Joey DeMaio, Scott Columbus
April 15, 2002
Scott: Hey guys, very good thanks for asking.
Scott: Yes, we already gave 6 shows. We started in North Carolina then we played Baltimore, Boston, Buffalo NY, Cleavelant and then New Jersey where we played the New Jersey metal fest in Saturday I think. After that we were supposed to drive back to NY in order to fly here and our bus broke down. So, we were scrambling around and we almost missed this press tour. We took a special flight to NY, from New Jersey which is as far as you can get, than to Atlanta, than to Madrid, Spain, where we started with the press tour. We went to Paris, France, Milan, Italy and today is Athens. Very busy...
Scott: In the US yes. We have 10 more days for promotion in Europe, promoting the new record and then we fly back to the States where we have a couple of days off and then we go straight back to road for like another month. We're starting in Philadelphia. The dates are filling in as we speak, so we don't have any specific dates but we are touring for another month in the States.
Scott: Great. It's great to be back on the road again with all these people and the fans. Cool, very cool.
Scott: Well as you guys all know, one of the main thing that keeps Manowar going year after year, album after album is the fans. You are the best, if it wasn't the Manowar fans we wouldn't be here. So it is appropriate, you know, a) that we create and wrote the songs for the fans and b) about the fans. It's also appropriate that we title the record Warriors Of The World to show the fans all over the world how much they mean to the band.
Scott: Ah ? What are you saying? Who ? (laughs)
Scott: Well are those bastards happy now? (laughs) Anyway it is interesting you have this stance because, you know, we are doing many many interviews and some people say Well it sounds like a bit more like Sign Of The Hammer or it sounds a lot like Sign Of The Hammer or it sounds more like Into Glory Ride , like you said, and every fan has a favorite album, every fan has a favorite song so it's interesting to hear for example with what you compare it. Well, when we started writing this record we didn't come out and say Well, Louder Than Hell sounds more like rock, let's try to do something like Triumph Of Steel or let's try to do something like that . You know we didn't actually say we are gone to write something like our earlier stuff, we just started writing the songs and as the songs start to take a shape of their own the album came. Once the songs started coming together ,you know, we had 3 songs, 4 songs, 5 , 6 , 7 songs and when we get them all together than the album start to takes shape and that's all. You know , we don't really say We need a slow in here or we need something like a classical tune here or we need a fast song here we don't do that. We just write the songs and the record start taking shape itself and start taking form as we are writing it. So, really it's just the next natural evolution for Manowar, it's the next step forward. We are trying to do something a little bit better, a little more metal.
Scott: Oh whatever comes out. Sometimes we go 1,2,3,4 bang and pretty much it comes all at once. Othertimes we are having our keyboards helping us with our parts. Maybe it's drums first and bass then keyboards or maybe someone comes with a part and we play and fill this part with another part or something else, it's different everytime.
Scott: Exactly. I mean, you know, in studio we never done a copy or a version of someone elses song. This particular song is the one we were flirting with the idea doing it for the last 10 years. So, as the album started to take shape and we collected the songs together you are getting a feeling of how the record going to sounds and we thought this song will fit right there perfectly. You know, we said this is the perfect time to do this and we said fuck it let's do it, Elvis was a big influence for the band while he was doing whatever he wanted during his time on stage. We liked his attitude and his way of doing things and he was the King Of Rock n' Roll, you know, the fans call us the Kings Of Metal so it's like a tribute. Of course it's a great song, a great track. Actually it's 3 independent songs put together as a medley or trilogy. It was from the civil war period as you know. The first part of it , Dixxie, is actually the thing for the troops of the south. The last part, the third, is about the republic which is actually the theme for the north forces and they are connected in the middle part by all the tragedies by a hymn for the death so , it's brilliant the way they put it together.
Scott: Right. It's another thing that we kinda always wanted to do. It's kind of, you know, the musical interlude like in Drums Of Doom or like ah.. I forgot the name of the track.. ah.. a little bit before Karl's guitar solo in the last record...
Scott: Yes, Today Is A Good Day To Die thank you. But yes it's like the same thing, a musical interlude that takes you from one place to another. We always wanted to do something that was only instrumental classical. This song starts so quietly, you almost have to put your ear near the speaker to listen to the beginning. And then once it gets into the motion it's so dynamic and it has a lot of emotion. To me, where that track is placed is like start up a launch for the rest of the album to go right through the roof because Hand Of Doom approach and than House Of Death, you know.
Scott: Right, welcome to hell... (laughs)
Scott: Ah, most of the album it was recorded right there in NY. Actually Eric did some work in the Gallaxy Studios in Belgium, when he was there, but other than that all the album was recorded in NY.
Scott: Ah yeah definitely. I mean as you guys know I am sure you are listening to a lot of different kinds of music that they are calling heavy metal these days which to me is nothing more than some rap music in heavy metal wrap and they call this shit heavy metal. So, when it comes to originality yeah I think it's tough to find a band or bands which sounds original and unique. It's hard to write original music and that's one of the things that lead me to Manowar when I first join the band in 1983. Even I didn't had heard anything of them when I listen to Battle Hymns I said man these guys have a sound of their own , the sound of the guitars, the bass mixes with the guitar is a unique sound that really stuck in my head, it was something truly one of a kind. That's one thing that really impressed me and the vocals which are tremendous and it's so hard to come up with something so original. That's what I love with Manowar because you know if you play 2 seconds of a song from Battle Hymns you know it's Manowar, if you play 2 seconds of a song from Sign Of The Hammer you know it's Manowar and so on the band has such a unique sound.
Scott: Yeah. I think the new album it says it all.
Scott: Fuck no (laughs). We are not going to stop writing music. As a matter of fact as I said we are doing a lot of interviews and I was talking to a journalist from, I think it was, Germany. It was a phone interview and he asked What do you see your self doing in 10 years from today ? and I said Well , hopefully I will talking to you from the phone doing another interview for another Manowar record . (laughs)
Scott: What's to be next? Oh well you know put out the best records we possibly can and bring on music to people all over the world. And there are places we haven't been there yet and we have a huge bunch of fans that they haven't seen us live like in Mexico, in Asia you know places all over the world that I am sure there are Manowar fans which want to see us.
Scott: Yeah I think they are a few bands out there. But I am not here to promote other bands (laughs)
Scott: Yeah I think they are some good bands among so many. I think metal is very strong these days, I mean sometimes is not there but it always coming back stronger. Hard and heavy music in all forms it's like classical music. I mean classical music it's hundreds of years old and it's strong today as it was back then so, I think heavy metal is the same way, it will always be around in some form or another.
Scott: It's hard to say I mean everybody...
Scott: Ok...
Scott: (laughs) Oh see? You stopped me but I was about to say this. Honestly, everybody is free to listen any kind of music and has an opinion. You know if there was only 1 cd in the whole world , one cd in the whole world, everybody would listen to it. But everybody is different, everybody looks different, everybody is from a different place, everybody has different opinions and ideas so, even if these type of bands may not be my favorite they exists. And because you are asking about my son which he is very much into metal, he is like every teenager , you know, he likes anything new and rebellious and full of energy and some bands are like that and of course yeah he loves Manowar. He is one of the biggest Manowar fans.
Scott: Especially, yeah you got a point there, especially, to be honest, in the US because you know it seems to me that bands which are popular in America are only that way because their record company spends money to put them there with all the promotion and all the magazines and the tv has a rotation where they play certain bands or radio stations have a certain playlist that they are hear to and that's what they promote. Let's face it, bands in America are pretty much brain-washed into like what is presenting by media. I mean it's like here it is, here it is, here it is, in your face, in your face, in your face and here it is on the radio. So, they think I guess I like it because here it is. In Europe from what I see all these years, European fans are more dedicated and more true to whatever they chose for the time. I mean I know fans they are years with the band and they still do it , I mean they love the band and the follow the band through years and they do that. They say I love this band and I will follow it and they do it, they are not saying Oh here is a new band, I think I like that, they stay true to what they believe.
Scott: It's fantastic. I think is great you know, as long as everybody works together and everybody is true to heavy metal I think it's great to communicate with the world through the internet about heavy metal and Manowar, it's fantastic. A great job.
Scott: Ah, mp3 is a new technology. I mean I am a techno-junkie just look ( and he points his laptop computer ) I love it. The technology of mp3's is new. You know, it's a lot of music in a little space which is cool. But the Napster thing that's different. I think it's bullshit because stealing it's steal. You know, it hurts the bands, it hurts the record labels and from that point of view I think it really sucks. However if it could be a way that maybe upcoming new bands could control this and let the people hear their music would be cool. But stealing is something different. I mean you can trade 1 song between friends in order to have a first opinion about a record so you can decide if you want to buy it or not, that's ok. I mean if someone hasn't heard of Manowar at all this would be a good idea to give him hear 1 song like a sample. Or there is a website called CD-NOW which has millions of records and if you click to a record they provide you with 30 seconds of a song, this is good. Because that way you have a chance to hear either you like it or not.
Scott: As much as possible. I really do. Sometimes I play 4 hours per day.
Scott: Ok, right now I am using a 7 piece set up. Two 24'' bass drums, one 14'' snare drum, the rack toms are first 14'' , then 15'' , then the floor toms are 16'' and then 18''. I use a blend of acoustic sounds also. Ah... it's Premier drums ( forgive me I can't understand the mark of the electronics ) and Paiste cymbals which is very very good company. ( I didn't catch the name of the drumsticks either). Yeah I think we covered everything.
Scott: You Manowar fans are the best fans in the fucking world, we are coming out, we are gone to hit your country and we are bring this new record to you live and we will blow people heads off. We will see you on the road.
Joey: Hi brothers, life is good.
Joey: Thank you very much brothers.
Joey: Wonderful. I think everybody is doing a very good job. I think all the webmasters really care about the fans and that is what's important to Manowar, that there are people care about the fans.
Joey: Ok, no problem.
Joey: You know, it's different everytime. Sometimes I can hear a word and I think what is that word sounds like? Or what should the word sound. Othertimes I play something and I think that sounds like something, how can I describe the feeling? It's different everytime.
Joey: No, actually not. The only movie I watched recently and I like it and I recommend to everybody is a movie called Brothers. It's about the Japanese yakuza and the name of the star in the movie is a guy called Beat Takeshi. So, go watch this movie, it kicks ass.
Joey: I am not sure right now. Right now we are just playing a few festivals and few shows but really are focus is the following tour. We are gone to go out and play, everywhere.
Joey: Maybe December.
Joey: Oh yes , yeah for sure. Absolutely. That's my dream to put together some early footage from the band, you know year by year. Maybe Best of Manowar or something like Best of Battle Hymn, Best Of Into Glory Ride. Definitely.
Joey: Maybe. It takes a long time to put that tablature together and I know a lot of people want this. So, we' ll see what happens.
Joey: Well I hope so. I hope people will remember us.
Joey: Oh you mean who did the logo? Yeah I think some guy from England from the record company and he did a nice job.
Joey: Well I guess we have to find a left-hand guitar. Or maybe he brings his own, that's probably a better idea (laughs)
Joey: Maybe Zeus because he was the father of all gods.
Joey: Ah no, not really. It's just as guitar, bass, drums and vocals. It's the most basic instrumentation.
Joey: A lot. We really care about what we are doing for the band.
Joey: I took a few lessons but I am basicaly self-taught and so is everybody in the band.
Joey: Yeah, fuck yeah. We have to, we would be dead if we didn't. It's so fucking loud on stage, it's like being in the eye of a tornado. That's how I got the nickname Black Wind, because that's what it is. That's exactly how it is in the middle of the stage. Because you have sound coming from behind you, from the amplifiers, from the drum field , from the side and from the floor monitors. So, we are in the middle of the tornado, it's like standing in hell. You will see it next time we play, I 'll bring you on the stage and I'll show you during our sound check. It will blow your head off.
Joey: Oh yeah sure. (laughs)
Joey: No, I have never read it in my life but I know it's very nice. Never saw the movie yet.
Joey: I love all classical music, I really do I love it. But if I had to pick one composer it would be Wagner.
Joey: Yeah for sure, as soon as I can find the right movie. It would be something epic, very beautiful.
Joey: Ah, my father is a policeman and that's the only reason I am not in prison today (laughs). Because I got into lot of troubles when I was in school, I cause a lot of problems. I drove my motorcycle through the fucking school, I 've done a lot of crazy shit in my life. School never meant much to me, I always fucked up, I was crazy. I am still crazy but my moto is heavy metal and rock, drink and fuck. That's my whole life, heavy metal is my whole life.
Joey: Oh I don't know it's been a lot of them. I think one was... she wanted to drink my blood. That was pretty heavy (laughs). It's been a lot I can't remember them believe me.
Joey: All of my stuff basicaly, even my guitars, are custom made because I can't find things in the stores that it can stand, everything that buy from stores blows up. So I have to build them myself and of course I have Dawk.
Joey: A bad show to me would mean the lighting wasn't right and the sound wasn't right so the fans didn't get the best.
Joey: Oh , through Dawk. He was building their equipment and he needed my help, I wasn't playing in a band and he asked if I could help him. I said sure.
Joey: Well, a long time but it's my life you know. The guitar is my love, is my life, is my wife.
Joey: Oh yeah, well I call my main guitar The Demon and I call my piccolo-bass The Little Demon . The idea I heard about years ago from Stanley Clark, a famous jazz bass player, he was playing a piccolo-bass and I liked the idea, I liked to be able to let people hear exactly what I am playing. Sometimes with my regular bass it's hard because of the frequency. The piccolo-bass is different, it's more like a 4 string guitar, really.
Joey: Because heavy metal is my whole life, it's my whole world. That's what I do 24 hours per day.
Joey: Yeah , Karl contribute to this but you know we are all a band. Whenever we do something everybody contributes. We are a band from brothers that we love eachother and that's what's the most important thing.
Joey: It was hell to put it together (laughs). All digital and it's all set up for me like this ( he did a move like he is showing me a circle with machines and in the middle his chair ). So, I only have to sit here, if I need something I just turn my chair, it's all right here. And that's very convenient because it's all around me and all I have to do it's sitting on my chair. A lot of work.
Joey: Yes. We just did a new video for Warriors Of The World, it's released.
Joey: Well, yeah a tribute to Wagner but also because we wanted to show the people that one day Manowar are going to write music for movies and kick everybody's ass.
Joey: Thank you brothers, take care and I 'll see you next time.
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