Hamish Glencross

My Dying Bride

What can I write as a prologue for this nice chat I had with one of the friendliest guys I've spoken to so far, Hamish Glencross, guitar player of one of the biggest Doom Metal bands about their new album (For Lies I Sire), the past, and the near future of MY DYING BRIDE? I made some tea, sat down with the telephone in my hands and waited for Hamish to call. The phone rang two or three minutes after the scheduled time, and after shorting out some problems I had with my recorder, we went on with our friendly conversation and here are most of the things that you'll find interesting.
By Harry Papadopoulos
March 21, 2009
Hamish Glencross (My Dying Bride) interview

Interview with: Hamish Glencross from MY DYING BRIDE

Hallo Hamish.

Hallo. Is that you Harry?


Hi! How are you?

Oh, I'm fine thanks. And what about you? How's the weather in the UK?

I'm fine thanks. Well, it's a bit cold as most of the times (laughs). It was snowing some days ago but now only the clouds remain.

I hope that you are not tired from all the interviews you had before this one...

Oh, no, I'm fine. It's all been good and interesting interviews and I'm so exited talking about our new album so it's all good. Definitely I'm not tired by the interviews yes.

Well that's nice...

(Interrupting) Yeah, because I have quite a lot more to do (laughs).

Let's talk about your latest album For Lies I Sire will be out in a month or so....

Yeah, it's coming out on the 23rd of March. We are very exited about this release. We've put a lot of hard work into it over the last year. And of course, there have been a lot of changes over the last two years after our last album. We have new members; the introduction of the violin, a lot of very good shows have taken place since Katie has come... It's been a busy time and now we are exited and anxious to listen to the people's opinion about the album.

Since I have the digital promo in my hands, would you like to say to our readers something about the album, like, who did the production and the artwork?

The album was recorded at Futureworks Studio in Manchester which was a change for us. Usually, we've recorded at Academy Studios before. So, it was a different studio but with the same engineer and producer that we have for a long time now. Our producer Mags has been with us for years and he knows exactly what we want. We had many songs ready in advance before we hit the studio, but we worked on them in order to continuously improve them. All that went really well and the album demanded a really good artwork to go with it; so, we used a new artist this time, Rhett at The Machine Room. He is a wonderful artist. We gave him the concept so as to feel the vibe of the album and he came back with an amazing artwork and you'll see the full booklet, there are so many wonderful pieces of art that he's created were some of them I believe they can be an album by themselves.

Well, I'm anxious to see it when it'll came out! May I ask you, do you have any daily jobs, you or any other member of the band?

Well, we are not living by our music. We have daily jobs which it freeze us to keep the integrity of the band as much as possible, because we are not going to be one of the most popular bands, for us it goes up to a certain level, we don't write popular music, but music that we want to create and we want to be proud of -and we are- for all the albums we have recorded. So, we have those jobs because we still need to have food on our table. So we don't have the freedom that probably other bands have and our time is more limited, for example, being on a tour.

Well, you've just answered the next question as well.

Oh, shit! (both laughing)

Never mind. Let me ask you one or two as cliche as it gets question. Do you believe that this your best album so far?

I think it's the most complete album. I think the album has the roots of the band and also is looking to the future as well. So, as soon as the violin had come back into the mix, of course, people would think that we went back to the old sound of the band. And, yes, there are some parts in the album that remind early days of MY DYING BRIDE. Also there is some stuff that represents what we did during the resent past years. But, there are also some stuff that will happen from now on. We pushed our sound a little further than before. The Death Metal elements are here, the more dark ones too. There are songs like Bring Me Victory which is a low tempo straight ahead song with Gothic elements, which is quite uncharacteristic but still make sense. As far as if this is the best MY DYING BRIDE album? Well, we'll have to wait and see what the fans would say.

You mentioned before the use of the violin. So, let's talk about one of your newest members. Katie Stone joined you by taking Sarah's place. As far as I know, she was pregnant and that's the reason she had to leave MY DYING BRIDE.

Yes, you are right. Sarah played with us for the last time at a festival in England at the end of 2007 and we needed someone to take her place...

(interrupting) And that was the only reason that Sarah left the band?

Yes absolutely! We had shows booked for the next year, so we knew we had to find someone. We had a couple of options, a couple of keyboard players, but we are happy that Katie plays the violin as well. So, we figured that it's been quite a long time since we are without the violin and the people almost stopped asking for it to come back! And the timing just seemed right.

It's been almost ten years that you haven't got violin.

Ten years, right. It's been a long time! That's why the time was right. By the time people learned that the violin was back, they were anxious to listen to the new album. In Katie's first show, she didn't play any violin at all. We haven't really announced that she was playing with us and after that show we were convinced that she is a good person that she's fitting well with the rest of us. We've played the first show with the violin in France and again we haven't announced it at all, so everyone was very exited. The reaction of the people after the first song with the violin was something else. There were men down in the crowd crying!

Shall we say that Katie is here to stay?

Well, we are very comfortable now. And the return of the violin is adding some interesting parts in the new songs. And it's nice to listen to some older songs with violin, like She Is The Dark from The Light At The End Of The World.

(interrupting again] It's like a completely different song.

Yes, very quite different. And it's also nice to hear it as a bridge for the gap between those many years without the violin. And as a guitarist, we play much different from those years, our sound has more depth in some ways.

Time for the second cliche question that I want you to answer. Where does all that pain and darkness come from? What are your influences as a musician?

Well we are all influenced by the darker aspects of life...

Well you do not look like dark, melancholy guys.

Well, we are not! If you meet us and have a drink with us, you'll find out that we're quite grounded sensible people who are not manic depressives. We just channel our anger and frustration through the music. There are lots of things in life that can inspire you. You have to channel your feelings somewhere and we are fortunate that we have music to do that.

Hamish, you are in the band for about ten years and MY DYING BRIDE is in the music industry for about eighteen. What are your expectations for For Lies I Sire?

Well, at the very least, I hope that our existence throughout the time is appreciated. Also I like to hope that maybe new generations of fans may be interested in what we are doing and that we're going to be able to play some good shows in as many different places as possible. I think that this album is the first chapter in a new book of MY DYING BRIDE. There have been some different eras of the band and I'm so exited about this new one. We are looking forward to see what the fans would respond to the album, because we've put so much of our souls into For Lies I Sire and it would be a disappointment if people don't like it (laughing).

Well, I can understand that...

Yeah, it would be a shame. But, we made this album exactly how we wanted it to be, so even if we're the only people on the planet that we liked it I think it's a well worked album.

Well count me in (laughing). Well even though I'm firstly a fan of your band from its early days, I'm going to be the Devil's advocate in the next question. Well, you know that the fans are thinking in a strange way. If a band changes its sound they say that they did it to be more mainstream. If they don't, they say that they are stationary as musicians and they don't evolve their music. So someone could say that you haven't made any progress as a band since your sound didn't change all these years, something that I don't personally believe, especially if someone listens to 34.788%... Complete. What would you say to them?

Well, I suppose for the casual listener from outside the kind of music that we do, they could just listen to the very deep, heavy guitars and say that this is really dark music, fast or slow, different variations. I personally believe that every album we released is very different from each other. For example, The Angel And The Dark River doesn't sound a thing like The Dreadful Hours, ... Dreadful... doesn't sound a thing like As The Flower Withers. All our releases are very different albums. I think that those who said that for us are not going deep into the album....

(interrupting) They see only the surface of the album.

Exactly! They will be nearly scratching the surface, even the vocal performances are different in every album. Obviously, people are going to think what they want to. That's why people have individual thoughts, but I wouldn't agree with them myself. I would have asked someone to listen to A Line Of Deathless Kings and then As The Flower Withers and then tell me where the similarities are.

And after that 34.788%... Complete (both laughing). Let's talk about something else. You have a song called Santuario Di Sangue which means Sanctuary of Blood in Italian. How come you have a song with an Italian title?

The song itself is part of the history of the songs that MY DYING BRIDE has about vampires, love and lust, such as A Kiss To Remember. The music is very different in those kinds of songs, but they share a similar bloodline. The kind of feel that the song was that that in a way wanted a different language.

What are the plans for MY DYING BRIDE for this year?

The album will be out soon, we have lots of interviews to do, we have a handful of festivals already booked and some others are being negotiated and a lot of mini tours as well. Also it's possible to go out in a North America tour at the end of the year, that's something that is also negotiating at the moment. I'm looking forward to go to nice places and do some nice shows, evolve as a band and hopefully not have more lineup changes. I don't know (laughing).

What do you remember from your last show in Greece? Is there a chance to see you again on stage this year?

Oh, absolutely! We played with METALLICA and MASTODON. It was amazing! The weather was fantastic, the scene was so beautiful, the hotel had a roof garden and you could see the Acropolis from there. We had a great time in Athens with MASTODON. And we'll always remember playing on stage in front of these amazing Greek fans and James Hetfield was watching us from the edge of the stage, and me thinking Oh, my God! How things change over the years.. I remembered me as a young boy back in 1988 watching METALLICA. And twenty years later, James was watching me! (laughs) And of course we will come again in Athens. It's been a while since our last show, so I'd love to come again. Greece is a wonderful place. It would be a different show, since we play different songs.

Thank you for your time Hamish. All the best to you and the rest of the guys in the band. Last words belong to you.

Thank you so much for this phone interview and I hope that we will see our Greek fans very soon. I hope you'll enjoy the album. It would be great to drink a beer when we come, cheers.

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