

The three Brazilian brothers strike again! Right after their European headlining tour, Krisiun completed the […]
By Rana Karam
March 4, 2006
Krisiun - Assassination album cover

The three Brazilian brothers strike again! Right after their European headlining tour, Krisiun completed the recordings of their latest release. Along with the Live Armageddon DVD, this terrorizing unity honors us with a studio album, a high-speed Death Metal diamond called AssassiNation.
Krisiun count approximately sixteen proud years of existence in the Death Metal scene. The trio was once a four-piece for a short period of time in their first days during 1990-1991 with Mauricio Nogueira as a session guitarist, following Altemir Souza (R.I.P.) on rhythm guitar. Since then they haven't changed their lineup and have released 7 studio albums, gaining their way and space through the years.
AssassiNation is a great Death Metal album and includes anything a Death Metal fan could ask for: sounds of pure terrorism, technicality, blast-beat attacks, brutal vocals straight from the gutter and a satisfying production. Of course Krisiun know how to pay tribute to their favorite bands... and that concludes in a violent, headbanging Motorhead cover, Sweet Revenge! However, don't expect any crucial differences between AssassiNation and the band's previous releases. In fact, Krisiun have established their own deadly sound through the years and frankly I don't see any reasons why they should change that.
May I say that Krisiun is one of the best bands in their genre, and all of you freakin' Death Metal fans should check it out. This is a vicious one, guyzzz... As for me, I'm left on cloud 9.

8 / 10


"Assassination" Track-listing:

Natural Genocide
Vicious Wrath
H.O.G. (House Of God)
Father's Perversion
Suicidal Savagery
United In Deception
Sweet Revenge

Krisiun Lineup:

Alex Camargo - Vocals & Bass
Moyses Kolesne - Guitars
Max Kolesne - Drums

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