Fábio Polato


Europe is still considered the main power base for Metal music, no matter the continent's size. Therefore, for a band outside of Europe to finally release an album there, is quite the occasion to garner a rightful exposure. The Brazilian Metallers, TraumeR, a new journey began, signing with a new label and releasing an album in the center of Metal. Steinmetal had a talk with Fabio Polato of the band regarding the release, course of songwriting, Andre Matos and more
August 12, 2019
TraumeR's Fábio Polato: "Too hard to believe Andre's gone so soon. His legacy was very valuable
Hello Fabio, thank you for your time for this interview for Metal Temple online magazine, I trust that all is well on your end and the TraumeR camp?

Thank you for the invitation!

First of all, congrats for the worldwide release of your latest album, "History", via Rock Of Angels Records. Even though the original issue date was back in 2018, yet through Japan, do you still feel the rush of the album's unleashing upon the whole world?

Thank you,I think it's awesome! I can say that few bands up here in Brazil have this privilege. I'm sure excited, this release was eagerly awaited by many people, and I believe we met expectations.

Up to date, how have been the reactions to "History" by your fanbase and other Metalheads?

Luckily the album is being very well received! We have received several messages on our fan social networks praising our work. Of course we can't always please everyone, but we strive to always deliver the best!

I can't shake it when I listen to "History", the heavily induced elements of 90s Angra meets 90s Rhapsody meets 90s Stratovarius. I gather that you are a fan of at least one of those bands, which probably made an impact on your music. Was I in the right direction? What makes you feel inspired when listening to such icons?

They are great metal legends! Impossible not to take them as a reference. I was particularly introduced to this world by influence of Angra and Iron Maiden mainly, and all the other metal heroes that make up this scenario like Helloween, Edguy, Stratovarius, among others, are always present in TraumeR members' personal playlists

Talking about Angra, which is your country peer, recently Andre Matos, the band's legendary ex-vocalist, died of a Heart Attack. No doubt, a great loss to the world of Metal. Can you share your thoughts about him? Did you have the chance to get to know him?

He was a great exponent of our art and culture, certainly a national pride. Too hard to believe he's gone so soon. His legacy was very valuable, and without the inspiration in his art, TraumeR would never have gotten to where it came from. I am very grateful to him, although I have never been personally introduced.

Heading back to the album, do you believe that "History" is a crossing of boundaries for TraumeR in comparison to your early discography or is it a mere perpetuation of efforts once made?

It is said that the third album of a band is one of the most complicated. I do not know exactly where this rumor came from, but you can understand that a band that reaches this point is a very subject to comparisons with their previous works. I particularly think this is a good sign, a sign that people are taking more interest in our work and always expecting more. This is exciting! I see our albums as children, each one has its own differentials and its particularities and I love them all. It is up to our audience to listen to them and draw their conclusions.

What does essentially "History" focuses about lyrically? Does it have a unified theme or a mix of stories that have a sort of a connection between them?

As we said in other interviews, the band name means "dreamer" and it is our dreams that move us. "History" has many references to our track record as well as previous albums. We did not do it conceptually, but as a tribute to a great step in a journey that is still far from over

What can you share regarding the album's songwriting process? Are you working as a joint effort when writing songs or each to his own, shaping up ideas?

We always seek to extract the best of all musicians to bring the best quality to our compositions. We try to be consistent in our style, but we always like to try something new every once in a while.

Once again your vocalist / producer, Guilherme Hirose, along with the team up with the mastering of the Finnish Mika Jussila, came with great sound results for "History". What is your perception of the album's sound? Do you think that it better characterizes TraumeR in comparison to the past?

As I mentioned, each album has its strengths. One of History's strengths for sure is production, mixing and mastering as well. Guilherme and Mika did a great job, as always.

Which of the album's tracks is your number one? Please elaborate on your pick

I love "Lonely Rain" is a nice song to listen to, everything in it holds you, from beginning to end. something in her speaks to my heart

Recently, the legendary American Heavy Metal band Manowar cancelled their appearance in the French Hellfest festival on the same day they were about to perform. It was said that it was due to sound and stage related issues, blaming everything on the festival's production. What are your thoughts about it? Is it a ridiculous accusation by the Americans? Were they just looking for a reason? Does Manowar have a case against the festival?

I have no opinion on that, as we do not know closely the structure of this huge festival. I think Manowar had a good reason to cancel the event, because one thing I learned during my career is the way you see yourself in the backstage, is not always what fans see. There are many technical and even political issues that make a show happen or not

On several articles, it was argued that Heavy Metal music actually contributes to a person's calmness, make him a soothing person unlike the imagery that may be portrayed by the genre. Do you agree with that assessment? Shouldn't we be pumping out energy when listening to Metal, the feel of being energized with tons of power?

We should not generalize, the music acts different in each person. Or maybe we are really quiet listening to heavy metal because this expression of energy calms us down in a way. It's a way of interpreting this phenomenon I think

How do you intend to celebrate the worldwide release of "History"? Perhaps a European tour is in order?

Would be very interesting! But unfortunately we do not have a date to visit Europe yet. But we hope to bring the History to every country we can!

Fabio, I wish to thank you for the interview. "History" is an exciting release, which I am sure will be raising attention in the Metal community. All the best ace!

I thank the magazine and all readers for their attention and all the affection! Thank you very much and see you next time!

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