evil, whether in front of our eyes, or behind the scenes. However, I believe that there is more to it, can you shed some light about some of the album's meanings and messages to the listener?

When I edit the texts, I always have visual ideas about what I have written. like a radio play. Not every message is equally understandable. To understand the texts, you can interpret here and there. I find visual imaginations to convey the message particularly great. When it emotionally merges with singing, it is exactly as I imagine it to be.

Personally, how do you find this constant clashing of swords? How do you find yourself connected to its grasp?

An exciting journey to merge with the steel. Demanding lines that I face with ambition and respect. I am looking forward to the first concerts.

With Destillery as a reference, at least for me, once I choked the life out of "Of Angels and Snakes", I could also listen to Iron Savior, Paragon, those razorblade guitars really made a number on me. However, also the dramatic happenings of Metal Church and Omen. Those razorblade guitars really made a number on me. Coming into the question at hand, in your point of view, what makes Goblin's Blade different in the horizon as the new guy in town?

Difficult to say because I connect and see my singing absolutely emotionally. I dive into my world where I feel free and independent. Comparisons with other bands are just for guidance. I do not rate this biased, but purely emotionally. Comparisons are difficult for me because other bands are emotionally connected to their songs. So whether it affects me or not does not mean that it is good or bad.

Being a fairly new band, that is true, yet the band's members are veterans that have been around. Nonetheless, when it comes to the songwriting process, it is a different story. What can you tell of what happened behind the curtain of the forming of Of Angels and Snakes"?

A large part of the song rights, ideas and approaches are from Jörg. I heard the songs in the first line with the lyrics, these according to my ideas and my vocal lines. On "Utopia" the guitar riffs and the lyrics are the Jörg relationship hat. We were also in consultation with the songwriting and developed the songs in this way

An inescapable marching song, classic for Power Metal, is the crunchy riff catchiness of "Pay For Your Sins". It sounds highly passionate, and it nicely develops until a blazing end. What do you make of this tune? What can you tell me about inspiration to create it?

For me, the crux of my vocal turn. When I was designing the song lines I was shaking off my problems. "Pay For Your Sins" was the result of my molting. Concentrated energy and not an easy song! The song is about atonement and that everyone has to be accountable for his actions.

Twisting and turning between slow tempo bone breaker, to what appears to be somewhat of a balladry, comes in "When The Night Follows The Day". What can you tell about the rather enigmatic feel of the song's title? Do you see Goblin's Blade a little adventurous with this one?

This song is full of imaginative pictures. Light and shadow. When the night follows the day. A bit like our lives full of ups and downs. Full of light and full of shadows. Coupled with a lot of emotions, it became a very good song!

With the Covid-19 still out there, relevant and with fears of a second wave, everything that is entertainment is shut down. Bands nowadays have to search for alternative ways in order to promote their music so their efforts, and themselves, would still be alive and well. With the ability to perform live at the moment, how is Goblin's Blade adjusting to the situation at hand?

Light and shadow hehe. Well, it can be assumed that we will not be able to play before the end of the year. When fewer concerts are played, more music is streamed. With Massacre, we are well positioned at this point to still be heard.

Looking forward into the year, and even towards 2021, where do you see Goblin's Glade? Perhaps already working on a new album? Any live plans or wishes to perform in various places?

Let's wait for the recession and the resonance of the album. Our goal is definitely to play some interesting gigs. Let's see what offers we get.

Florian, many thanks for this interview. I wish you and the guys nothing but the best. I am really glad that you are back in the saddle, at the helm of the vocals. Many thanks sir.

Oh thank you, stay healthy and happy in these insane times!

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