Last Trumpet Of A Giant

The Mammuthus

If you're not familiar with THE MAMMAUTHUS, well, you should remedy that quickly! They are […]
By Djenty Djessica Schiefelbein
July 6, 2021
The Mammuthus - Last Trumpet Of A Giant album cover

If you're not familiar with THE MAMMAUTHUS, well, you should remedy that quickly! They are a Stoner / Groove Metal band but you definitely don't have to be a stoner to enjoy their groove. These guys have a very unique sound that is smooth, mellow, bluesy, funky, and perfectly nostalgic. They have self released two EPs and are now presenting their first album on Sliptrick Records, "Last Trumpet of a Giant." Anyone who enjoys a classic, mellow sound will be sure to enjoy this one. Come, take a drive with me and I'll tell you all about it.

I can think of any number of situations where this album would make the perfect soundtrack. Having some friends over for D&D? This album. Country drive in your pickup truck? This album. Smoking a bowl and playing Fallout? This album. Getting laid? This. Freaking. Album. There's no strong emotions or overly powerful instrumentals. Just smooth, mellow music.

One of my favorite tracks on the album has to be "Tombstone Rumble." The band cranked the funkiness level up to ten for this one. It's upbeat, fun, and guaranteed to have you tapping your feet until you learn the words to sing along. And I'm not just saying that because I like songs about getting in fights, although I totally do. Just listen, I know you'll like it.

The titular song, "Last Trumpet of a Giant," also got my attention. It's definitely catchy and I'll bet you a dollar it'll get stuck in your head at least once. Every band member plays their part perfectly and they fit together as a whole quite solidly. High fives all around.

This may not be your typical heavy Metal album, but it's a definite winner. Not every minute of every day has to be a headbanger. Because eventually we get headaches. And this album is perfectly smooth and satisfying for those headache days. These guys have It. Zazz. And I look forward to hearing more music from these very talented people.

8 / 10









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"Last Trumpet Of A Giant" Track-listing:

1. Pile of Gravel
2. Last Trumpet of a Giant
3. Riddles
4. Ostrich Man
5. Tombstone Rumble
6. Yanar Dag (The Burning Mountain)
7. Wildfire
8. Wooden Walls
9. The Raven

The Mammuthus Lineup:

Joachim Åkerman - Vocals
Mikael "Lyris" Karlsson - Guitar
Simon Wärnén - Drums
Rolf Norling - Bass
Kalle Edh - Guitar

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