Death Valley Dream

Meliah Rage

Death Valley Dream was originally released back in 1996 and is MELIAH RAGE's third 'full' […]
By Grigoris Chronis
November 20, 2007
Meliah Rage - Death Valley Dream album cover

Death Valley Dream was originally released back in 1996 and is MELIAH RAGE's third 'full' album plus it marked (back then) the US Metal band's first attempt after they were released from their worldwide contract with the Epic/CBS contract.
And this can, as well, be the reason this significant Power/Heavy/Speed thrash Metal band from Boston, USA did never receive the recognition it undoubtedly deserved. Although MELIAH RAGE's metallic approach was 100% pure and full of dynamic songwriting - some of the best Metal riffs ever(!) lurk in the band's first two 'classic' albums, Kill To Survive (1988) and Solitary Solitude (1990) - it's a shame the (expected) 'good' deal with a multi-national label did lead to everywhere else but commercial success...Plus - wholesome logic - due to the 'grunge' things coming up in the music business, MELIAH RAGE were one of the countless fine Metal bands let off, due in search of the new 'big thing'. Nevertheless, with a big research for something new, plus a couple of lineup changes, MELIAH RAGE did not (seem to) quit the fight and returned in 1996 with Death Valley Dream (via the Backstreet label).
Featuring a new rhythm section of Bob Mayo (bass - ex-WARGASM) and Dave Barcos (drums) in their ranks, what MELIAH RAGE offers (or offered?) here is an 'on the edge' Speed/Thrash Metal album, with (again) dynamic creations and tons of neckbreaking guitar riffs. Things have gone heavier, many songs parts will bring TESTAMENT, EXODUS or METAL CHURCH/HERETIC to mind while - due to the more 'moody' production? - many fans will recall of MORGANA LEFAY's sound. OK, (again) much of METALLICA's flavor is here, too. There are various tempos in this album, enough of interesting guitar leads (some of them bearing some oriental influence) plus some really beautiful vocals by Mike Munro, whose throat can be compared to the likes of Chuck Billy or Charles Rytkonen. Whoever, on the other hand, sees some of NEVERMORE cannot be considered as a lunatic, since MELIAH RAGE seemed (low-level) keen on embodying some new elements in the mid-90s (yeap, before NEVERMORE was born; the description is just to get the picture). Check e.g. War Journal (disregard the vocals).
Blacksmith, Madness And Poetry and Crow are some highlights off this album. Death Valley Dream is a more 'orientated' album for MELIAH RAGE and - even if success looked far away - it will please both 'new school' and 'old school' American Metal aficionados. Not the band's finest release, overall, but adequate to the Metal manners of the mid-90s.
P.S.: The Last Detail is an instrumental opus you'll initially despise, to be - soon enough - treated as a 'chill out' favorite...till it bursts out.

7 / 10


"Death Valley Dream" Track-listing:

Death Valley Dream
Wear + Tear
Madness And Poetry
Posessing Judgement
War Journal
The Last Detail

Meliah Rage Lineup:

Mike Munro - Vocals
Anthony Nichols - Guitars
Jim Koury - Guitars
Bob Mayo - Bass
Dave Barcos - Drums

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