Apollon Zygomalas
CEREBRUM, a technical Death Metal band from Athens, Greece, released its debut album earlier this year and METAL TEMPLE wouldn't miss the chance to ask them a few things about their first steps, their collaboration with George Kollias and more…
By Yiannis Dafopoulos
January 30, 2010
Hello and welcome to the temple of Metal! Can you give us a short bio of the band for the people who don't know you?
Hello there! CEREBRUM was formed in Athens, Greece around 2002 by Mike Papadopoulos and Jim Touras. Apollon Zygomalas joined in the same year as the lead singer. We released a demo in 2005 and in 2007 we recorded our debut album "Spectral Extravagance". In early 2009 we signed a deal with Czech label Lacerated Enemy Records and on the 18th of August our debut "Spectral Extravagance" was released.
Your name is somehow connected to your music. Who chose the name CEREBRUM?
Mike did.
Your debut album was released through Lacerated Enemy Records. How did you sign with them? Did you approach them? Did you have any offers from bigger labels?
We talked with many labels including some bigger ones and we had some offers but Zdenek, the owner of Lacerated Enemy showed us that he really liked our music and really believed in us. On top of that he offered the best deal, too. So the choice was an easy one.
Tell us a few things about "Spectral Extravagance". Where was it recorded and who took care of the mixing/mastering duties?
The album was recorded at DB Recordings in Slovenia in 2007. Mixing and mastering took place at Grindhouse Studios in Greece and was done by George Bokos along with Jim and Mike who are also sound engineers.
Who designed the cover artwork for the album and what connection does it have to the album's title?
The whole artwork was done by Xaay, a Polish guy .We sent him the songs and lyrics, and shared our vision and ideas and he really managed to put all these into the cover and artwork you see, doing an amazing job.How did you manage to have George Kollias play the drums for the album? Did you know him? Will he continue to help you or will you seek for a permanent drummer?
Well yes, George is a good friend and really likes our music so the choice was easy. Needless to say we are very happy with the result. He'll probably do the second album, too.
You have also released an EP back in 2005, which I unfortunately never had the chance to listen to. What differences are there between your EP and "Spectral Extravagance"?
There are no differences in style. All three songs of this demo are included in the album altered a bit for the better.
Have you scheduled any live shows to promote your new album?
Our label is arranging a European tour for us somewhere around March and tries to book some festivals. We really want to play as much as possible.
What are your influences as a band? Allow me to say that even though most bands prefer the modern really fast and technical way, you feature a more old school technical Death Metal sound.
We certainly prefer the old school technical Death Metal from the modern one. Bands like NOCTURNUS, ATHEIST, DEMILICH, old school Death Metal but also technical Thrash like WATCHTOWER, VOIVOD, MEKONG DELTA, DEATHROW… Jazz, Rock, Fusion, 70's Prog Rock and other stuff…
Is it too early to be talking about new material?
The music for the second album is ready.
Thank you for this interview! I wish you all the best! Anything last you would like to add?
Thank you! We hope you'll enjoy the album!
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