Darkyra Black

Darkyra Black

DARKYRA BLACK has just released their album dragon tears. Our own Charlotte Wittingham had the opportunity to speak speak with the front woman, who uses the stage name, same as band name. Releasing albums is a big deal toa band, here is what she had to say to Metal Temple.
By Charlotte "Lotty" Whittingham
September 18, 2014
Interview - Darkyra Black (Darkyra Black) interview
Hi Darkyra, thank you for the time for this interview for Metal Temple. How have you been doing?

Hi Charlotte, Great to hear from you. I've been quite a busy little bee. Lots happening.

Before we drench into the material questions, can you please introduce yourself and your music to the readers? Who and what are your personal musical influences?

For those who don't know me, my name is Gina Bafile, better known by my stage name which is also the name of my current music project, 'Darkyra Black'. (Dark Lady in Black). The music is of a very cinematic and symphonic style. Both myself and the musicians involved in this project, have a lot of music influences both within Symphonic Metal / Gothic / Prog and Classic Rock genres. I could name them but there is way too many to mention and although we draw on these influences, the music of Darkyra Black reflects its own unique sound.

Recently your released your latest album "Dragon Tears", a creation of Gothic Rock and Metal with various elements to make it quite a refreshing kick. Now a year after the release, how do you find it?

Well actually it's only been six months since the official album release. It's been an incredible journey so far and I've been overwhelmed with the media response and reviews, mostly positive.

Have you been supporting "Dragon Tears"? Were there shows in Australia and beyond?

So far there haven't been any shows, being such a new and unique project that no one had ever heard of before it was hard to say how it was going to be perceived, so it really needed time to circulate and build some exposure. A lot of hard work, time and money had gone into the production of 'Dragon Tears' all of which was self-funded. Strategies are in place now for shows here in Australia and if all goes well the possibility of some European / UK shows might be an option for next year.

Post "Dragon Tears", it was heard that a new album is in the works, what can you tell about it? What is expected in terms of music and sound?

Yes, album 2 'Fool' is in production now. This album has a much heavier vibe but still keeps within the tradition of the first album with the cinema type concept and gothic sound. I really don't want to give too much away just yet.

Are there any distinguished guests expected to perform on the new release?

Yes, demolition man, Tony Dolan (E-MPIRE OF EVIL and Venom) plays bass on the track titled 'Truth or Dare'.

Will there be any singles released from the new album?

No, there won't be any single releases prior to the album release.

Earlier on, while following your website, I noticed that you have titled the albums as scenes; are these different albums telling a story?

Yes, Garry King (Achillea, Exorcism), came up with this idea for the Bio to keep the cinema like momentum going and also keeping within the flow that album 2 has an underlying concept or story.

Let's talk about a few general matters. What do you personally think of the term female fronted metal being used rather than actual genre being used to describe music?

I think there's a lot of segregation between Female Fronted Metal and Metal in General. There's a lot of talk or speculation that suggests that Females aren't taken seriously compared to Male Fronted bands. Personally I think music as a whole is purely subjective and there is segregation between most genre's and subgenres within the metal scene as a whole. Regardless of whether the music has a Male or Female Vocalist, opinions will always be there and overall a thick skin is required it you want to survive this field.

Do you think people's decisions to listen to a band are sometimes swayed by the fact there is a woman fronting the band?

I think there is a market for everything. There is a lot of interest in female fronted music and also a lot of pressure on women regarding their overall visual appearance. As I mentioned previously, it's purely a subjective matter.

Do you think there is still sexism in Metal music after all these years, especially due to the rise of iconic female front women characters?

Well I would hope to think that there'd be less sexism now considering there are a lot more Female Vocalists around in the metal scene; however I think that perhaps the labeling of Female Fronted Metal is confusing people into believing that it is an entirely separate Genre.

Regarding the music market, with the internet providing shelter to illegal downloading, do you feel that this matter is actually a promotion to the vast number of artists out there, which most of them are unsigned?  Is this the right way or will it topple the industry all together?

Illegal downloads aren't doing our industry any justice. The artist can't afford to keep producing music if people are ripping it off for free. Although there have been some advantages in regards to the public being better exposed to new artists, there is a small minority of those listeners that would do the right thing and pay for the music if they liked it after they've downloaded it for free. I think eventually things will crash. When you look at the increase of well-known artists that are starting pledges to crowd fund their next album then I think it's saying something in regards to how illegal downloads have effected their sales.

Darkyra, I wish to thank you for this interview, your music is quite an inspiration. Good luck with the new release. Any last words for the readers?

Thank You Charlotte, It's always a pleasure to be interviewed by Metal Temple.

To the readers, keep checking the website for Darkyra Black updates.


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