Eduardo Anton
War Dogs

Hey! Everything is alright, is a pleasure to be here.
It has been a very long journey. The first seed for War Dogs was sown back when Manu (bass) and me were at school. We did a really shitty show playing some AC/DC songs and we even didn't have drums hahaha. But after that the both of us continue to play music together and we meet Jose (drums) because our parents know each other. Later on, an ex-girlfriend of mine introduce me to Alberto (vocals) and then was the moment when we decided to stop all the playing-covers stuff to start being a true band. Enrique (guitars) would come a year after this, at the end of 2017.
In fact, you're not wrong, because Satan is one of my all-time favorite bands hahaha. I really love "Court in the Act" and "Life Sentence". Besides that, I grew up listening to a lot of traditional heavy metal and NWOBHM bands. Stuff like Judas Priest, Mercyful Fate, Diamond Head, Accept, Hell, Riot... and later on I discovered epic heavy metal, becoming Manilla Road one of my favs. Also, I have read some reviews saying that my soloing and guitar harmonies are inspired by Iron Maiden, but I think they're wrong. I love Maiden, but I believe that mi harmonies come from the realms of Thin Lizzy, my favorite band, and my favorites in terms of guitar soloing are Mark Reale from Riot, Jake E Lee, Johm Sykes and KK Downing.
I really love all kinds of mythology. I think that my fascination with this kind of stuff began when I was a child, with the Conan movies and comics and, although it sounds kind of weird, with a videogame called "Age of Empires: Mythology". Later on I started reading all the Greek mythos that I have used on my lyrics (Medusa in "Gorgon Eyes", Icarus in "Wings of Fire", the tale of the Minotaur in "Wrath of Theseus") and I saw some movies that were so influential for me, like Jason and the Argonauts. And now I'm researching about the mythology of other cultures like Japan, so in the next albums we will have more variety.
We contacted with Fighter Records directly, sending them all the album and the cover. The interest was there since the beginning and we're very happy with it.
I believe that the main advantages are that there is someone behind you that takes care of the advertising and the making of the physical copies. With the money that we save we can do a lot of other things, like merch or improve our stage presence.
I believe that YouTube is the platform that keeps the flame alive. Anderson Thiago, the guy behind the channel NWOTHM Full Albums is making an awesome job to get this young bands to the world.
I believe that "Die By My Sword" is the album that I would like to listen to. Maybe there are other bands with influences of epic heavy metal, NWOBHM, hard rock like Thin Lizzy, etc. But my objective is to blend all that bands that I love in only one album, and I think that's something that we don't usually see.
I believed that we have evolved a lot since the EP. We have the same influences and the same working method, but then we were just learning. I believe that the first song that help me learning how to compose was "Immortal's Lamment".
Usually I (or the member that has composed the song) records a video playing the song, the rest learn it and then in the rehearsal room we put it together democratically. But sometimes we draw some ideas in the rehearsal room and the song keeps flowing, like in the case of "Ready to Strike".
Most of the times I've got an idea on my mind, then I record an audio on my mobile phone singing it to not forget it, then I try to transcribe it to the guitar and finally I make some arrangements to it.
That tune has a long history. The intro was composed when I was 15 or so, and then the rest of the song was completely different. When we were composing the album I remembered this tune and I loved the intro, but the rest was so fucking horrible, so I kind of mixed another song that I have with that intro and the result was so freaking amazing. Is one of my favorites to play live.
"Kill the Past" without a doubt. It talks about some personal issues I had in the past, with some people that aren't in my life anymore. I wrote the song as some king of therapy session, and in the end it has become one of my favorites.
Honestly, no hahaha I wrote the main riff so many years ago, like with 14 years. Then, when we were composing the album I recycled it and made the rest of the song about that riff, which is one of my favorites of mine. When we were putting it together someone said that the riff reminded him of Manilla Road and Necropolis and I was like "oh my God, these dudes influenced me even before I listened to them". At that time was when we decided to make it a tribute to Mark Shelton, because we all love Manilla Road and is one of our main influences.
I'm realistic, I know that heavy metal is not as big as it was back in the day, but I would love to keep making music like friends and banging live to all the maniacs around the globe!
Right now we are planning a tour in Spain with other great Spanish heavy metal bands, and I hope that we could perform in Europe. But I'm not allowed to speak about all that stuff yet hahaha.
We have no mercy with our public hahaha. We play almost uninterrupted all the show. Is a very energetic and fun experience to us, and people seem to love it.
Cheers, thanks!

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