Christer Andersson

Tad Morose

Every new member of the magazine's staff always gets to request an interview, any kind of interview (phone, e-mail, telepathy...) with a band he/she really likes. Well, Amy stepped into my office (well not exactly but let's not spoil this 'stepping into my office' kind of thing) and went Boss, you know what? I wanna interview Tad Morose!. How could I say no? I mean...Tad Morose is a kick-ass Heavy Metal band from Sweden after all. So, here is Christer 'Krunt' Andersson's (guitarist) replies to what Amy had to ask!
By Amy La Salla
October 6, 2004
Christer Andersson (Tad Morose) interview
How has the response been on tour? Have there been any songs that have particularly struck a chord with the audience live that maybe was a bit surprising to you?

It has been great. It is funny, but it differs between Europe and USA, a lot more people seems to like our earlier stuff in USA then in Europe. The newer stuff seem to be well received everywhere. I can´t remember a specific song, but usually we like a few songs on our albums more then the others but almost every time fans seem to think the other way around. Ha ha ha.

What is your favorite song to play live?

Well, I don't know, but I like to play Matters of the Dark, No Mercy.

Any favorite on the road stories you'd like to share? How did you enjoy your recent trip to the U.S.A?

Ha ha ha, they are just to many to mention. And, what goes on the road stays on the road he he he. We had a very good time in USA, the audience just blew us away. We didn't know what to expect, so we where stunned by the response. I guess ProgPower and Sweden Rock Festival in 2003 is our finest moments so far.

Any country you would like to visit?

New Zealand. Hell, there are a lot of places I like to go.

How is the new album coming along? What sort of sound are you aiming for?

So far it isn't coming along at all. Ha ha ha. We haven't started to write anything yet. Inspiration hasn't been great lately due to business related matters. We got a bunch of ideas, but no finished songs yet. I guess we will begin this fall/winter to write seriously for the new album.

It is to early to tell what it will sound like, but my guess is that it will be in the same lane as Modus Vivendi, but who knows, it might also be completely different.

Reason of the Ghost has a great vibe to it. Did you have an idea already in place to write something with a disturbing vibe? Are there any plans to write more songs like that? (One of my favorites!)

Ha ha ha. thanks. No we never have a plan when it comes to song writing. We just write them and they turn out the way they do. It is pretty much there and then so to say. So maybe we felt disturbed when we wrote that song. I can't remember. Ha ha ha.

Your sound is darker than most power metal bands. What do you think inspired that?

See above. Maybe we are darker in our souls compared to other happy metal bands.

Your music has an ethereal quality to it. Is that done on purpose or does it just happen?

Oh, thanks. I guess it just happens.

What is your favorite Tad Morose album with Kristian 'Krille' Andrén on vocals? What is your favorite Tad Morose album with Urban Breed on vocals?

Tough question. Well, I don't really know. I guess Paradigma with Krille and Modus Vivendi with Urban. The latest ones with both singers.

When did you first learn to play guitar? Did you have a teacher or are you self taught?

Totally self taught. I guess I have to blame Ace Frehley for me starting to play guitar.

What Tad Morose songs have especially strong meaning to you?

No special song, they all mean a lot since I know what it took to get them done and get them on the albums.

What inspires you to play/write?

Life in general I guess. I just write whatever I feel at the moment.

What are your favorite bands?

Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Accept, Dio, Anvil, Savatage, Tygers of Pan Tang, King Diamond, Mercyful Fate, Vicious Rumors, Arch Enemy, etc etc.

What inspired you to start Tad Morose?

I was fed up playing in different bands where nothing happened. My belief was, and is, that you really have to put your mind to everything you do in a band and have both short and long term goals to try to reach. A plan you could say. In a band there is about 5% of playing music and having fun, the rest is just hard and sometimes boring work. But it still has to be done if you want to go somewhere.

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