Collecting Shells At Lighthouse Hill

Room With A View

Are you searching for something light to keep you company during the hot summer nights? […]
By Michael Dalakos
August 23, 2006
Room With A View - Collecting Shells At Lighthouse Hill album cover

Are you searching for something light to keep you company during the hot summer nights? Something to listen while walking in the park during cold winter days? Collecting Shells At Lighthouse Hill is a fine proposal for both occasions. I found this album a small oasis amongst the endless arrivals of death metal releases in my mailbox (no offence but sometimes we need to turn it down a bit, don't you agree?).
Room With A View started as Black Thorns Lodge in 1999. Under this moniker they released a 6 tracks promo CD (titled as Promo 2000). This promo gave them the opportunity to sign with My Kingdom Music. At the end of 2001 the band changes its name and released their debut album First Year Departure in 2003.
Room With A View play modern rock. Passionate, emotional, deep, warm and even aggressive from time to time. Their sound is full of feelings making the listening a wonderful experience. The simplicity of their compositions creates a rather positive vibe while the vocalist Francesco Grasso takes the listener in a journey through colorful moments with his excellent voice (yeah he does have the known Italian accent but in their case this seems to work in favor of the band).  Boosted by a great production by Jens Bogren (Katatonia, Opeth, Soilwork, Pain of Salvation etc.) this one managed caught my attention at first sight.
Some of the album highlights are Friction, Till Morning Comes and The Farther Side Of Heaven. In addition the album comes with great artwork (plus a limited edition in slipcase so run for it!). probably one of the best rock releases for 2006!

8 / 10


"Collecting Shells At Lighthouse Hill" Track-listing:

Breathe The Water
Sometimes Anywhere
Against My Will
Till Morning Comes
Collecting Shells
The farther Side Of Heaven
Remembering Our Good-byes

Room With A View Lineup:

Francesco Grasso - Guitars & Vocals
Alessandro Mita - Guitars & Backing Vocals
Gino Palombi - Bass
Piero Arioni - Drums

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