Dan Lorenzo and Alan Tecchio
Dan: Thanks. We're glad people still listen to our music.
Alan: Yeah, exactly. We are very happy to be doing this interview!
Dan: Great. We just played in NJ Saturday night. Scott LePage flew up from Dallas and we rehearsed with him and Tom and Kevin Thursday night and all five of us on Friday night. We had two rehearsals without Scott earlier in the month. Anyway, like I said, the show was Saturday and it was REALLY fun. ROSS THE BOSS came onstage to play the MANOWAR song "Deathtone" with us and it was magic. People flipped. We had never jammed with Ross before until that moment onstage and people told me it gave them goose bumps. We sold a bunch of our brand new DVDs, HADES t-shirts and CDs….just a great great night.
Alan: Things are good though we only play about once a year. It keeps it special for the fans and since we have not written any new HADES music it keeps it fresh for us as well.
Dan: We have to stop playing long enough that people will ask for us again (laughs). People only appreciate HADES when we say "We will never play again.". Seriously, after we recorded "DamNation", Ron (now in OVERKILL) got cancer. When he got better, I recorded 3 solo CDs with him. Alan joined SEVEN WITCHES…I did THE CURSED CD with Blitz and Jimmy Schulman moved to L.A. HADES time was over. Then we got the offer to play KIT and we decided to do it. Of course as is our luck, the volcano cancelled our flight. So then we did "Bang Your Head". We also played in NJ last April of 2010 and that is what the DVD is from. People can order it from DanLorenzo.netor through Cyclone Empire.
Dan: I love them. There are so many cool pictures I hadn't seen in years. Plus I was listening to Scott LePage and his sons version of "Sledgehammer Pres", an old instrumental I wrote in around 1983. This version on Resisting Success in brand new and really cool. I love the new re-mix of "The Leaders". A lot of the bonus tracks I hadn't heard in years and they are really cool. What do you think Mr.Tecchio?
Alan: Yeah, for sure we love what the CE folks did with the re-releases. They all look like part of a series in terms of layout which is very cool. As a band we are all very happy to have official re-releases available for the fans. Dan and I had re-released these a few times over the years but the art and bonus tracks never quite reached a level that we were totally happy with. Thankfully that is not the case with the CE re-releases. We are very proud of how they came out.
Alan: I think Dan had the idea to get them out there in an official capacity and I had the connection to Cyclone Empire through my band AUTUMN HOUR so it was kind of a joint effort. They were very receptive to the idea at the label so that is how the gears got rolling on the re-releases.
Dan: Not really. I'm much happier now, but I do look back with many fond memories.
Alan: I miss the energy of those times. We were all a lot younger and for sure naive but we thrived on the musical exploration of the unknown and all the great bands and clubs that were around back then. It was a great time to grow up in and a fantastic scene to be a part of.
Dan: That is hard. I don't write like that anymore. My natural writing style today is more of a NON-FICTION or THE CURSED style. If I forced myself to write like that it would sound forced. It's impossible to go back in time. I prefer to write from the heart. Occasionally I'll come up with a riff or two that sounds like HADES's"DamNation" era.
Alan: I do not think you can possibly recreate those times today. That material was written during a very special time in our lives. We were poor and living exclusively on the dream of making it as a band. These days we are playing music for the love of doing it. None of us expect to become rockstars at this time so the whole vibe is different. Material-wise I am doing some fast thrashy / prog stuff with a Hungarian band called MINDS MIRRORS so I am still involved in similar music but as I said-the vibe is totally different now. I also have way more experience at this point so I would like to think I am singing better than back then and growing as a lyricist.
Alan: I am not sure why that is but I know we were definitely trying to push the limits within the thrash metal genre. Songs like "Process of Assimilation" showed an experimental side to the band and "Opinionate!" is just a mad, riff-laden monster that surpassed pretty much everything on the first CD in terms of heaviness. I guess we were just growing as a band and expanding the sound…
Dan: It will always change but aspects will stay the same.
Alan: I think we were part of the foundation for modern bands' sounds. Our last CD "DamNation" is pretty modern sounding but we are happy being a Classic / Power / Thrash Metal band. It is our style and to try and sound more modern would come off as contrived and untrue. I am not sure if we fit at all into the present-day Metal scene.
Dan: I don't see the point. People don't pay for music anymore. At least not on a scale to make it worth our while. Blame the Internet. Plus….as I said-I just don't write like that anymore. I do have one fast song left over from 1989. I was just jamming it at our last rehearsal. Hey Alan…do you want to record that song and give the world one last HADES Thrash song?
Alan: I would complete that song for sure cause it was a great one. Maybe that will be our final gift to the world of metal! But yeah-a whole album seems unrealistic.
Alan: Thanks again for doing this interview. We are honored!
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