

MAINBRAIN's first song on their latest album, "Jawbreaker," almost knocks you out as soon as […]
By Allen Peters
April 25, 2022
Mainbrain - Jawbreaker album cover

MAINBRAIN's first song on their latest album, "Jawbreaker," almost knocks you out as soon as you hit play and it only hits harder as you go! After launching you straight up, coming down, you are led into a hypnotic solo, complimented with dread filled drums which tie it all up and end the track. Indonesian artist, Ardha Lepa, grabs your attention on the way into this perverted nightmare with his "jaw dropping", butchered and battered heads on the albums cover, it all makes sense now.  Released on February 11, 2022, this stone solid Spanish Death Metal band recorded at Void Sound Studio, with the help of Fran Corpas Romero, together they put together a blood filled nightmare, culminating at the end with brutal violence in this Death Metal tale of horrors.

The first video single released from this album was "Holmes Castle," which is based on the story of H.H. Holmes and his infamous, hotel-dungeon. The intro for this song comes from the '80s horror classic, Hellraiser, very appropriate, a story that relates to the terror committed in his hotel. It involves the killing of a girl and a primal reward that, if you are curious, can see what it is in their lyric video.

The perversion of "Jawbreaker" lies in that it is about finding the perfect oral satisfaction from a main brain, by removing parts of the head... for optimal pleasure. "Porn Fucker," did not make it on an earlier album so it has a little bit of a different feel since it was written in 2010 but is just the same in its sultry subject matter. It goes along savagely though, appropriate for being the spiciest track on the album. It's about the consequences of porn and relationships, complimented with a funny tone, but also revving the heavy meter all of the way through, for your pleasure.

"Addiction," like the previous song, was written a long time ago but it still feels very relevant in 2022 and fits in nicely in its place on this album. I'm glad that it finally has the opportunity to make its mark since it is the second song that the band wrote, well over ten years ago.

Some of the lyrics are not understandable to me in the beginning so I was a little worried if I would enjoy its entirety, but it all come together nicely, especially in the end with a clearer voice, along with a nice rhythm to Jhonny's growling of the story. "Anymore," follows up and stands on its own, but enjoyably creepy is the next song, a love story. It starts by pounding out the frustrating story of an obsession, about a lover killed and kept forever in the trunk of the car.  Luckily, this song is not the end for everyone, the album continues to get better or at least maintains its power to the end. It is also very refreshing to see that it is also lyrically improving throughout.

"Perfector Lacerator," inspired by guitarist, Cechu, this Black Metal song is about a priest building the perfect human by slicing and cutting, just like the guitar and bass lines do around the drums for this wicked tune. I really enjoyed when the guitar would come in and quickly lay something down in some of the later songs, it was working well for me but then the drums kicked in, so I've got to give some extra props out to Tete for giving his kit such a beat down, especially in this one. Give this song and all of "Jawbreaker" a try. In a world with a lot of options for your time, this one deserves some of yours, if you like brutal.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








"Jawbreaker" Track-listing:

1.  Jawbreaker
2.  Pornfucker
3.  Holmes Castle
4.  Anymore
5.  Perfector Lacerator
6.  Addiction

Mainbrain Lineup:

Jhonny - Vocals
Chechu - Guitar
Cesar - Guitar
Alex - Bass
Tete - Drums

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