Chris Klapper
Hi Lior, thanks. It is my pleasure. Basically I am fine; hope you are as well.
I really understand that everyone is really pissed after all that time and had really hard times when it comes to jobs and income. I am really happy that nobody in the band had those problems- even if we had one member who took part of the very first wave of infections. It took him nearly two years to recover fully, but in the end there is nothing bad left.
The authorities are just going upside down each week and have really no idea what they are doing; at least here in Germany. There are new rules and regulations each week and we cannot rely on nothing.
That's what I mean. In the last year we had a few gigs and festivals on the schedule, but in the end it was just one open air festival which really happened. It was a waste of time and energy to plan, re-plan due to changing regulations… and in the end these got cancelled one by one. Same happened with the idea to have a great release-show for the new album here in our home-area. We just started planning and after one week there was the first lockdown issue coming from the new regulations. We decided to skip this for now until we have a more reliable situation. Maybe in summer, maybe in summer 2023, who knows.
Haha, we are lazy bastards! We enjoy that the label is not pushing us to work on new material and our fanbase is already used to expect a new album after 4 years… maybe. It is just a hobby for us, we don't make a living from the music. That's why we are more relaxed with this pandemic shit.
This is where Olli should step in, but he is sick just now. Singers and wintertime is not a too good combination. Anyway, this is not our first concept album and we really like to act in this one big picture for a full album. With our last album "A Realm of Tales" we used fairy tales as concept and we got really surprised how good this came out. You can imagine that it is like dancing on a blade when fairy tales are the source for metal songs. Olli came with this idea and I know he reads a lot of historical books and watches movies. And compared to the fairy tales there is a lot of heavy metal compatible stories in the roman empire history. A lot of blood, fights, kings, queens and tragedy. Perfect frameset for us.
I think everyone spoke about that in schools' history lessons, so the basic frame is known. We just took a few of the remarkable scenes under a magnifying glass. Our intention is not to judge any of these things, but tell these historical stories in an entertaining way. In the end the influence of the Roman Empire is huge and many good and bad things from these time is still present today.
Well, it's easy to say "the Romans" made all that, but I am pretty sure that 95% of the people just wanted to have a good life without war. But it was easy for the imperators to steer the public mind-set due to a lack of information and education. I really see similarities to the German infamous glory history, where a little Austrian man was able to manipulate nearly an entire population.
As said there are quite some things who have the origin in this age. Let's say the democracy is one of the key things coming from that time, but there are many more things when it comes to politics and governance. Even if we can just learn from the mistakes they made, maybe.
For sure we are developing our style in some natural way. We are not really planning how we evolve, but this album for sure is less "Happy Metal" than we had before and this is a trend we see over the last 3 albums. The individuals in the band are not really sharing the exact same taste so we always wonder if the next output will sound like Custard; but magically it did so far.
Once we have set this Roman Empire frame most of the rest came really natural. We spoke about some scenes we wanted to use, like "the story of Hannibal is cool" and then it was up to us to give a musical frame where the listener can imagine some elephants walking over the alps. We know that this depth in the songs is not the right approach for everyone, especially if you want this music to be nothing more than what I call "elevator music". You need to sit down and really follow the song to get into the scene. It is definitely not "sex, drugs, party" attitude- sure we have those songs and they work perfectly in live sets.
We wanted to avoid to end up with a concept scattered in ten songs. The intention was to have a story line (btw: the line is chronologically correct) over the full album. Therefore, we initially had much, much more of these spoken word elements. Even between the songs. But in the end we decided to shorten these to the minimum required to understand the context and use these orchestral elements to set the desired feeling. I think it was a good decision to wipe out the long storyteller's parts.
This is where the orchestration goes a long way to open the gate. As said, we designed most of the riffs to match the desired feel. That was in some cases really easy, but for example "The Goddess of Magic and Death" was really hard and it took us quite some time to find the right frame. I never seen any movie with this scene or else, but now I have a very detailed picture of Cleopatra and Marcus Antonius sharing their last moments in life.
Hey, the foundation of the republic was a very special moment in Roman history, and we went very cinematic here. Imagine years in misery and finally the people dare to act and break the chains. This is not a straightforward process, so we had to respect this in the song structure. From fragile to strict, from broken to solid. I think we just set the right scene here.
That was quite a task and this track is not in the style we are used to play on a regular basis. That starts with cheesy longer tunes in the vocal lines, like "Cleooooooooopatra" and this very un-common staccato guitars following the vocals, like "Gods are calling us, Gods are calling us". We did a lot of trial and error until we had the corresponding feel for the picture we had in mind. With this song, but with the full album as well, we learned a lot about giving songs a desired feel.
That was a magical moment! I mean, this song was written like a duet; it was clear that we need a Cleopatra singing these parts. We asked some ladies to do demos for that specific parts; really, really good singers and nothing wrong with it, but it just was not THAT what we are looking for. After a vocal recording session Olli and me were sitting in the studio enjoying a beer after the work we did and as usual we had a random playlist running in the background. We were discussing about the Cleopatra track and for magic reasons a Crystal Viper song played randomly. There she was: Cleopatra! The rest was easy peasy since I know Marta's husband for quite a while. Great voice, great people, perfect match.
We decided to stop all live activities until we have a more solid chance to really make it happen. So nothing is in the pipeline right now. We do not want to do shows with a maximum of 50 people sitting on chairs in 1,5 meters' space between and we have to make sure that they are all 12-times vaccinated, 5-times tested and they have all the related paperwork at hand. This is just not how a Heavy Metal show should be.
Thank you very much for a really good prepared interview far off the usual questions. I really like that you went the extra mile to make it interesting. Have a good 2022! Chris Klapper
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