Silent Woods


Some readers may be familiar with ENISUM, the Italian atmospheric black metal band who have […]
By Hutch
December 30, 2021
Lys - Silent Woods album cover

Some readers may be familiar with ENISUM, the Italian atmospheric black metal band who have released several pieces of music in the past decade. LYS is the solo project of the main man behind ENISUM, Marcello Apolinari, under the pseudonym Lys. It's a relatively short project, with four tracks but a running time of over 30 minutes means that some of those tracks are long. In fact, three of the four songs are eight minutes plus in length, which allows Lys time to expand his creative ideas. It also means the music must be good to maintain the interest. It doesn't quite hit the mark.

"Silent Woods" is an interesting and ambitious release. There is a complex yet organic relationship between blasting, raw black metal, and acoustic playing, taking the listener deep into nature and the outdoors. The variation provides a wide palette from which to choose from, swinging from deep, emotionally charged acoustic passages to visceral blast beats and frenzied black metal chapters without warning. Does it work? Well, in the main yes. But there is something of a rejected grunge musician in parts of the release which don't sit that well with me. The frenzied screams that puncture the air are unnerving whilst the actual black metal is rudimentary.

I can see the approach that Lys is taking. Drawing on the likes of WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM and AGALLOCH, he has decided to pursue a more challenging and complex approach which in the main works well. The problem is the interplay between the elements of light and dark can sometimes become a little unstructured. "Silent Woods", another eight-minute song descends to the depths with evil utterings and screams in the harsher sections but there is little to really excite. The interplay between acoustic and electronic movements is a little tepid at times.

The acoustic intro to final song "Like Ashes in the Wind" is delightful, and clean vocals provide respite from the demanding black metal screeches. And yet there is something missing from this release. Whether it is the interplay and passion between band members, something that I find all too often with solo outfits, I'm not sure. Musically its impressive and yet there is a fire and energy absent. There are also a lot of looping guitar parts, and whilst that is one of the key features, it's a little overdone and perhaps a little boring.

6 / 10

Had Potential








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"Silent Woods" Track-listing:

1. Like Ashes in The Wind
2. Mountains, Forests, Rivers
3. Bonfire
4. Silent Wood

Lys Lineup:

Marcello Apolinari (Lys): all instruments, vocals

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