April 3, 2008

Thank you. You know Dimitris we are just trying to do the best for the fans.
It's was really great! It was like KISS said with Detroit Rock City! The fans were in good spirit and we had lots of fun.
We will go back to the studio to work for the new alum.
Actually, we do have some songs almost ready. We have this one that is called The Night Of The Warlock, which is the working title, and is in the vein of Balls To The Wall and Fear Of The Dark. There is another one where I want to invite some friends, heroes, inspirations to come to sing with me and is entitled Celebrate The Metal Years that goes with my 25th anniversary. After the 'Magic Circle' festival we have one in Portugal, two in Spain and after that we want to prepare for the 25th anniversary concert on the 13th of December in Dusseldorf, Germany!
The 20th anniversary that was also released on a DVD went so good and actually we want to do even better on this one. We will have some great guests and musicians...
Yeah, LEAVE'S EYES have been confirmed but the rest of them aren't, so I don't want to give away names that will disappoint the fans if they won't make it after all. But I think fans know that we will give a special concert for them that night. I want us to play all the highlights and definitely some specials. You know I have contacted some of the old WARLOCK members to come and maybe we will do something special...
Whoa man, it went so fast. I feel like there have been just five years. It was so exciting, such an adventure, especially touring all around the world where you can see so much! It's really unbelievable; I never thought that we would play in all of these places like Thailand, Australia and to the Eastern countries where it was so difficult to go during the 80s.
Oh that's good, you know our bass player is half Greek!
Yeah you do! It was my first time there; I met so many great people and made some friends in just one day! We will definitely come back; probably next year with the new album.
(without thinking at all) No. I have always been trying my best and even during the 90s when Heavy Metal was not doing so well. I am lucky to have a really strong fan base where I draw all my inspiration and have kept me going all these years. I think the good times are over-shadow the bad ones so no regrets for me. There is one side of the music industry that really sucks; you are interested in playing/making music and they are interested in other things and that can give you some hard times. Think of the WARLOCK days where we had our name taken away...
No, I managed to take our name back. I think that the manager with whom we had the problems was actually killed (the rumors say he was poisoned) a couple of weeks ago when he was in Turkey.
Absolutely, no. I had lost contact with him a long time ago. Actually, I got the name long before that, so...
(almost blushing) I don't know, there are some female artists in the Gothic scene...
I don't know. If people have something nice to say then I think it's good...
(laughing) Yeah that's right. I was (and still I am) a big ACCEPT fan and a friend of U.D.O.. Actually, when I was with my first band SNAKE BITE we went to an ACCEPT concert and I was just amazed!
It is always amazing to work with someone that you look up to and I would love to work with Ronnie James Dio, or Dave Mustaine because I had my first US tour with MEGADETH back in 1988. We are good friends with Dio and we have toured two times, in 1987 and 2000 here at the States and things work better if you have a past history with an artist. Who knows, sometimes when you are in a festival some good things happen!
No, I want to play music until the day I'll die (laughs). The music is the most important thing to me with fans included.
From day one there was a special connection to them. Now, I can appreciate and cherish it even more. I think after the not so good time period of the 90s things are getting better and stronger. Back, in the 80s you had the chance to play in front of big audiences in large venues...
Yeah, I prefer to perform in front of passionate fans and see the flame in their eyes. If I'd played for 10 people with fire in their eyes it would like 10 thousands to me! Everything in person counts.
I want to say that it was great to play for the first time in Greece and that we will definitely try to come back soon. Also I want to thank everybody for all the great love and support during these years. I deeply appreciate it and I will always give my best for you!
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