Manifestum I

Pyrrhic Salvation

PYRRHIC SALVATION is an Internet-based Technical Death Metal band with members from Lancaster, PA and […]
By Alex Barnard
May 1, 2022
Pyrrhic Salvation - Manifestum I album cover

PYRRHIC SALVATION is an Internet-based Technical Death Metal band with members from Lancaster, PA and Richmond, VA. "Manifestum I" is the group's debut album, released independently on February 18, 2022.

Musically, this record is very strong. Despite not being in the same room to record with each other, the band seems to be really tight and locked in with one another, which is no small feat especially given the complexity of the music on this album. Riff wise, one can hear some definite influences from groups like MORBID ANGEL, NILE, and GORGUTS. However, there are some parts that remind me of Nu and Groove Metal bands like MACHINE HEAD and even COAL CHAMBER, particularly in the middle section of " Never Awaken." The contrast between the clean guitars playing dissonant chords mixed with distorted guitars is what really gave it away to me.

However, I will say that the production is severely lacking. In particular, the drums feel very lifeless. It almost feels like they were recorded with maybe three microphones and hardly touched up at all with compression and EQing. The snare clangs quite a bit and is very quiet in comparison to the high hats, which is what gave it away to me that there was probably not a lot of microphones used when recording them. It's unfortunate, because in songs like "Revelations of Agonies to Come" where the beat switches almost every five seconds, you really want the drums to stand out in the mix, and instead they felt kind of lost.

Other stand out tracks for musicianship include "Void Mass Revulsion," which is another intense ride through constant riff changes, intense screaming from vocalist Chrisom Infernium that rival some of the best Death Metal vocalists out there, and incredible basslines; and "A Martyr..." an interesting dynamic change in pace that suits the album well and definitely takes a page out of the DEATH handbook ("Voice for the Soul," anyone?)

Overall, this is a very intense album that shows that PYRRHIC SALVATION have a lot to contribute to the Technical Death Metal scene. It is unfortunate that production is not the best, but the band has clearly made do with what (I'm sure) they had to work. An interesting debut release from an obviously hungry band.

7 / 10









"Manifestum I" Track-listing:

1. Void Mass Revulsion
2. A Martyr...
3. Never Awaken
4. Revelations of Agonies to Come
5. Those That Dwell

Pyrrhic Salvation Lineup:

Chrisom Infernium - Vocals
Sagar Nadgir - Bass, Drums
Michael Altobello - Guitars

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