Blinded by Evil


Mexican thrashers do a lot things right but fail to ever truly get off the […]
By Huw Eggington
March 3, 2022
B.E.E.R - Blinded by Evil album cover

Mexican thrashers do a lot things right but fail to ever truly get off the mark. Without having ever laid eyes on let alone listened to anything released by this band I was pretty sure I knew exactly what to my were going to sound like, once I saw their logo and artwork I was 100% sure, all aboard! The Thrash Train is ready to depart. Before you move on with this review dear reader I want you to remember this is an absolutely fine album, if you like thrash, especially late 80s and early 90s sounding bands like SEPULTURA or NUCLEAR ASSAULT you will likely get quite a lot out of this album

"Blinded by Evil" is the debut record from Mexican trio B.E.E.R this is an album devoid of originality and innovation, the riffs are riffs we've heard a thousand times before, the beats are derivative of almost every thrash song ever, lyrically they are not much to write home about (the language barrier also causing some issues in translation) in essence this is cut and paste thrash metal in its purest sense. That's not to say they are not good at what they do, they are, it's just what they do hasn't been truly exciting, fresh and cutting edge since 1992. The most interesting song on this record is by far and a way "Thrashing The Christ" the riffing really feels like it has some life and bite to it, moving around the fret board with hammer ons and pull offs galore, this is actually a lot of fun. The breakneck pace in the verses and "chorus" are what you'd expect but none the less effective.

Antonio Bram as a vocalist here is an interesting proposition, doing a better Chris Barnes impersonation than the man himself these days. His style far more suited to death metal than thrash still works very well in this and gives the whole album a raw, aggressive nature which serves the songs well even if the lyrics are slightly cheesy. Party B.E.E.R really should be the standout track on this album, the semi eponymous rager should make you want to shotgun a can of beer and smash it against your skull, but this formula of party thrash anthem is so tired by this point it leaves you just wanting to listen to MUNICIPAL WASTE instead.

Put this band on a festival line up in the middle of the day and I'm positive they would be able to whip the crowd into an absolute frenzy, everyone will come away saying they had a great time, but not remembering a single thing about the songs.

3 / 10









"Blinded by Evil" Track-listing:

1. The End Is The Beginning
2. Sick Prayer
3. Black Like The Sky
4. Nekromantik
5. Party B.E.E.R
6. Thrashing The Christ
7. Blinded World
8. Beer Everywhere Everyday Ruthlessly
9. I Hate The Living
10. Genesis

B.E.E.R Lineup:

Saul Aguilar: Guitars and drums
Luis García: Bass
Antonio Bram: Vocals

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