Marco Pastorino
Fallen Sanctuary

Ehi there! We are more than fine, still extremely satisfied and happy about Terranova album!
Basically, our collaboration started on 2018, after a couple of tours we did together with our bands Serenity and Temperance; we created a good friendship, and we began to write some tracks together for the latest Serenity album The Last Knight. Then we promised each other we would have collaborate again in the future to create something new. In 2020 we found the exact time spot to do it!
When the vibes between each other are already good, you only have to try to write something and hear the final result. Luckily before the first days of Covid, we already wrote some stuff together and we totally knew that it worked, so it was extremely easy write tracks together and find the right alchemy between us.
The first idea was try to create and write something taken from the music we still love, power metal from 90's or early 2000 but with our classical trademarks, big choirs, theatrical vocals, adding some different influences like AOR, Rock , Acoustic stuff etc.
True. Terranova is an imaginary land, all of us are still searching this place during our journey; could be a place where you can achieve your dreams, or like in the lyrics of Terranova, a place where you can clearly see the path you're walking with your addiction.
From the very first moment we decided to change the topics of our lyrics, we used to talk about totally different things in our other bands, for example Georg used to talk about historical stuff with Serenity, with Temperance we used to talk about space, nature, modern world etc. We decided to put a lot of personal stuff there, but also some sort of hymns to the nature, about the positive attitude.
You never know if someone is listening for real or not. But I will tell you that during these years, tons of people/fans wrote us about a specific track or a specific album saying that this stuff helped them to go on with their lives. There's some magic in the music and if we can send a good message at least to one single person, it will be enough.
Gustavo did a fantastic job, as every time to be honest. The female figure represent the idea of the title track, closed eyes, dark colours, some tears on her face and she's staying around the darkness.
There's no secret there. When we write a song, we truly go into that, to push every single element, from the lead vocals and the way to sing and add small details here and there, adding harmonies and choirs, putting different arrangements step by step to create something completely unique. We really think a good song need fantastic melodies, but also great arrangements to add some surprises to hear during these 4-5 or even more minutes.
Thank you so much. We put our hearts on Terranova and we spent every single in the studio to work on very small details, first of all the sound of the album, mixing wise, but also the way to approach the vocals and as you said a lot of details on the instrumental parts. I was with Alfonso in Napoli for few days to arrange every single part of the album, then we tried to improve every guitar parts adding tons of layers. The most important is not showing your skills and your technique in every single track, but you have to figure out what the song needs.
Our goal is trying to write fantastic songs and this is easier than you can imagine if you have a good team with you. I think our alchemy is strong and it's growing, after some works together we totally knew each other and it's not so difficult put our influences there, for sure using our classic trademarks because this is our way to write and arrange songs.
It was fantastic, because when we recorded the very first demos of every track, we had already some ideas how to split the lead vocals and choirs there, but at the end we were together in the studio to record all vocals. It was a sort of magic moment, locked in the studio in Austria to work on all vocal layers and putting new ideas, suggestions etc. We really can't wait to do it again and again
We go through the entire process together, music wise and lyric wise, but Georg did the 90% of the work about the lyrics (I still think he's a better lyricist than me to be honest) and choosing the topics of every song, we put our souls and our hearts there. When you said about strong optimism, I only can really agree with you; a song like To The Top is a sort of manifesto not only for the band but also from our personal side and our way to live our life.
Tons of things, I really improved a lot of aspects. The reality is that it's really easy work with someone that truly believe in your work and then, when you have the same vision about the musical direction, good attitude and this sort of the desire to do and give more, basically you can be able to do anything.
We did some shows already in Austria and Germany at the same time of the release and on the last April we played as special guest during the Serenity tour in Germany and Netherlands. We already planned to do some gigs this year in Belgium and Netherlands, then in 2023 we will try to play as much as we can to promote and support Terranova.
Sure, basically we never stop to write songs together. We wrote more than 20 songs for Terranova and we choose the best 10-12 (bonus tracks incl.) to release. Now we already have great stuff for the second chapter and I really believe it will be a blast.
Thank you so much Lior! See you soon on the road hopefully

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