Flotsam And Jetsam, Nasty Savage and more at Posthalle (2008)

Posthalle (Wurzburg, Germany)

Flotsam And Jetsam, Nasty Savage, Gilrschool, Tokyo Blade, Artillery, Evil, Faith Factor, Time Lord, Cast Iron, Hellbound
Back at Posthalle just a little more than a month after 'Thrash Assault III' and […]
By Erika Wallberg
November 15, 2008

Back at Posthalle just a little more than a month after 'Thrash Assault III' and this time the quite naked and empty hall felt a lot cozier. Of course, the amount of visitors had a lot to do with that since the hall was bawling empty during 'TAIII'. Again Keep It True offered a pleasant day of music, beer and great company. I was also going to find out how bad I'd done my homework when it came to learning the schedule and checking out what the bands actually looked like today. Or at all really!

Come one Gerrrmany, Keep It Tlllueee!!! Crossfire and his pack of HELLBOUND's arrived from Tokyo to play at this edition of 'KIT' and there couldn't have been a better opener of the festival. Still, this event must have the best soundguy in the world because the difference how HELLHOUND sounded in the photo pit and out on the floor were actually two different bands. But, I guess it is what most the crowd experience that counts anyway and out there HELLBOUND's energy spread amongst everyone. Their speedy, a little of all (it's not every day you can refer to both VENOM and AC_DC in the same song) Old School Metal was a great Kick Off of the day. Performed with humor or not, the joy HELLHOUND portrayed on stage was a true pleasure to watch and come on, even when you're from Japan it can't be 100% serious playing a song titled Samurai Warrior and posing with the guitars as drawn swords, with METAL printed on the back of the instruments. Anyway, HELLHOUND did a great job and was absolutely one of the best bands on this day.

Second band to hit the stage this day was Finnish CAST IRON. The band culture in Finland is about the same as in Sweden, no matter where you look you find a bunch of bands and most of them sound fairly decent. I still must say I was surprised when CAST IRON appeared in front of me. This was my first acquaintance with them and I did not expect what was hitting the stage. Leather belongs with Metal and so do beer-bellies but the latter weren't as much fun to look at. The sound in the photo-pit was not very forgiving and frankly CAST IRON sounded shit down there. I don't know what the soundguy did because moving out in the crowd it wasn't that bad at all. Away from the pit it got a lot better and their RUNNING WILD-stylish Metal was really pleasurable to listen to. For the visuals it was the beer bellies that stood out; there were not much action on stage at all. In the end of their show CAST IRON were joined by The Preacher from RUNNING WILD and they performed Genghis Khan. The odd with this arrangement was that guitarplayer Antti Salminen gave his guitar to their guest instead of vocalist Jori Merilainen giving up his; I mean, he would still have something to do since he both sang and played guitar. But ok, there's nothing wrong with just drinking beer on stage.

Sometimes it doesn't matter how well played or how well written the music is, if the band can't rock the live-experience will be dull. TIMELORD's music suited my taste perfectly; heavy but yet melodic and with all other ingredients that normally make the foundation of US Progressive Metal. And TIMELORD sure sounded great but when there's no real aim where to go with the show. Or even the slightest will to create something visual bands tend to get very boring, in fact a real turn off.
The best parts of the concert were when I sat down and was unable to see band. Then the music got through and I could enjoy TIMELORD's music.

There are times when I really hate to work at these events. The FAITH FACTOR performance was one of those occasions because every hair on my body was standing straight up as soon as Ski (or Norm Kiersznowski) started singing. I was completely stunned by his whole appearance, sort of Rob Halford junior or perhaps a clone of Sean Peck. It was actually quite easy to draw lines between CAGE and FAITH FACTOR, they had a lot of similarities. Musically and visually but that's not a bad thing, and of course also the Christian themes in both bands lyrics. CAGE hold world class and FAITH FACTOR are right there with them. To compared FAITH FACTOR to the other bands that has been on stage earlier perhaps isn't fair, these dudes showed off in a completely different league. Even in the else so unforgiving photo pit the sound was crisp and clear and flawless. And Ski is one hell of an entertainer, even when focus isn't supposed to be on him he managed to draw everyone's attention. It was impossible to not stare at leather and stud-dressed creature that comes crawling over stage. Also the multiple shapes he appeared in were both entertaining and really funny. Come on, you got to see the humor in a curly, very plastic black wig. Perhaps all changes weren't that complex but it still does something extra for the show.

All these reunions that are going on don't always turn out good. I was SO SURE it was TOKYO BLADE's turn to hit the stage I almost fell flat on my back in the photopit when EVIL entered the instead. I didn't expect TOKYO BLADE to be perfectly polished diamonds but I didn't expect them to look like THIS, like EVIL either. Even if it took less than half a second to realize I was completely wrong many thoughts spun through my head anyway. Another thought regarding EVIL was that sometimes you should let sleeping dogs lie. They actually sounded quite good with their dark and Doom-influenced Metal. The sound was very raw and naked and sounded a lot early 80's of it all. So far so good but their whole appearance felt more like a parody rather than something true. Vocalist Klaus Vicious had no idea what to do with him and strutted around on stage the whole concert. But when the chock over my own mistake and the image of EVIL had gotten some time to set I could really enjoy the music. The music was performed with passion and then most bands can get away with a not equally polished stage show.

After EVIL I did the same thing again, again I was so sure it was time for TOKYO BLADE and once more I had a hard time to get all things together before the coin fell down and I realized I was wrong again. It was time for more Danish Old School and the Thrashers in ARTILLERY hit the stage after EVIL. I must say I have mixed feelings about this band. They sound awesome and the quality of their songs holds a really high standard, all from the cult albums like Fear Of Tomorrow and Terror Squad up to latest release B.A.C.K. So there's really nothing to complain about regarding the musical quality but I've never seen a greyer band both when it comes to hair color, stage presence and mimics of them all. On the other hand vocalist Soren Nico Adamsen rock out for all of them instead so somehow they get away with it anyway. But just imagine how good it would be if they all could share a little of his enthusiasm.

When it finally was TOKYO BLADE's time to hit the stage I waited in the photo pit with a horror filled delight. I don't know how it happened but my expectations on them were boosted to a ridiculous level since they've never been that much of a favorite band. Sure TOKYO BLADE have released some really fine albums over the years but that Live From London DVD from 2005 (recorded 1985) is nothing but awkward. Sure, a lot can happen in 20 years for good and bad. And I admit, my first thought was what the hell is this?, can this even be worse than the DVD? But it only took TOKYO BLADE half a song to prove me wrong, Chris Gillen is very charismatic and he is a damn good singer and the fact that they were pretty much themselves worked perfectly. A little Grunge Style (my style is no style you remember), sometimes that works and sometimes it feels like a band has been kicked straight out of bed and up on stage. For TOKYO BLADE it was the right thing to do. Still it's questionable if it's right to call this band TOKYO BLADE since it is only guitar player Andy Boulton that's been with them from the start. But what the hell, as good as it sounded I don't really care. Songs like Lightning Strikes and Midnight Rendezvous still hold today and the hour they got flew by way to fast. Still I don't get why they should waste time on Long Live Rock 'n' Roll, sure a classic that's bound to get reaction out of the crowd but that wasn't necessary. They already had everyone on their side and all everyone wanted to hear was Night Of The Blade.

Girls can rock and can be as good musicians as guys too, that's a fact. Just look at Michelle Meldrum (R.I.P) or Alla Fedynitch (ENEMY OF THE SUN, LEAVES EYES and more), if they can't convince you, you're a way too big a skeptic. Unfortunately, that doesn't go for all women.

I was so hoping to be blown away by GIRLSCHOOL, that they should be as good as everyone says. Perhaps they're a little outside my area of music but I can still appreciate it if it's well performed. From an entertainment perspective it was actually ok, better than many of the revived bands from the same time but musically GIRLSCHOOL sounded very much youth recreation center. And THAT is not a good thing. Rock 'n' Roll must be filthy and mean and must have a lot of attitude, GIRLSCHOOL lacked that totally. It's sad really because they've been doing this for a really long time and should really be better at it. Of course, a lot can be blamed on not having the right equipment but it shouldn't be any problems what so ever to get a fat guitar sound out from the amplifiers on that stage and the soundguy did miracles with the other bands and made them sound awesome. I doubt he did something different with GIRLSCHOOL. Still that wasn't enough, the musicianship, attitude and performance was dull. I would even go there and say they get away with it because of their sex; any male band would be slaughtered with a performance like this.

Well, NASTY SAVAGE started out like many other bands do.

A short instrumental part to build the anticipations for all present and I dare to promise, no one could look past Nasty Ronnie. His steps over the stage could almost be heard over the music and I tell you it was loud at this point. Unfortunately, it's not enough to be huge and mean and strut around on stage for a good performance. Doing that for an hour was just dull and I can't say it got more interesting when the clothes started to fall, boots and pants and there he was in his undies, shirt and a hat so he sure lived up to his name, nasty. Musically NASTY SAVAGE sounded absolutely ok but their music has never gotten stuck on me and I got bored after a few songs. Leaving the place for a while risks missing out on things, the gimmick Nasty Ronnie have created around himself sure was taken to the edge in the end of the show when the smashed (and crashed) a TV on his own head. Sure he's a big guy but that's just plain stupidity.

FLOTSAM AND JETSAM shouldn't be classified as one of the reunited bands since they've been going all through the years. Perhaps in a quite low profiled way but they've still been releasing records year after year. Sometimes a short break could be good though so the band can dig into their minds and make sure they really want this. Even if FLOTSAM AND JETSAM sounded close to perfect the only things going through my mind were that some bands on this year's bill of 'Keep It True' do this because they've gotten a second chance since it's so popular with the Old School type of Metal. Again, this is not the case with FLOTSAM AND JETSAM but they did feel very tired and uninspired at this show. It was only guitar player Mark Simpson that seemed to have a really good time, enjoying every second of the time they had on stage.

Edition eleven of 'Keep It True' didn't serve the strongest line up for my taste and the fact that I didn't have any time at all to charge myself played a big part too. Even if I laughed at my own mistakes I admit I felt pretty stupid when it happened. Ok, that I can only blame myself for but looking back at it now, doing the research afterwards I realized I missed out on a few things. I'm sure I would have appreciated TIMELORD a lot more if I'd taken the time to actually listen before the concert. The same goes for CAST IRON but overall I think I was unnecessary negative to a lot. Normally, if a band kicks ass they will get to me anyway even if I'm not really up for it. Best band of the night goes to FAITH FACTOR for a flawless performance and great entertainment from Ski.

(photos by true Erika)











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