Les chroniques d'Arda


AINULINDALE is a new comer onto the black metal scene but this little ep gives […]
February 21, 2022
Ainulindale - Les chroniques d'Arda album cover

AINULINDALE is a new comer onto the black metal scene but this little ep gives a hint as to what the future holds for this band. "Les chroniques d'Arda," is their debut release. With four tracks and a run time of just fourteen minutes, this is a short EP that makes it hard to judge a band on but their sound is adventurous and bold.  It is black metal, no doubt about that, but also has a sprawling identity. Overall, the sound is very atmospheric and sprawling. The blackened vocals are well done although the spoken word passages are overused and distracting.

The music, the guitars in particular, flirts with various styles. At some points, I can hear a thrash influences. However, the songs aren't always riff based. The band's compositions are based on what each song needs in a particular moment; there isn't a focus on just one instrument.  Even though they don't have a lot of the same elements, this album does have a folky feel to it—probably because the songs presented in an earthy way.

The opening track is "Les damnés de Numénor" and after the spoken word, a light atmo/ambient section the song kicks into gear. The tempo is slow when the keys are the focus but then speeds up as the guitars and bass take over. The vocals alternate between throaty yells and blackened shrieks. The song sounds expansive and the mud section is clever with its use of chanting vocals over the thrashier riffs. "Dagor-nuin-Giliath," is a more direct track with a tone that is more raw in nature. Bombastic drums and rapid fire vocals form the framework. As I previously mentioned, the spoken word is annoying but the rest of the song is solid.

"Le geste de Maeglin"  is epic, particularly when the keys create a backdrop for the guitars and drums to play from.  Near the end, it all turns theatrical and is a very  satisfying combination of black metal and atmospheric leanings. I have to admit the final track, "Et même les milles cavernes se sont vidées...." I found to be boring. It is an instrumental ambient peace that would have worked better has an intro to the EP instead of a final statement.

Despite that, the other three tracks are solid and based on them, I am looking forward to their debut full length.  I'm willing to bet that with more time to dive into the songs and iron out the details, their next release will be more robust.

7 / 10









"Les chroniques d'Arda" Track-listing:

1. Les damnés de Numénor
2. Dagor-Nuin-Giliath
3. Le geste de Maeglin
4. Et même les milles cavernes se sont vidées....

Ainulindale Lineup:

Boromir - All Instruments
Alatar - Vocals

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