Christiano Migliore

Lacuna Coil

Vasilis Odontidis recently interviewed LACUNA COIL's guitarist Christiano "Pizza" Migliore. Here's what he had to say:
By Vasilis Odontidis
April 14, 2012
Christiano Migliore (Lacuna Coil) interview
Hello Cristiano! How are you doing? It is great to have you on an interview on Metal Temple.

Hi, I'm very good, thanks! And thank you for having me here.

You are currently on USA being part of Gigantour playing alongside with Volbeat, Motorhead and Megadeath while you have recently released your brand new album, Dark Adrenaline. What is the first impression on Gigantour?

It's awesome! It's a great lineup and we're honored to be part of it. Even though we're the opening act, the crowd is always awesome and we're having amazing reactions every night. Even when we play the new songs, which is pretty impressive! Also, every band is great and we're having a really good time.

Can you tell us some things about your brand new release? How is it received so far? I have to say that I enjoyed it a lot and I consider it to be as one of your best efforts.

Thanks! We're very proud of it and we're constantly receiving news of great reviews appearing from pretty much everywhere… So far almost every single review has been enthusiastic! We're really happy and getting to play some new songs live is great. We couldn't wait any longer!!!!

Why did you choose Dark Adrenaline as a title of the new album? Is it descriptive of the feeling of your new album or is it something more than that?

Yeah, that's basically a good description of what you'll find inside. The album is overall darker and heavier than its predecessor and DA was a title that perfectly described the mood.

What did inspire you for the new album?

Many things but, mostly some stuff that happened to some of us during the songwriting process. Nothing major but just stuff that happens to everyone in life. It certainly influenced how the songs came out…

How is a typical songwriting session going for Lacuna Coil? I have read somewhere that Marco, your bass player, likes to write music while watching TV with no sound. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Yes, that's true! Well, everyone of us has different ways of working but mainly we all record and collect ideas at or own place which we then share with everyone. Then what we like the most, gets worked on until we have something we're happy with and at this point Andrea and Cristina try to find vocal lines and stuff.

Do you have any favorite song or a song that is really special to you from the new album?

Not really, no. I mean, they're all special! This is our baby… Sometimes, you have songs you're working on and you'll know if they'll be good songs or not: this time we had that feeling on pretty much every song on the new album!

This is the second album with Don Gilmore as a producer. How was the cooperation with him and what changes did he bring to the band?

We love Don and we love working with him. He'll push you and he'll help you achieving your goals. But what's great about him is that he'll never try to have you do something you don't want. Which is great because it means that he respects the band and its path to get where it got.

What are the plans for the rest of the year? What about any new material?

Most of the year will be spent on tour. We're almost done with the Gigantour and will be home for 3 weeks before we head to South America for a few shows with Lamb of God and Hatebreed. Then we'll go back to the States for more touring. I don't have any dates confirmed yet but it should be around April/May. Then at the end of May we'll go back to Europe to play a lot of Summer Festivals. Finally, in the Fall, we should be on tour in Europe.

I was impressed by the design and functionality of the band's website and the Empty Spiral community. How much is the band involved into this?

We try to be as involved as possible. Obviously we can't supervise everything but most of the time, we'll keep in touch with everyone and try to be there. Actually, the official band page was created and is maintained by our drummer, CriZ.

Are you involved in any other projects or bands or Lacuna Coil is where you focus all your energy?

No, although we'd like to sometimes do something different, LC is too big to allow us to focus our attention anywhere else. We need to constantly be there to make sure that everything's always under control and it really takes a lot of time…

What are you listening to nowadays? Are there any bands or album that you enjoy listening to?

I just got the latest Lamb of God and I love it! I'm also listening to Korn & Skrillex. Interesting stuff although I find it a bit boring after a while. Another great album I'm listening to is A Pale Horse Named Death, Type 0's ex members Johnny Kelly and Sal Abruscato's new band. It's awesome!

Well, that is all I had to ask Christiano. Thanks a lot for your time and I wish all the best for Lacuna Coil for their musical and touring endeavors! You are free to close the interview as you please.

Thank you for this. We finally have a brand new album out which we're very excited about and we can't wait to come and play some of the new stuff live! Come check us out!

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