
Majesty of Revival

MAJESTY OF REVIVAL is a Ukrainian band founded by Dimitriy Pavlovskiy in 2009. The band […]
Majesty of Revival - Pinnacle album cover

MAJESTY OF REVIVAL is a Ukrainian band founded by Dimitriy Pavlovskiy in 2009. The band released four full-length albums and already earned a name far beyond Ukraine. The new album consists of 13 cross-genre and Progressive compositions, filled with subjective visual descriptions, and tactile audio figures. All this to make you not just listen, but also feel every song. "Open" leads off the album. It begins with some bombast in the guitars and drums especially, with some keys in support. The vocals are harsh at first, then clean. The basic sound here is Power Metal, with some Progressive elements. The piano notes just after the half-way mark are a nice way to carry the melody, and the bass work stands out as well. "You Have a Message" opens with a slower and heavy sound in the riff, as well as some meter changes. The spoken words are done in a bit of an odd way, but the music is energetic, and they keyboard solo ushers in a nice slab of melody. "Rebellion" begins with a wide-open melody and a thick bottom end. Again, the clean vocals are a bit odd, and will take a while to get used to. The melodies here however are just fine, and even a bit catchy. That guitar solo is fantastic as well.

"Mindcrime" begins with charming piano notes, leading to keyboards and a full on sound of guitars, bass, and drums. The chorus is rich with notes, and the galloping rhythm of the song moves forward with energy. The tones towards the end are both solemn and alluring. "Fool" opens with funky bass notes and some trumpet work. The vocals are rapped and the song has a completely different feel than the other tracks. If nothing else, you have to give it up for the band's creativity. "Deliverance" begins with more smooth and melancholy tones, with clean guitars and thumping bass. From there, this solemn song wallows in somber notes and a feeling of grey skies looming overhead. "At All Cost" opens with pretty little piano melodies and smooth, easy vocal lines. This is two songs in a row with strong emotional connections in both the lyrics and the music.

"Bury Me Part II: Dig me Up" is another song with a funky bass line and an almost Pop feeling to the music. The middle part of the album features more somber and solemn songs. "Citylights" hears the more rigged up sound return, with a well-timed entrance of thick guitars and bass playing in a tight unison. The might and power of this song are presented confidently. You can't knock the band for their talent, that is for sure, but so far through nine songs, I have yet to come up with the band's identity as a whole, but maybe that doesn't matter? "Stone" is the longest on the album, at over six-minutes. The opening tones are tough, as are the harsh vocals. The mostly dark sound is hardened and vigorous, but the Power Metal tones keep the melody high.

"Things Are Not What They Seem" has another rough entrance with aggressive rhythms and harsh vocals. The cleans in the chorus hears the song take a turn for the melancholy, where it stays through the end. "Guardians" begins with a more straightforward Power Metal sound, where the drums and bass gallop under the guitars and keyboards. The sound drops around the half-way mark, to melancholy tones once more. This seems to be a pretty utilized feature on the album. The rich chorus eventually returns with vigor. "Overcome?" closes the album. It's a sweet little closing song with a catchy melody line. This was an interesting album. The band is clearly talented, and perform across several styles of Metal. Through thirteen songs, each of them held my interest, and were played with confidence. The songs were easy on the ears also, many of them with a good melody line. It was quite an ambitious effort that was mostly met.

7 / 10









"Pinnacle" Track-listing:

1. Open
2. You Have a Message
3. Rebellion
4. Mindcrime
5. Fool
6. Deliverance
7. At All Cost
8. Bury Me Part II: Dig Me Up
9. Citylights
10. Stone
11. Things Are Not What They Seem
12. Guardians
13. Overcome?

Majesty of Revival Lineup:

Dimitriy Pavlovskiy - Guitars, Vocals
Vitalii Popfalushi - Bass, Vocals
Myroslav Danko - Guitars, Vocals
Maestone - Keyboards, Backing Vocals
Marvin - Drums


Kärtsy Hatakka - Vocals
Vasil Dovganych - Guitars
Volodymyr Shchobak - Trumpet
David Readman - Vocals
Veronika Shestakova - Violin
Anzhelika Zyzych - Vocals

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