
Malevolent Creation

It's a great joy for the Metal fans to see their favorite bands restless and […]
By Thodoris Pantazopoulos
June 12, 2004
Malevolent Creation - Warkult album cover

It's a great joy for the Metal fans to see their favorite bands restless and hardworking after so many years of being part of the music scene. Their undoubted success and recognition doesn't set them at rest and they keep delivering to all of us works of quality and inspiration.
Malevolent Creation is a typical example of the band-model I described in the intro of this review. It is a band that encountered a major competition in the beginning of its career, the great outburst of Death Metal.
They stood out, they've survived and after 15 years of existence the are here to deliver a new record that proves the self evident, their primacy.
That's right, Warkult is a bombastic record with musical variety that gives the impression it's been written down by a 'fresh' band. It has all the attributes of a newcomer, like the passion and thirst for distinction. The band didn't just write new songs to fulfill a contract's requirements, like most veteran bands do nowadays.
From the very first listening, the increased quantity of melody in the new songs is quite obvious. The band smartly avoids the trap of playing with great speed to demonstrate its monstrous technical abilities and prefers to write down more essential groovy songs.
I only have good words about this release, after all Malevolent Creation never failed us before. A tremendous band, by all means, that kicks any newcomer's ass that believes that with only one release one can be ready to conquer the global scene. The grand masters have spoken...obey!

8 / 10


"Warkult" Track-listing:

Dead March
Preemtive Strike
Supremacy Through Annihilation
Murder Reigns
Section 8
On Grounds Of Battle
Tyranic Oppression
Ravaged By Conflict
Shock And Awe
Jack The Ripper(Bonustrack)

Malevolent Creation Lineup:

Kyle Symons - Vocals
Phil Fasciana - Guitar
Rob Barret - Guitar
Gordon Simms - Bass
Dave Culross - Drums

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