
Looking for Medusa

LOOKING FOR MEDUSA is a French band that was formed in Clermont-Ferrand in 2012 and […]
By Metal Wim
February 8, 2022
Looking for Medusa - Perseus album cover

LOOKING FOR MEDUSA is a French band that was formed in Clermont-Ferrand in 2012 and have released a debut album in 2018 called "De Profundis". Now, just over three years later they are back to amaze us with "Perseus", and I must admit that I am mostly impressed.

Musically there is nothing wrong with "Perseus". This is good contemporary Heavy Metal that sounds very much as 22nd century. No, they don't do crossover or anything else, but the diversity on the album is definitely there. LOOKING FOR MEDUSA have really set the bar high with this one, as whatever song they play, it is all made perfect. From the start, you will be amazed, as "Ezrèbeth" starts with an opening riff that will grab your attention immediately, followed by a short guitar solo before launching into a solid midtempo Heavy Metal Track. The following "Land Of My Fathers" starts with drums only, soon followed by another killer riff, catapulting the song into your ears, brains and heart. And all through the album these feelings just keep on coming, as I just love the music. Sometimes you will hear old fashioned metal, other times it will sound like Rob Zombie ("Amazonia").

Oh, how I hate this part. Why, o why do bands insist on singing in English when it clearly isn't their first language. I have albums by French bands Trust, Océan, High Power and more, all sung in French. I prefer them over any ones they have done in English. You can put so much more emotion into the music as a vocalist if you are really comfortable with the language you're using. Singer Olivier Costes is a very good singer who has a voice that perfectly fits the music and knows how to complement it. But the problem is that he probably speaks English just as bad as I speak French. So, the pronunciation of a lot of the lyrics is almost excruciating. Big exception and showing they do know how it's supposed to be done is "Contact", which is sung in French. You immediately feel and hear the difference. This is LOOKING FOR MEDUSA at their best. It doesn't hurt that this is one of the best ones musically as well, so the pleasure is at least doubled in an instant.

So, even though the voice is not the way I'd like it, because this is so bloody good musically, I just can't stop listening to the contemporary Heavy Metal sounds on "Perseus". So, guys, if you read this, please release a French version of your amazing album and if you would be so kind, send it to me. I would definitely treasure it.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








"Perseus" Track-listing:

1. Ezrèbeth
2. Land of my Fathers
3. Alcatraz
4. Demon
5. Amazonia
6. Contact
7. I'm Wolf
8. Pharaoh

Looking for Medusa Lineup:

Olivier Costes - Vocals
Aurelien Dumas - Guitars
Laurent Pechaubes - Guitars
Bastien Albertini - Bass
Ugo Carucci - Drums

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