
Tierra Santa

If I was good in Spanish – or the band's vocalist/guitarist Angel in English! – then this interview would focus on much more than you'll briefly read below. The only scope for this interview was – even if epigrammatically – to raise the interest of the vast majority of Metal fans towards TIERRA SANTA's fantastic music. This Spanish act, being around for more than ten years, definitely deserves so...
By Grigoris Chronis
April 14, 2007
Angel (Tierra Santa) interview
Hi Angel! Your latest album Mejor Morir En Pie is on the market since the summer of 2006. What's the fans and media reaction to it 'till now?

The new CD is a good 'arrival' for our fans; we can see it in live shows. The Media was also good with it, in all aspects. Our idea is always the same when recording a new album: to make a good work and tour as much as possible.

It is really difficult 'moving' your music outside the Latin countries. Have you ever thought about singing in English in the near future?

We have not planned this, because our knowledge of the English language is not as good as we would like it. So, we are not ready yet to write acceptable 'texts'. Basically, the Spanish language is our 'mother-tongue' and is the best one for expressing ourselves.

TIERRA SANTA's music is very familiar to IRON MAIDEN. Apart from them, which other band shave influenced your career?

Our main influence is the 80s bands. So many people have been telling us about IRON MAIDEN's similarities. The comparison is a really big honor for us, because IRON MAIDEN was a reference when we started on this music.

TIERRA SANTA has been more than ten years in the Metal scene. Are you really happy with yourselves after this period of time?

We are not only happy; it is a dream come true. We had never dreamed we could have 'got' this dream.

Is the Metal scene in Spain returning to the 80s, when bands like BARON ROJO, OBUS and other acts were at the top?

I think that music in fact is a circle; like life. But good Rock music is 'over' the rest!

Your DVD Rumbo A Las Estrellas was recorded in a live show at a festival?

Yes, it was a festival in Lorca – Lorca Rock – on Murcia province in Spain. It was really hard for us, due o the fact that the previous band performing was the SCORPIONS! But, the fans were fantastic!

TIERRA SANTA has a record deal with Locomotive Music. Are you satisfied with this cooperation?

Locomotive was our one and only label. It's been so many years working with them! Everything is fine.

How did you think about your career when you started out with the Medieval debut album and – now - arriving to Mejor Morir En Pie?

I personally think that no one knows his 'live' way; even me or you are surprised by ourselves! Still, I think it was a natural way of life (musically speaking).

Are you interested in Death/Black Metal or 'Nu' Metal music?

The fact is that for a person like me (born in 1967) it is rather difficult this kind of music to interest me. But I agree that there are really good bands producing really good music in fact!

Isn't it really tiring playing Metal music during the weekends and working on your jobs during the mid-week?

I think that a musician's job is as hard as any others.

Angel, thanks a lot. Now, the TIERRA SANTA present & future?

We have our heads always in action! We are currently presenting the new CD, like today in Bilbao. Thank you very much for being interested in TIERRA SANTA! Many many thanks!

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