Black metal masters ROTTING CHRIST have debuted a new song off of 'ΚÎ'ΤÎ' ΤΟΝ Î"Î'ΙΜΟΝÎ' […]
By Zarto
December 26, 2012

Black metal masters ROTTING CHRIST have debuted a new song off of 'ΚÎ'ΤÎ' ΤΟΝ Î"Î'ΙΜΟΝÎ' ΕÎ'ΥΤΟΥ' ("Do What Thou Wilt"). The opening track, "In Yumen ' Xibalba" is streaming now at the Season of Mist Youtube page.

ΚÎ'ΤÎ' ΤΟΝ Î"Î'ΙΜΟΝÎ' ΕÎ'ΥΤΟΥ' ("Do What Thou Wilt") proves to be ROTTING CHRIST's darkest output to date, and links the band to their heritage as pioneers of black metal. From underground heroes to international headliner status, the Greek band brings together elements from death, heavy and gothic metal with a rich native element that never betrays their dark roots. 'ΚÎ'ΤÎ' ΤΟΝ Î"Î'ΙΜΟΝÎ' ΕÎ'ΥΤΟΥ' takes this progression even further as ROTTING CHRIST forge their own sound, and augment it with female vocals, and a wide array of instrumentation. Their long years of composing and experience show unwavering confidence and maturity.

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